Faith: He people! I hope you enjoy this fic! This is my first SesshomaruKagome fic. Sorry for the OOCness

Inuyasha: Oh just get on with the story all ready

Faith: Oh shut-up! You two-timing jerk!

April: Hi I'm a friend of the authors. I'm supposed to keep you bizy while Faith beats up Inuyasha. Oh look who it is . . . it's Kagome.

Kagome: Hey everyone.

Sesshomaru: How come no one is talking to me?

Everyone screams.

Faith: When did you get here?

Sesshy: A half an hour ago.

Sweat drops.

April: And you never made yourself noticed?!?

Inuysha and Sesshomaru cover their ears.

April: Opps sorry. Laughs nervously

Faith: OoOok then . . . On to the story . . .

Chapter one

The group had been walk for what seemed like days. "Inuyasha can we please make camp now. I mean it all most night time." Kagome complained.

"Feh. Fine wrench. But we leave first thing in the morning. Got it?" he asked. "Yes sir." She answered jokingly.

Kagome then kneeled down and started to unpack some sleeping bags, a tent, a book, a flashlight, and of course a pot and some ramen. It took about five minutes to set upcamp, when she was done Kagome started to boil some water for the ramen. "Are you almost done?! I'm starvin over here." Inuysha yelled.

"Well do you think you can wait just another two minutes for your precious ramen?" she yelled. Just then she saw him sniff the air. "Um guys I think I'm going to go for a little walk. You know, to stretch my legs."

"But Inuyasha, you just sat down.' Shippo said. "Yeah well I just fell like going for a walk. "with that he turned and left. A minute later the ramen was done.

"I think that I better go get him. Before it (the ramen) gets cold." Then she sprinted off in the same direction that Inuyasha just took moments ago.

Kagome stopped suddenly when she heard Inuyasha's voice.

"Kikyo! I never stop thinking about you! Never even for a second!" he said.

"Inuyasha is this true?" Kikyo asked. (the whore! I hate her! Sorry again Kikyo lovers)

"Yes of co-"he stopped when he smelt salt. Kagome then stepped and into the clearing.

"Inuyasha, how could you. I loved you." She whispered. Then ran off into the forest. ' What did she just say? Did she say she loved me?! But I can't love her. I love Kikyo. Why can't she understand that I love her like a sister.' He thought to himself.

With Kagome

She was running. Where? She didn't know. She was just running. Trying to escape the pain of rejection. Just then she came across a hot spring. "Oh just what I need right now. A nice soothing bath." Then she remembered that she left her bag back at camp. ' Oh well. I guess I'll just soak.' She thought.

She undressed so that she was only in her bra and underwear. Then slowly slipped into the water. "Mmmm . . ." she moaned. "This feels so good." Just then she scenced a demon near by. A very powerful demon.

Kagome quickly got dressed got ready. She had learned to fight very well over the last two years. She could feel it getting closer. Then she saw him, one of her sworn enemies. "Sesshomaru." She whispered.


Kagome: Is that it?

Sesshomaru: Yeah. I wasn't even in it.

Faith: Yes you were . . . Well you didn't say anything. But you were there at the end.

Kikyo: Hey why did you call me a whore. I am not a whore.

Inuyasha: I have to agree with her.

April: Kikyo when did you get here?!

Kikyo: Um . . . well . . . I kinda snuck in.

April: I'm gonna kill you. You bitch!

Kagome: Well that's all for now.

Faith: Yes please review. I won't update until I get at least three reviews. Looks around Hey! When did Kikyo get here?!