Hey guys! Nice to be back and even nicer to be able to say hi to you all! I had a great Christmas, but unfortunately a notvery happy new year --(I mean who would with all that sadness around the world)-

Here I am, with the last chapter of my story. Thanks to you guys for giving me all those great reviews. You made me feel special.

Peanut2lbs, thanks a lot for being such a great reviewer, I hope you stick with me for the next part of the story. You rock dude.

Princess Pinky, You were great too dude. Loved all your reviews. Bear with me.

PrUe AnD AnDy, Thanks dude, for your coolness and great reviews. Stick around.

Faith Kingsley, Faith, Faith, Faith...You were great dude. Thanks for your great reviews. Tag along.

And to all of you readers who don't review...Thanks bunches!

C.C. McKenna

Inexperienced Love

Chapter Twenty-Five

December 19, 2004

Deafening screams were heard in the cold, gloomy room while Lexie was being brutally raped. Prue and Piper were unconscious and the only one witnessing the vicious, forcible violation the youngest was going through, was Phoebe. As much as she tried to keep her eyes closed to the horrifying violent acts that Lexie was undergoing, her sister's screams forced her to keep them open and watch. Phoebe was suffering as much as her little sister, and she wanted Kevin dead…with all her might, she wanted him dead.

"Oh shut up!" Kevin smacked Lexie's face. He fished into his pockets and grabbed a couple of pills. "Why didn't I think of this before" He smirked and shoved them through Lexie's throat.

The screaming, yelling and twisting went on for a little while longer, until the pain suddenly decreased; Lexie was not aware, but she had given up the struggles…she had given up fighting. Suddenly, after what it seemed like an eternity to her, Kevin rose to his feet and looked down at her, with a sickening, grin of fulfillment on his face; he zipped up his pants and dropped heavily next to her, exhaling deeply… with contentment.

After a couple of minutes of sickening silence, Kevin got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. "I'll be right back… you're next Prue" He smirked.

Lexie's body was there, but her mind was a million miles away. Phoebe was talking to her, trying to bring her back but with no avail. Lexie kept sinking in the deep drug swirl that Kevin had pushed her into.

"Lex, sweetie…look at me…please" Phoebe insisted. "Baby…please, look at me" It took quite a long time for Phoebe's words to reach her sister's ears, but they finally broke in. Lexie slowly blinked and turned her hazy gaze towards her sister; she began breathing raggedly and deliberately allowed her cries to rack her ravaged body.

"It's ok, baby…you're going to be ok" Phoebe whispered, hiding her words from Kevin and swallowing her own sobs.

"P-pphoebe…" Lexie's words were barely audible; She looked down to her half naked body and watched blood flowing between her legs.

"Yes honey, I'm here" Phoebe sounded brave, but only she knew what she was feeling; and it was nothing compared to what her sister was experiencing.

"I… I … hate him…I want him dead…and I also want me dead"

"That could be easily arranged" Kevin walked into the room and picked up the gun from the night table. "Here", he placed the gun on Lexie's hand, "Do me a big favor and pull the fucking trigger" He grinned maliciously. "Shoot yourself and save me the trouble" He chuckled under Phoebe's astonished eyes.

Lexie had slipped out from her own reality, she was acting like some sort of an automated robot; she held the gun tightly and with Kevin's help, she took it to her own temple.

Phoebe screamed and yelled but Lexie was out, lost somewhere in a vast, dark void.

"Come on…pull the damn trigger!" Kevin shouted, savoring the moment.

Lexie slowly looked up towards the source of the voice and unwillingly let a tear escape. Tightening the grip on the gun, she struggled to keep her hand from shaking, but she failed to keep her lower lip from quivering. Taking a painful, paused breath, she locked eyes with Kevin, feeling his intimidating, strong hand on the back of her neck. She closed her eyes and slowly pulled back the hammer of the shiny, silver gun, when suddenly, a too familiar voice rang dimly all the way through the back of her mind.

"Don't do it Lexie…" Sophie spoke clearly and loudly, standing by the doorframe. "Don't give this creep pleasure to kill yourself" She spoke firmly, giving him a look full of pure seething rage. "Come on Bond…listen up" Sophie walked a little closer to the bed.

"It's you again!" Kevin spat with anger, holding Sophie's gaze. "What the hell are you doing here?" He frowned, walking slowly towards Sophie. "Did you miss me?"

"Ha!" Sophie spat with anger. "Only God knows how much I hate you!"

Kevin laughed, sounding genuinely amused. "I never asked you to like me"

"You son of a bitch" Sophie whispered, not believing the guy's unashamed blatancy; she shook her head and shifted her eyes towards Lexie, slowly lowering her gaze to the gun she held in her hand. Sophie glared back at him with obvious abhorrence and slowly gave another step towards her traumatized, and drugged friend.

"Come on Bond…you don't want to do this", Sophie slowly licked her own suddenly dry lips, "think about your sisters" she added sweetly. "Think about your mom…she…" Her words abruptly cut off by Kevin's sudden blast of anger.

"Shut up" He shouted, lunging over Lexie, to get a hold of the gun. Sophie reacted quickly and also dived on the bed, knocking the gun off from Lexie's hand and earning a violent punch on her chin. Her world suddenly turned black, and she just couldn't help falling limply on the floor.

Kevin looked down at Sophie and then shifted his eyes towards Lexie. He grinned with evilness and bent forward to push Lexie aside, making room for his new prey.

Kevin walked slowly to Prue and violently picked her up. Prue was unconscious but woke up as soon as Kevin tossed her in bed and slapped her.

"The gun…Sophie…get the gun!" Phoebe shouted, on an attempt to bring her out of her dimness, helplessly witnessing the sadistic way Kevin was now hurting her big sister.

Sophie slowly opened her eyes and shook her head, trying to get rid of the blurriness; she blinked a couple of times and carefully sat up; she knelt, and painfully held her chin between her fingers.

"The gun Sophie…the gun, damn it!" Phoebe yelled louder, watching how Kevin kept grasping her sister's hands above her head and ripping her clothes off. Prue's wound started bleeding again but Kevin didn't care; he jumped on her stomach and started kissing her neck. Sophie was startled with Phoebe's scream and her eyes suddenly went wide trying to focus and spot the gun.

"Damn it! Where is it?!" Sophie shouted with desperation, when all of a sudden the gun came swiftly sliding to her knees. She gazed up, obviously astounded by the strange manner the gun found a way to her; she bit her dry bottom lip and locked eyes with the eldest Halliwell for a fraction of a second. She knew Prue had something to do with it but she also knew that it was definitely not the time to ask the 'how's and why's, so, she grabbed the gun and swiftly stood up, without thinking twice, she emptied it on Kevin's back.

A chilling silence suddenly filled the room. Phoebe held her breath, and quickly gazed back to Sophie. The latter's eyes remained unblinking… her face, and chest splattered with Kevin's still warm blood.

Andy and Darryl burst inside the room, violently slamming the door against the wall, guns in hand and thoroughly scanning the room. Andy swiftly moved to Sophie's side and held her shaky hand, carefully securing the firearm; He tossed the gun to Darryl and quickly turned to the sofa, spotting the battered, strapped bodies of the Halliwell sisters. He immediately turned to Prue, his heart stopped beating for a moment and quickly leaped over the crimson splattered bed. He glared at Kevin's motionless body and swiftly pulled Prue away from under his weight. He held her tight in his arms and yelled for the paramedics, suddenly realizing that she had a bullet in her shoulder.


"Ok...this is the last time I ask you guys to speak one at a time" Phoebe rolled her eyes and lifted the pen. "Just tell me which movies am I going to bring from Blockbuster; one for each" She grabbed a notepad and smiled.

"Me first" Prue raised her hand from where she was comfortably resting, the living roomsofa. "Me first" She smirked. "I want Ghost"

"Prue!!!" Piper and Lexie shouted at the same time.

"That's an antique" Lexie mocked. Piper laughed and slowly pulled the quilt to cover her legs.

"I don't care…I love that movie" Prue pulled her own quilt.

"Ok…then" Lexie shook her head. "Bring 'closer' for me…it's with Julia Roberts" She smiled and wrapped her arm around Piper.

"Mhhm, nice choice" Piper smirked, cocking an eyebrow. "I'll settle for 'spanglish'"

"Eww" Phoebe rolled her eyes again. "I didn't know you were all that softy"

"We are not" Prue cut in. "It's just that we need a little peace around here…after all that madness we've been through" She looked at Piper who was resting on the sofa beside Lexie, and smiled weakly. "We need to forget all that happened… we need to make Lexie forget about Kevin…"

"Who's Kevin?" Lexie asked, sounding naïve.

Prue smiled widely. "That's my girl, I'm sure you'll be just fine in no time."

"I know, but for now, I just want to get Sophie out of jail…that's all I ask" Lexie nodded, softly squeezing Piper's hand.

"We'll get her out…I promise" Prue added. "But when she gets out I'm having a serious conversation with both of you"

"Whatever…" Lexie spat.

"Guys….guys" Phoebe raised both eyebrows. "You're convalescent…stop the fighting"

"She started it" Lexie frowned.

"I'm the eldest…. I have a right"

Piper slowly pulled the quilt up and covered her head. "Here we go again" She muttered to herself under the covers.

The End


Watch out for my next story…. EARTHQUAKE. This is the sequel to Inexperienced Love.