Okay, okay, I'm really, really sorry this didn't come out sooner, I've been real busy with exams n that lot so I hope all you reviewers haven't left me although I wouldn't blame you…….. anyway, on with the story, this is dedicated to shadow, oh and by the way it's goin to be all Yoai soon, sorry m8…..oh and to let u no you'll find out in this chapter right near the beginning who sapphire angel is……..

Confessions chapter 5:-Confused

Kaiba sank down against the hard brick wall outside the cafeteria; 'What just

happened here?' Kaiba pondered as leant more heavily against the wall. 'What was I

thinking, wanting the blond back here a couple of seconds ago, I hate him don't I?' 'Then

why would you bother trying to give back his work, why didn't you just leave it on the floor

where he'd dropped it? - if you could even call it work!' Kaiba glanced down at the piece of

paper he was holding in his left hand; It certainly wasn't what Kaiba would call work, the

only useful things were his name; Katsuya Jounouchi written in the left hand corner and

the date and title. But then Kaiba looked just below the title and he found an intricate

drawing of an angel with chestnut brown hair, not unlike his own, blue eyes and blue

wings, wait, no, Sapphire wings!!! Kaiba froze for a second just staring in horror at the

piece of paper in front of him, the picture, his username!

Kaiba swiftly pulled his sleek silver laptop out of his bullet-proof aluminium

briefcase and placed it on his knees. He hesitated before he dialled up his wireless

internet connection; 'Did he really want to know?'. When he'd successfully dialled up and

hacked into the internet mainframe he scrolled down to find what he was looking for;


CPU: 674963012763#6293763

Registered: Domino, Japan

It was here Kaiba thought to himself; 'Well he was telling the truth about that after

all…I wonder about the rest…' So he continued to scroll down through the information to

see who the computer was registered to… Finally he found it;

Registered to: Katsuya Jounouchi

Kaiba froze. He just sat there for a second thinking about the blond; 'so it was

him after all, the little carefree blond always so happy and full of life, but at home he's

probably thrown about, starved, raped….Kaiba didn't dare to think any further. How could

the blond be so carefree after all that's happened to him? 'I've cut myself off from

everyone but Mokuba, I give them cold looks when they smile at me, I ignore them when

they ask me things, I accuse them of things they haven't done to get them riled

up…actually I've only done that to one person…and his name's in front of me…..' Kaiba

decided that he'd better get off the internet before he got tracked down, not that they'd

do anything to him as the CEO of KaibaCorp but still, he had his reputation to keep; as

the invisible hacker, so he decided to close his computer and think for a while.

Unfortunately that was when the bell rang for class.

"Kaiba Sama, you're late!" the teacher exclaimed but was quickly silenced by a

cold gaze form the direction of a certain blue-eyed CEO. 'How could I have done this, I'm

late for the first time ever and it's all because of that……that…that blond!' Kaiba slammed

his fist on the desk and everyone turned round at Kaiba's unusual behaviour. Jou turned

around, surprised to come face to face with the person he was just thinking about; 'Why

was he late, for the first time ever, is something wrong or is he just slipping? Or better yet

was it me, when I ran away after punching him, but he's never usually bothered, he'd just

get back up and sneer at me, I wonder what's wrong with him…' Jou pondered as he

looked into Kaiba's eyes now in front of him. Funny how he'd rarely noticed Kaiba only sat

two chairs behind him with an empty chair in between. "Katsuya Jounouchi!" the teacher

cried. "Yes!" Jounouchi replied assuming it was the register and continued to stare back at

Kaiba, willing those blue eyes to show some kind of emotion. "Katsuya!!!" Jou sighed, he

knew he'd already replied, even so he did it again; "Yes!" he replied, slightly louder this

time. "Katsuya Jounouchi, don't you dare raise your voice to me……first you don't answer

the first 3 times I ask you and then you murmur something and then on top of that you

have the nerve to raise your voice to ,me!!!" Again Jou sighed before turning around to

face her; "Look I'm clearly not interested and I did reply to your stupid register, you just

weren't listening, just give me a detention for Christ's sake!" Jou yelled, storming down

the hall to the principal as hastily as always. The teacher stood shocked for a few seconds

as she always did, but then quickly re-gained her ability to speak; "Kaiba, as your so far

ahead…." She started but Kaiba was already out the door, following Jou as fast as his long

legs would carry him. "So mutt….where do you think you're going?" Kaiba asked as he

caught up with the blond at a gentle stroll where the smaller of the two had given up

running and had settled for sulking instead.

A few minutes later Kaiba was steering Jou out of the school building on to a bench

under a cherry blossom tree near the basketball court where Kaiba sat them down. The

flustered blond sat down and peered at Kaiba curiously, his hair effectively rumpled from

being roughly shoved onto the bench but someone far taller than himself. Kaiba simply

glared at Jou, waiting for a scowl or a rash comment of some kind but it didn't come, at

this Kaiba scowled herder as the blond looked at the floor. If Kaiba hadn't known better he

would have been sure that Jou was talking to girl he had a crush on.

Slowly Jou lifted his head to speak to Kaiba; "Wa D'ya wan' Kaiba?" Jou asked in

his rough accent. For a second the blond thought that Kaiba was ignoring him but after a

moment the taller boy responded; "I wanted to return this..." with that Kaiba dropped

Jou's paper with the angel on and walked away swiftly. Jou sat still for a moment, not

daring to pick up the mysterious paper on the floor, gradually Jou bent over, his sunshine

hair falling in front of his eyes. H e reached down to the wet grass and retrieved his paper.

He picked it up wondering why Kaiba had something of his in the first place and why he'd

bother to return was a mystery, then again Kaiba had been acting weird today, being late

for class, not saying anything when he got punched, walking away from Jounouchi….. Jou

looked at his paper and gasped, it was his picture he'd lost earlier, oh well it wouldn't

mean anything to anyone apart from himself or his mystery friend, who was definitely NOT

Kaiba, he'd never act that sensitive, even over a computer. But where did Kaiba get it

from, Jou didn't even remember leaving it anywhere, he'd only realised he'd lost it ten

minutes ago. All this thinking was making him feel tired '…maybe I'll just rest my eyes' Jou

leant his head back and started breathing heavily. There he stayed under the cherry

blossom tree until he was rudely awoken a couple of hours later.

"Jou, Jou!!!!" Yugi yelled, Jou's eyes fluttered open for a second and then closed

just the same way. Jou was awoken by a large heavy weight falling on his sore chest that

he woke with a very large bruise forming on top of the one that was already there from his

father a few nights previous. "Arghhhh!!! Honda get the hell off me!!!" Jou hissed shoving

Honda roughly to the floor, rubbing his now very sore stomach. "Jeeze man I didn't mean

to hurt you, I was just doing you a favour, Anzu's coming!" Honda whispered the last part

so the girl approaching wouldn't hear him; "Hiya guys….You no I was thinking..." Anzu was

swiftly cut of by Jou; "Sorry guys I gotta get home early for dinner tonight, see ya!" Jou

said purposefully leaving before Anzu could continue. Even as Jou left he could hear the

others also making rapid excuses before leaving Anzu on her own in the empty basketball

court still trying to figure out what happened. Jou usually hated lying to his friends but

Anzu wasn't one of them, he didn't even know why she hung out with the boys…oh wait

yes he did, she had a crush on Yami and as she'd told Jou and Honda many times before

she was convinced that he liked her back when Jou saw it was plainly obvious he had a

thing for his hikari. However Yami no Yugi wasn't who Jou was thinking about, he was

thinking about Yugi and what he'd told him the day before;


"So Yug' what do ya wanna talk 'bout?" Jou questioned now standing outside in the

cool summer air with Yugi. "Well…um…I want to tell you that, well you have noticed I've

been avoiding you lately…" Yugi stammered, now blushing and looking anywhere apart

from Jou. Jou pondered for a second before answering; "Well ya but I figured you'd jus'

been busy wit' Yami or summat, I didn't think you'd been avoiding me.." Jou trailed off the

thought again; "Look Yug' I'm not jus' about to demand that you spend your every waking

hour with me for the rest of your life!" Jou tried to reassure Yugi, but the smaller boy was

having none of it; "No Jou, you don't understand, I want to!" Yugi said rather load now

looking Jou in the eye, blushing a very bright red. Jou didn't understand at first but after a

minute he realised what Yugi was saying; "I urmmm…Look Yug' are you trying to say that

you like ME? As in I'm the person you were talking about the other day when you said you

liked someone??!!!" Jou asked, hissing at the thought. Yugi just stood there, blushing

more and more until he could blush no more. "Well…I….Err...Ya Jou it was you I was

talking about the other day, yes Jou it is you….I wanted to ask you…" Yugi was cut off by

Jou who ran his hand through his hair in amazement. "Look Yug' I'm flattered, I really am

but I couldn't Yug'…I dunno how to put this without hurtin' you….I love you Yug' but only

as a brother or a friend…I've never felt that way about you…I'm sorry…..I…I don't know

what to say…I like someone else…" He looked at Yugi, slightly embarrassed by the whole

situation. They both fell silent for a moment before Yugi spoke in barely a whisper;

"Um…Jou..Who is it?..." Jou paused before flushing red and shifting uncomfortably under

Yugi's gaze; "well Yugi…I dunno if I should tell you, it probably wouldn't do much for your

self esteem….sorry Yug' but anyway I'm not the one for you, there's someone else who's

got an eye on you!" Jou finished smiling happily as he watched Yugi's reaction; he looked

upset but then as the news that someone liked him he blushed and turned away from Jou

in embarrassment.

/End Flashback/

Jou continued to walk to his apartment dreading seeing his father, the pavements

getting more and more littered as he continued, the dark alleys becoming more and more

frequent the closer he got to his house. A few blocks down he saw a black limo speed past,

Jou just glimpsed the number plate as it zoomed past bearing the plate; 'Kaiba'. Jou

chuckled, even in his most dreading moments Kaiba managed to taunt him. Jou suddenly

found himself at the foot of his apartment he paused for a moment before climbing the

many stairs until he reached the 12th floor where he came to his door; the 6 on his door

indicating it as apartment 1206 hung upside down so it showed a 9 instead Jou sighed,

he'd been meaning to fix that for years but he'd never made the time to do it. He sighed

again and placed his key n the hole and entered. He walked to the kitchen, shifting several

empty beer and sake bottles on the way, along with several empty crisp packets and

chocolate bar wrappers. Once in the small dingy kitchen he opened the nearly empty fridge

and pulled out a bottle of Bud1 and placed it on the counter. Then he rummaged around in

one of the cupboards; the door hanging from its hinges revealing its contents. Jou

straightened up, now holding a pack of Royals2 and a Hershey's chocolate bar (I love

those!!!!). Slowly he picked up his prizes and returned to his room where he downed the

beer and ate the chocolate bar contentedly. He then logged on to his computer and msn

just to find no-one was online, Jou sighed yet again, 'why did his life suck?' in desperation

Jou returned to the living room, pulling out a black lighter from his pocket and lighting one

of the Royals, he took one large drag before placing the packet and lighter back in his

room, under his mattress. Jou really didn't want his father to find out he'd been smoking,

even though the guy smoked himself he'd still be willing to beat the crap out of his son as

'punishment'. Jou didn't smoke all the time, just occasionally when he was particularly

depressed, he'd never smoked around Yugi, he knew he'd get some kind of huge lecture,

Yugi hated cigarettes more than anything else. Jou had constantly ignored Yugi when he'd

complain after seeing someone with one in their mouths, Jou had even seen yugi grab one

off someone in the middle of the shopping centre when they were in mid drag, Yugi'd then

glared at the guy and he'd run off, of coarse the fact that Yami was standing next to his

hikari also glaring might have helped scare him off. Jou started to clear the floor of the

litter, smoking as he did and slowly Jou was calm and he'd forgotten all about his issues

with Anzu and Yugi and everyone having someone but him.

Jou returned to his room after clearing, hovering and mopping the wooden floor in

the living room, hall and kitchen. Jou daren't go near his father's room or the bathroom in

fear of getting accused of going through his father's belongings or getting trapped in the

bathroom when his father returned. Jou stared at the screen as he paused, wondering

what to write next, as he did sapphireangel logged on to msn. Jou cheered inside, he'd

hoped he'd come online so he'd have someone to talk to about his problems;

FallenDragon says: Hiya, I was hoping you'd been on tonight!

SapphireAngel says: Oh hi, why's that?

FallenDragon says: Just cos I wanted to talk to you is all! What am I not allowed to now?!

SapphireAngel says: No…I was just wondering if you had an ulterior motive for wanting to talk to me…

FallenDragon says Huh?! Like what?!

SapphireAngel says: God! You are so blond!!!

FallenDragon says: Wow how'd you know?!

SapphireAngel says: I…You just act it!

FallenDragon says: Oh. Sorry, so why did you think I wanted to talk to you?

SapphireAngel says: Well….I don't know…maybe you like me…

FallenDragon says: Well ya…I guess I like you, I mean we're friends right?!

SapphireAngel says: Yes, but you like me more than just a friend!

FallenDragon says: Well…that depend, do you think I like you…??

SapphireAngel say: I.I don't know, I was only joking….

FallenDragon says: No, I was just playing along, anyway you're 18 and I'm only 16 and we're both boys and you've probably got a girlfriend or something you're so kind, I'm sure you're really popular….

Suddenly Jou felt slightly depressed, it was quite well known at domino high school

that he was openly gay, he'd always been, the girls just hadn't got the message until he

was seen kissing a guy from the football team a couple of years ago, they went out for a

few weeks, in Jou's book that was quite long. Jou had never been able to maintain a

steady relationship with anyone longer than a few weeks, he didn't really want to commit

to anyone unless he really loved them and so far that list consisted of only one person he

knew would never return his love. For a start he hated Jou's guts, he'd made that obvious,

second he'd never be gay in a million years and thirdly he'd only been seen to go out with

two people and they've said little about what they did except that it wasn't like hey had

imagined. The truth was next this one SapphireAngel was the closest thing he'd found to

love and Jou was almost certain that he'd never got out with him, being 16 and probably

not the same way inclined as Jou.

SapphireAngel says: Actually…about that, I'm not 18, actually I'm only 16…I…Err…well, I needed to be sure of you first, but I trust you now…sorry….

FallenDragon says: It's okay…that means we're in the same grade!! We probably do know each other then….

SapphireAngel says: Yeah…there's a strong possibility that we do….

At that moment Jou heard the door crash so quickly he typed in a message and logged off before his father could come in and find out what he was doing;

FallenDragon says: I've got to go, my fathers in the house, I need to get off before he see! See you in school, well sort of! Anyway, bibi x

Sapphireangel says: ok, see you, gd luck with your father, bibi x

Jou quickly snapped the computer off as he heard his father cry out; "Where are

ya' boy?!" in slurred speech. Jou ran for the door, pushing his chair towards it in the hope

of jamming it, but just then his father ignored the door handle and shoved the battered old

door onto the floor, narrowly missing Jou by an inch. Jou froze, stood back jus waiting for

the fury of punches and kicks that were sure to come….

A/N: thanks and I no many of u were right wen it came to guessing sapphire angel, I didn't think it was that hard to guess either but o well! Hope you enjoyed, please review!!!

1: bud as in Budweiser the beer in case u didn't no/ and/or are alcohol deprived!

2: royals are cigarettes, quite strong ones actually, sorry I used to smoke soo I should no and note smoking and drinking seriously damages your health!!!!! : ) c you all soon I hope, and once again sorry for the long updates!!!