A/N: I IS SOOOOOOO sorry that I haven't updated in like 100000 years but I really dunno how to carry on the chapter, I mean he just lost the love of his life, now what!!!! Well here is my idea, hope u like…
Disclaimer: on the first page
Chapter umm… 8 no wait 10:
Raimundo lay down on his bed and sighed, staring at the ceiling. After Kimiko ha gone he had ventured back to the temple:
Raimundo walked and walked, he couldn't find the energy to fly, Kimiko was his energy, his everything. He dragged his feet as he walked, dust clouded as his foot dug into the ground and pulled along in turn. He stopped and stared at the cloud of dust, burying his feet, he looked up, the sun was rising and he squinted in radiant beauty. He thought of Kimiko his angel, his world. He began to walk, it was a long journey to the temple.
He arrived at the temple at night, the moonlight making it look like a place of peace and tranquillity, but he new better. He thought the it of the place of fire! Fire, he couldn't bear the thought of fire, Kimiko had been the dragon fire, the thought of her, lost in some place of pain and hurt made his heart wilt.
He wondered around the temple for a while, all the memories so close to him drifted away, he wondered past the shen-gon-wu room, past the room with the computer, past the dining room. He walked past Kimiko's bedroom before going to his own room and perching on the end of his bed, looking at the wall. He lay back and curled up, thinking about all the events, and new that sooner or later he would have to let the nightmares and dreams cloud his vision.
"RAIMUNDO" Raimundo was woken by the shouts of a familiar voice. He tuned over onto his back and opened his eyes
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" he yelled scrambling backwards to a sitting position, he was not expecting to see the yellow head of Omi right in front of him.
"Rainmudo, my dear friend I am extremely glad to see you" Omi cried jumping up and down on the bed. Raimundo, who was finally relaxed, looked up at Clay, who was leaning against the door frame with one leg over the other and Master Fung who was standing behind him.
"Hi everyone umm…" he decided to get straight to the point " umm well Kimiko is gone, and well I only came here to find out where she is" Clay had uncrossed his legs and Omi had stopped jumping on the bed, but master fung did nothing. Raimundo carried on and explained how and why Kimiko had gone.
In the next few weeks, Raimundo found himself constantly researching on the web and in books, if not, he would be sitting on his bed, thinking. At this point in time Raimundo had been sitting on his bed staring at the floor when master fung approached, Raimundo didn't move.
"Raimundo, I would like you to meet someone" Master Fungs voice was still the same, no change. "this is Erica, the new dragon of fire" Raimundo let our a small, harsh laugh and looked up to a girl about his height, with big, sapphire blue eyes and long, slightly kinky, Reddish blondish hair. She smiled at him but he did not smile back. He just stared back at the floor.
"well, Raimundo, I would expect this from YOU, but remember, a friend is like a balloon, you may loose them at any time" Master Fung's voice was cold and harsh now and he glared at Raimundo and then left pulling Erica with him.
Raimundo sat outside leaning against the tree, blossom fluttering down onto his lap. He stared at them, deep into the pinkish purplish colour that was the silky, smooth petals. he looked up to the sky and closed his eyes, a petal landed in his hand and he felt someone's hand on his and close it onto the petal, this brought back memories, he looked down to his hand and then into the sapphire eyes of Erica. She blinked and then smiled widely at him, Raimundo couldn't smile.
"common, come on and have some fun with us" her voice was persistent and kind of girlish, he looked down at his hand and thought.
"come ON" she said trying to pull him up. "why not, you could use some fun" she said. He stood up, pulling his hand away from hers, he began to walk towards the temple. Erica turned on her heel, not giving up him.
She waited a minute before chasing after him. She walked with him.
"I guess we got off on the wrong foot" she said "well I am Erica and you are…?" she said, Raimundo didn't answer "okkkkaaaayyy… umm well I am Erica and well my friends call me Erin" she said, Raimundo stopped and turned to face her "well ok… hi Erica" he said calmly
"umm my friends call me Erin" she said with a tone of voice which clearly said you freak ass, remember, now be my friend
"yeah well I know that I'm not stupid."
"then why not call me Erin?"
because you're not my friend" she said and began to walk again. Erica, who had clearly never faced rejection, was slightly shocked by this remark, but quickly called after him,
"RAI" This made Raimundo stop in his tracks and turn.
"no one calls me Rai except… Kim" he said harshly
"but I just…"
"no, I don't care if you 'just' no one calls me that, got it" he shouted at her. Erica did not take this remark well at all. She ran around him so she was facing him and stared him in the eyes.
"no one has ever rejected me" she said angrily and she slapped him around the face, Raimundo was not fazed by this, he mearly pushed past her and kept on walking, into the temple and out of sight…
Caky: hey… where's pinky? (I run in balancing a spoon on my nose)
Me: hey guys look what I can do (laughs insanely)
Vixy: pinky… you have an audience!!!!
Me: oh I see… ok so a sucky chapter and BTW if anyone has any ideas for me please tell me. Also Erica has no main part in the story I just felt like putting her in, but if anyone has a better idea that can involve her PLEASE tell me!!!!
Caky: I have an idea
Me: I didn't mean you, you plum
Caky: but I have a good idea
Me: I don't care
Vixy: yeah it is probably to do with food
Caky: how did you know, WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE (runs off stage)
Vixy: okayyyyy that was random
Me: sunshine buttercups and rainbows everything that's good and nice and blahdy blahdy blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Vixy: okay that was probably the most random thing ever, we had better go, bye bye everyone