IssueshaveI: Hey. Sorry it's been taking me forever to update. I hope that you all really do like my story. Sometimes it feels like I'm not all that good. Oh well. XP I hope that all of you are well and would be very kind to review this chappie.

Disclaimer: If I owned Yu Yu Hakusho, I probably wouldn't be on my computer writing a story with another character on it on a website where my idea could be taken…or would I?…

I could smell roses. A whole bush of them. My nose was tingling with the sent. I tried to walk closer to it, feeling the need to find their location. I heard something, someone, calling my name. I inched closer the voice, which was mixed with the wonderful smell. My body started to shake. Why am I shaking? I'm not doing this. And finally, I opened my eyes. They were locked with someone else's. A pair of green emerald ones.

"KURAMA!" I screamed as I pushed myself further away from him. Kurama's faced showed a combination of concern and confusion. I looked around at my surroundings. I was in my bed, still in my clothes from last night. My sheets had been pushed to the bottom of my bed and I had a red mark on my cheek from laying on my hand. "W-What are you doing here?" I hadn't looked at his clothing and started to blush. He was wearing a pair of pajama bottoms and no top. I turned to look away.

"I came in when I heard some grunting coming from inside your room. I looked at your bed and you were moving in harsh motions so I tried to shake you awake." Kurama explained to me very carefully. His eyes still showed concern. "O-oh…" I felt embarrassed again. "Well, my mom did always say I slept like a squirrel in a blender…" I laughed at the thought. Kurama must have found it amusing too and he lightly chuckled.

Mom…I had forgotten… "Mom…" I looked up at him, not knowing what to say except everything I felt. Sad, alone, embarrassed, depressed, all of them couldn't express how I felt at that moment. (yes, again) I started to tear up again. My vision became blurry and all I could see was Kurama's face. It looked sympathetic, like before. I looked away again and buried my face in my pillow. I cried like that for what seemed like days, when I felt a hand caress my back. "H-Huh?" I brought my face up to see Kurama smiling at me. "It's alright. You cry all you need to." His comfort brought some warmth into my almost frozen soul.

I tried to smile back, feeling like I needed to, but I couldn't. Tears came to my eyes again and I buried my face into my pillow once more. I sobbed loudly, then felt some arms wrap around me. What in the world? Kurama had pulled me close to him in a tight embrace. Wanting to sob into something, I hid my face in his chest and cried. He rubbed my back soothingly and cooed into my ear saying "It's alright. You'll be okay. Cry all you need to."

After a few minutes, more like twenty, I pulled my face away and started to wipe my face with my sleeve. Getting most of my tears off my cheeks, I looked up at Kurama. He was calm. Smiling down at me. I smiled back up at him and started to laugh. "I'm sorry I did that. That was an over reaction…" As my voice trailed off in the last sentence, I turned my face towards the ground. Kurama hooked a finger under my chin and pulled my face up to look at him. What is he doing?… I started to blush. "Don't feel embarrassed about how you feel. I know this is hard. To loose one parent is a terrible thing, but to loose them both would be like loosing your soul." I stared into his eyes noticing that he told the truth. I nodded at his statement and my eyes started to tear up once more. Kurama shook his head. "Now don't you cry again." Gently, he took his forefinger and glided it under my eyes to wipe away my tears. I smiled at him.

"Kurama, why are you so kind to me? You don't even know me. Not personally that is." He chuckled and said, "Because I can relate. My father died when I was little. I don't remember him much." Oh my gosh. I-I never would have thought… "Oh my gosh. Kurama I'm so sorry." I looked at him with my best sympathetic face. He chuckled. "It's alright. I've just learned to handle my sadness." I nodded in agreement. "Well, thanks for caring Kurama…" I blushed, still seeing only his bare chest. He smiled, said, "Come here", and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Oh Katie" came the person from outside my door with a cheery voice. "Did you listen to the c-" My door opened and there stood Keiko, dumbfounded. "d?"

"K-Keiko?" I stammered out the words.

Keiko just blushed and closed the door. "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't know I was interrupting anything." I blushed even harder at her statement. "WHAT?" I pried myself out of Kurama's grasp and ran over to the door to tell her the truth. When I opened the door, all I could see, was a pair of pigtails turning down a corner. "KEIKO!" I screamed as I leaned further out of the doorway. I must have leaned too far. I fell flat on my face.

"Hahahahahaha!" I heard two boys laughing at my fall. One with a low, silly sounding guffaw, the other just silly. I looked up and saw Yusuke and Kuwabara with Keiko. Keiko, trying to stifle a laugh, exclaimed, "Couldn't you have stayed where you were so I had evidence?" What? I tried to think back to what had happened? What in the world is she…oh…Kurama. I blushed, "Keiko! Nothing was happening! N-Nothing." Keiko giggled and winked as Kurama carefully tip-toed around me to get out of my room. Then he put a hand down to me and pulled me up. I smiled at him, not noticing that I was still holding his hand. Keiko nudged me, figuring that I had noticed. I blushed a bright cherry red, let go of his hand, and locked myself in my room. Okay, what just happened?…

-Outside Katie's room. (3rd person)-

Yusuke and Kuwabara had finished their laugh and walked off. Keiko had giggled, elbowed Kurama a little, and walked off. Kurama just stood there, completely unaware of what the other's were talking about. He sensed something.

"Hello Hiei." Hiei walked slowly around a corner and stood next to the red haired boy. "What where those idiots talking about?" Kurama shook his head. "I'm afraid, I do not know, Hiei." Hiei hned his famous hn and leaned against the piece of wall next to Katie's door. "What's the onna so embarrassed about?" Hiei motioned towards Katie's door. "Hm?" Kurama looked over at Hiei. "What do you mean?"

"She's 'freaking out' over something, but she won't speak it in her mind." Hiei scoffed at the somewhat rude behavior of the girl. "Hiei." Kurama warned. "You know you're not supposed to be reading peoples minds when they aren't aware of it." Hiei hned again and changed his position. Hm, Kurama thought, I wonder what is wrong with Katie. I hope she isn't crying again. Hiei smirked again. "What is it Hiei?"

"You like her, don't you?" Hiei teased. Kurama's eyes widened at this outburst. "What are you talking about Hiei? I don't like her, I just can relate to her." "Right, Kurama. I'll just go polish my sword." Hiei then walked off, smirking to himself.

I don't like her, I couldn't like her…could I? Kurama opened Katie's bedroom door a crack and peered inside. He saw her brushing her hair in front of a mirror. He blushed a bit and quickly, but gently, closed the door. He leaned against the wall at the side of Katie's room and sunk down to the floor. If I don't like her, then why am I blushing?

IssueshaveI: Okay that was most likely my corniest chapter ever. I'm so sorry for all of the OOC in there. I know some of the stuff was a bit out there. But, I would like to see some reviews! For me, the saying "Out of sight, out of mind" really works well. If I don't see some reviews, I will most likely forget about updating. I hope this chapter wasn't as bad as I think it was! Ja ne!