Ok, I was up late at night and this came out. I love dialog, so I figured it would be fun to write a series of dialogs without anything else. Can you guess who the two people are? (before the end)

"I think you just smiled," the woman said, grinning at him. He shook his head a little, but she was right.

"Perhaps," he said.

"You should do it more," she retorted, "it suits you."

"Do you think he might?" she said, looking up at the man cautiously.

"Just ask him," he said, hiding the smile that was creeping onto his face.

"I can't do that!" she replied, exasperated, "It's too...serious, you know?"

"Always try," he said, giving her a pat on her shoulder, "Never give up."

"I didn't think you were so positive," she replied, giving him a skeptical look.

"I'm not," he said, stalking off while she looked after him confusedly.

"Tell me about her," she said, blocking the exit he was making his way towards.

"Move," he said with an irritated voice.

"Not until you tell me about her," she said, crossing her arms stubbornly.

"There is nothing to tell," he said, pushing her aside.

"I can tell when someone is in love, you know," she said, putting herself in his path again.

"Was," he said, pushing past her, almost running.

"So when did it fade for you?" she said, always the conversation starter. He was staring off into space, as usual.

"When I knew I couldn't see her again," he replied, reluctantly. She patted his hand, her eyes expressing concern.

"So you've given up?" she said, pulling her hand away, "I didn't think you had it in you."

"You don't know me," he replied, shifting in his seat uncomfortably.

"Well, I won't claim to," she said, grinning slyly, "But it faded for me, too, you know." He looked up at her, a little surprised.

"Why?" he asked, a faint breathy question.

"He doesn't love me," she said, staring off into nothingness, "Besides, he's not the only person I've ever thought of that way."

"Oh," he said, picking up his drink, "Hope this new beau has some more sense."

"He's not a beau...yet" she said, taking a swig of her shot.

"Well, you should tell him," he said, placing the glass back on the table, "That was your problem before."

"I know," she answered, "I just had to make sure he was available."

"Don't EVER scare me like that again!" he shouted at her, as she staggered onto her feet.

"What," she said with more than a hint of sarcasm, "No mouth to mouth?" He grabbed her shoulders roughly, and shook her lightly.

"I was...worried," he said, his voice softening, "I thought you were dead."

"Ya, well, it takes more than a psychopath to knock Tifa Lockheart down!" she said, her burgundy eyes dancing playfully.

"Just be careful," he said, "You are not as immortal as you think."

"Tifa?" he asked, not sure if she was awake. She stirred.

"Hmmm?" she replied, a little groggy still.

"She was very beautiful," he said, recalling an old confrontation, "Very intelligent. But ultimately foolish."

"Obviously," she said, casting him a timid look, "Look at the weirdo she married."

"I suppose," he said, looking down into his lap, "But I still feel responsible."

"Some things never change..." she trailed off, rolling over to go back to sleep.

"Goodnight...Tifa," he whispered.

"Vincent?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Yes?" he replied.

"You're immortal, right?" she asked cautiously.

"Unfortunately," he replied, looking away from her.

"Will you visit my grave when I'm gone?" she asked timidly, turning so that he could look at her straight.

"Every chance I get," he replied, barely audible.

"Ok..." she said walking off.

"...I just hope you live a long life, Tifa"

"Tifa..." he said, tapping her lightly on the shoulder.

"Yes, Vince?" she said, turning around to face him.

"...I will be leaving..." he said, turning his head down.

"......ok," she replied slightly downcast. Then she perked up, "Take care."

"...goodbye." He walked off, she stared at his retreating form for a few minutes.

"Don't go," she said finally, and despite the distance he gained, his fine hearing allowed him to distinguish her voice.


"...I...." she began, her words choking in her throat.

"I love you too," he said, making his way back to her.