After the long walk fro China Town, they all brought themselves to a halt. Thinking it was time for a short break. They had arrived in some sort of huge jungle area.They did however notice a very strange construction going on, it was redirecting all water away from the waterfall and into some sort of container.

"Hey! What do they think they're doing?" Sonic growled.

"Something they shouldn't be doing. I think we should go have a chat with them, eh Topaz?" Rouge said, as her and Topaz walked up to the stream.


"Hello? Hello?" Topaz called. Just then a workerman come out.

"How can I help you?" He asked, sincerely.

"This redirection of the stream, it has to stop! If not, we'll call the government." Rouge said, angrily.

"Good luck, the government's law isn't in effect here." The worker said as he walked away.


"Well? Any luck?" Knuckles asked.

"Not at all. He said the government's laws don't apply here, and he's right. There's nothing we can do." Topaz said, defeated.

"Well then, the expert swimmers here will have to remove it themselves." Tails said, matter-of-factly.

"Me and Knuckles won't manage that on our own." Rouge said with a frown, as her ears flopped.

"Did someone mention swimming?" Everybody spun around and saw Big.

"Big, we have someonething to do, will you help us?" Knuckles asked.

"But, will you then explain to me why I'm here?" Big asked in return.

"We'll explain everything when the mission's done." Sonic said.

"Okie-dokie. What do we have to do?" Big questioned.

"We'll explain everything on the way.." Rouge said, as she, Knuckles and Big set off back towards the stream.


The three of them climbed into the stream.

"You guys ready?" Ruge asked.

"Uh-huh." They replied.

Just then, the stream started rushing at super-speed.

"What's going on?" Knuckles cried, he then saw Rouge being washed away and grabbed her as he punched his fist into a wall - securing them for the moment. They looked and saw Big holding his own.

"Knuckles! Rouge! I can't do this mission on my own." Big said as he swam over to them.

Just then, a huge serpent-like robot popped out of the ground.

"That can't be good.." Rouge said as she sweatdropped.

The serpent dived over and crashed into the part of the wall Knuckles was latched onto, smashing it and freeing Knuckles from the security it offered. Big grabbed the Echidna's hand, who was still holding onto Rouge's. He then placed the two on his shoulders as hepaddled around.

"I'll support you two. Just take care of the big snakey." Big requested.

Knuckles nodded "Bat Girl, you gonna first? Keep him distracted for a minute!" Knuckles said to her. She nodded.

"Your plan better be good, Echidna Boy. If not, I'll kill you myself!" She then jumped up into the air and took off towards the serpent.

Knuckles looked around, he then spotted a power ring next to the edge of the dam "Hey Big, swim over there." Knuckles said, pointing. Big did so, Knuckles then grabbed the ring and beams started coming shining out of his hand, as if he was squeezing sunshine itself. "Here I come!"

Knuckles started flying upwards through the air toward the serpent. Just then, the scales on the back of the robot's head flared up and a beam come out of its mouth, sending Knuckles flying out of the air. Rouge stared at the weak-looking material underneath the scales.

"No time to lose." She whispered. Spinning into a tornado, she smashed through the material.

"Arhhhhh!" The robot screamed as it thrashed around.

"Way-hey!"Big cheered, he then jumped into the air and caught Knuckles. "You okay?"

"S-sure..." Knuckles said weakly.

Rouge then landed on Big's back. "Hey, Echidna Boy, you okay?" Rouge asked, trying not to care too much.

Just then, the serpent came towards them, they ducked, to see the serpent go right over their heads.

"What is that thing up to?" Knucles wondered aloud. Just then, the thng started swimming towards them. "Uh-oh.." The scarlet guardian put his fists up, trying to ready himself for the forthcoming danger. He blindly swung forward, landy a lucky shot on the serpent's head, knocking it to the side, it getting its head stuck in the side of the dam.

"Not bad..." Rouge said in awe.

"Heheh. It as nothing." Knuckles said, confidently. Taking full credit for the fluke. Just then the both of them almost fell off as Big started swimming towards the serpent.

"Hey, Big. Mind letting us know before you START SWIMMING!" Rouge yelled. Big ignored her and grabbed the serpent's tail.

"Rouge, carry Knuckles for a minute." Big requested, she just nodded. He then started spinning around in a circle, while holding the serpent's tail. He then let go, and sent the serpent flying right into the wall which was preventing the correct flow of the dam. And with an explosion, the wall was gone, along with the serpent.


The odd trio walked over to where the water was going.

"Hmm, we have to redirect this flow off water off the clff, back into the stream.." Rouge said, looking at the huge container the water was being funneled into, it was already three quarters of the way full. Knuckles started pushing, not budging it at all. Rouge sighed.

"That Echidna.." She then started pushing. Neither of them were able to budge this.

"COWABUNGA!" Big charged forward and rammed the container with his shoulder. The two back legs of the container lifted off the ground.

Knuckles startd punching the container, trying to mke it lose balance. Rouge followed suit with her kicking. It was slowly starting to tip. Big punched the container, making it lose its balance and tip on its side - pouring all the water it had collected back into the stream.

"We did it!" Knuckles cheered as the others came over to congratulate them.

"Dam we're good!" Rouge said with a wink.