The Unthinkable: Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own Law And Order SVU it would take the fun away from watching if I did!! So for now I will just play with the characters!
Note: Later chapters will be rated R! Please read and review otherwise I might lose my inspiration! Might be minor OE later but maybe not its all up to my reviewers
The cold New York air stung Kathleen's face as she walked up to the St. Anne's High School. " Hey Kathleen" called a familiar voice from in back of her. Turning around she recognized the person as her old friend Sara. "Hey wait up" called Sara as she slowly jogged up Kathleen. "What's up" asked Kathleen in a fake enthusiastic way? "What's up, You that's what's up you've been all weird lately something is obviously wrong come on tell me is it with the 'rents?" "No, nothing is wrong I just wish people would stop asking me that", Kathleen sharply replied in such a manner that worried Sara. "I've gotta go Sara I'll... I'll see you at lunch" Kathleen called out to Sara as she took off in the direction of the history room.
Once Kathleen reached the history room, she walked in and sat down in the last row of desks, praying to be ignored by her teacher as well as everyone else in the class. Classes slowly seeped by and so did Kathleen's piece of mind. Lunchtime arrived and Kathleen just walked in to the Cafeteria and sat down at a table unable to eat or concentrate or even think her thoughts were so jumbled up! Kathleen felt like crying but she was never one to be emotional. She thought about cutting her afternoon classes, but her grades were dropping and someone would eventually tell her parents a thought she shuddered to think. Facing the wrath of a mad Elliot Stabler was not high on her list of things she would like to do. So Kathleen gave up that idea and headed to face her worst nightmare again!
Kathleen's next classes went by with agony each minute that ticked by the butterflies in her stomach increased, finally the moment had arrived where she would have to walk into that classroom. Kathleen did her best to gather herself up and walk into the room with dignity. Her tears were being held back along with anger and fright! Kathleen managed to sit down when Mr. O'Brien walked up to the front of the room and told the class to take out their assignment. Kathleen gulped oh no she thought, we had an assignment! As Mr. O'Brien walked around the room he stopped at Kathleen's desk. "Kathleen why isn't your homework done, he said as he crouched down closer to her and put his hand on her leg and started moving it upward. Softly he said so only she could hear "You've been a very naughty girl I'll deal with you later", he started standing up and said a little louder "Miss. Stabler I would like to see you after class" at that Kathleen just about lost it. She felt like she could puke. This is the last time he will ever touch me or anyone else she thought!