Disclaimer: I don't own harry Potter

Don't Speak

Part Seven

"Is it safe to come in?"

Healer Jane DeSotho was accustomed to asking that before walking into every patient's room, even the ones who were unconscious, or unable to speak. It was common courtesy, after all everyone had a right to privacy, even the grumpy and bratty.

This patient was all of the above, and more. Draco Malfoy was still in a foul mood from all his injuries, and even a ticket to the Falcons game hadn't cheered him up. Jane smiled at his sour face.

"Hullo Grouchy-Pants! What's wrong?"

He groaned at her happy demeanor, and waved his ticket in her face. She frowned, placing her hands on her hips.

"What's wrong with that? A pretty girl asks you to a Falcons game, and you're grouchy?"


It was almost a gagging noise. She rolled her eyes at his childish behavior, and began to magically change his wrappings. "That's not very nice of you, Draco. Hermione could have given that ticket to anyone, but instead, she gave it to you. What do you think that means, aside from the fact that she has no taste at all?"

She paused, and watched his face contort into a horrified expression. I think he's gotten it now.

"She liiiiiikes you!"

He shook his head desperately, wincing as his wires shifted dangerously. Jane "tsk"-ed him impatiently, and charmed his wires back into place.

"You're going to kill yourself one day, do you know that? Well," she stifled a snigger, "As long as Hermione doesn't kill you first."

He seemed to agree with her.

"She does it all in love though. You should have seen her while you were in casting. I've never seen someone cry that much!"

His eyes widened as she changed his pillowcases. "She cares, I think."

I think. Throwing the dirty linens onto her trolley, she headed out the door with a wink and a wave.


Hermione watched, fascinated, as Francine picked her nose across the table. It had been a quiet morning at St. Mungo's, almost devoid of any real injuries, so she had to rely on menial entertainment to get her through the day.

The door opened, and in popped Jane. Throwing a quick wave in Francine's direction, she pushed her trolley into the corner, and plopped down next to Hermione. With a wave of her wand, she had a cup of coffee. Sipping it thoughtfully, she asked;

"Guess who I visited this morning?"

"Who," Hermione responded automatically. Jane snorted into her mug.

"I thought it would be obvious. Draco, of course!"

Groans erupted from around the table. She looked wildly around at everyone. "What?!?"

"It is obvious, Jane. You're obsessed with the guy." Francine gulped down her own cup of java. "It's a bit scary, actually."

"Oh yeah! Well, you pick your nose!"

Hermione chuckled. "You two crack me up."

Jane smirked. "Oh, do we? Well, aren't you a mite bit obsessed with Draco too?"

"Obsessed? Nooooo." She casually sipped her coffee. "I'm just concerned about his well being, that's all."

That sounded so fake. Glancing around the room, she downed her mug, and stood up. "If you'll all excuse me, I have work to do."

"Work?" Francine smiled. "I need some work. Where are you finding this work?"


Hermione left the lounge, and headed up the lift to Gilderoy's room. The entire staff was impressed by his progress so far, and Healer Guthig was betting that he would be out by September.

Unlike Malfoy. What would Hogwarts be like without Malfoy? No one to bug her, or call her names......

"Ha," she mumbled to herself. "I sound like a sap."

Like I would actually miss him tormenting me.


It came quite suddenly, actually. The entire staff of St. Mungo's had known that it was coming for weeks, and it was only luck that Hermione was there to catch it. It was a question only she could answer.

"Why do people hate me, Hermione?"

Gilderoy Lockhart looked up from his book with watery eyes. Hermione immediately dropped her files, and rushed over to hug him. Gunhilda had been prepping her for his questions all week. She had explained that he was in a very intense recovery period, where he was impressionable and fragile.

"People don't hate you, Gilderoy. Why do you think they would?"

He sniffed, and buried himself into her hair. "I saw some people talking about me. And, oh, I know I'm not supposed to listen to strangers, but I did, and they said mean things."

Hermione felt something wet and sticky seep onto her shoulder. She supressed a grimace, and patted Gilderoy's golden curls gingerly. "I'm sure they didn't mean it."

"Of course they did!" he sobbed. "Why would they say it if they didn't mean it?"

"Well, sometimes people say things they don't mean," she whispered. "Like jealous people. People who want things you have." She cleared her throat. "I'd bet the people who said mean things about you don't actually mean them. I mean, sometimes people say mean things about me, about my hair, and how I'm a Muggleborn, but they don't actually mean it. What they're actually trying to say is that they're jealous of me! Jealous!" Screwing up her face, she shook her head, and spat, "How could anyone be jealous of me! Especially him! Who am I trying to fool! People say mean things about others because they just want to! There's no real reason! They're just mean-spirited, cruel-hearted gits! Right, Gilderoy? Gilderoy?"


"Never mind."

She stood up quietly, setting the sleeping Lockhart down on the rug. Wow, talk about bi-polar, OOC Hermione, she thought, thankful that the impressionable patient hadn't heard her little unstability rant. Gunhilda would have had her head for it.

Checking her watch for the time, Hermione headed downstairs to leave. On a whim, she decided to go visit Malfoy. After all, he was her patient, under her care, and she hadn't visited him in almost three days!

Outside his door, she suddenly stopped. Was that a kettle? She could hear a strange noise coming from Malfoy's room. It stopped, then started again, this time crafting a unique tune.

Is that.....Another One Bites the Dust?

She poked her nose around the doorframe, and pulled back when she saw Malfoy humming the catchy Muggle song with zest.

I suppose sitting alone in a hospital room would do that to a person. She knocked lightly on the door, and stepped in. Malfoy abruptly ended his concert when he saw her there, and scowled.

"Sorry to disturb you." Her mind went blank. What am I supposed to say? "I....uh...really like Queen too."

Scowl, scowl, scowl. Apparently his musical talents weren't meant to be overheard. Hermione blushed pink. Harry and Ron always sang in the shower at The Burrow, and she found it so annoying. Malfoy was equally tone-deaf, but she found him.....touching?

Cute. That's what it was. She found his singing cute!

What's wrong with me?

Malfoy cocked his head at her, like she was stupid or something. She blushed back.

He wrinkled his nose. She bit her lip.

He silently groaned. She giggled.

Oh no.....


That's an "oh no" for both Mione and this author. I hate it when she suddenly falls for Malfoy. It sucks, and deflates a story. But, hey, I'm a fool in love! Maybe he'll do something disgusting in the next chapter.....

Majority rules! Sorry, but the ending is NOT going to be a songfic! I'll probably post the lyrics to the song (Don't Speak, by No Doubt, a bit of a no-brainer) before I actually post the chapter, just to get everyone in the mood. Comprende? Oh yes, and this doesn't mean this story is ending soon. Nope nope nope

I totally blundered through this, the beginning-middle of the chapter is like a giant run-on sentence. I'm sorry for the crappy quality here, but after I listened to "Don't Speak" I got ideas. Coincidence? I think not! Maybe a "Hey Baby" one shot in the future.....?