Don't Mess With Me

Hey. My name is Kagome Higurashi, and welcome to my life. I go to Elden High school. I'm just your average teenage girl. Oh, did I mention that I am the leader of a kickass punk group? I have a couple of best friends. Theirs Sango, who is my best friend ever, Miroku, who is this really perverted guy who hits on every girl he sees, Rin, who is this total badass girl, and Shippo, who is the innocence of the group. I love all my friends, and wouldn't trade them for anything.

There is one friend I would trade though, Inuyasha Youkai. Believe it or not, we used to be best friends, until he started to date Kikyo. Kikyo is my sworn enemy; she is a total preppy bitch, who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone. She messes with Inuyasha's head, and he totally goes along with her when ever she pisses me off. But hey, what can you do. This is a messed up world, and we are all living in it. But god, do I hate her. I also hate Inuyasha. But, THAT is my life.