Disclaimer: I don't own 'em. And what I do own, you probably wouldn't want anyways, so please don't sue.

A/N: This is a story that's been festering in my head for awhile now, so I decided to finally just go ahead and get it out here. This is the first story that I have put up on , so please be nice. Constructive criticism is welcome, but flames are not.

This is a crossover between Charmed and Dark Angel. There're my favorite TV shows and there aren't many crossovers with the two of them out there. I know it seems a little bit crazy but bear with me.

A little background:

For those of you who don't know much about Dark Angel-It is set in about 2020. This would take place a year or two before that. It is a futuristic show, but instead of a high tech future it is a post-apocalyptic world. The premise is that in the 1990s the government started working on creating the ultimate human being. The most successful group of this experiment were the X5s. They have a small bit of animal DNA mixed in with the human that enhances their abilities, which include enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes as well as better vision, hearing, and lung capacity than regular humans. In '09, a couple of months before a group of terrorists set off an electromagnetic pulse that wiped out all the computers(and turned America into a third world country overnight), nine of them escaped. Jondy is one of those nine.

As far as Charmed goes, future Chris did save Wyatt from becoming evil, but that didn't stop Wyatt from being an annoying older brother. It also didn't help keep the world from becoming a hell-on-earth. The Halliwells can fight demons trying to destroy the world, but sometimes humans can be even worse than demons.


Chris Halliwell was having one of those mornings. It was difficult enough being the brother of the all-powerful, all-knowing "twice-blessed" child's younger brother without his mother and aunts constantly reminding him that he wasn't as powerful as Wyatt, he wasn't as good a student as Wyatt, he wasn't perfect like Wyatt. The demon attacks that had occurred every morning for the past two weeks had put the whole family on edge, but no one more than Chris. It wasn't as if his parents didn't remind him enough that he wasn't as powerful as Wyatt without the extra motivation that the demon attacks gave them. At sixteen, Chris had an inferiority complex that was already a mile long. He knew his parents and his aunts meant well, but their concern for his safety only made him feel more inferior.

And then after all the drama and near-death experiences that was him home life, he had to deal with the one place on earth scarier than the underworld-high school. Chris felt that high school was a complete waste of time. How could knowing world history keep him from getting his heart ripped out by a wendigo? How would an A in geometry help him keep from getting his energy absorbed by a parasite demon? He thought it was all pointless. And although most teenagers at least enjoyed being around their friends in school, Chris didn't even have that to look forward to. He had a few friends, but none that he had told the family secret to. Chris being quite the neurotic was much too cautious to tell them the truth.

There was one bright spot in Chris' day. That bright spot was a girl. The girl Chris had been in love with from afar for the past four years. Her name was Jondy Hunt. She was about 5'5" with long golden blonde hair, flawless features, and the most incredible blue eyes Chris had ever seen. Jondy had a natural grace in the way she moved her perfect slender body that Chris couldn't tear his eyes away from, and a quiet intensity that enticed him. Unfortunately he wasn't alone. Half the school wanted to be with her, the incredible thing was that she didn't seem to notice or at least didn't care. Of course that attitude just made him and about 80 other guys want her more.

Chris sighed. Sometimes life just sucked.


'Life sucks.' Jondy thought as she made her way to her math class. She had just fended off the attentions of yet another oversexed moron. 'That was the third guy today. It's not even lunch yet. I bet they wouldn't get so carried away if they knew what I am, and what I'm capable of. But instead I have to pretend to be a boring, normal, blonde bimbo. Why couldn't Lydecker have jus drowned me when he had the chance?'

Jondy reached her class and took a seat in the middle of class, and promptly plopped her head down and pretended to be taking a nap. Jondy allowed her thoughts to roam while her math teacher droned on and on...and on...and on... 'God will this class never end?' Out of the fog she heard her teacher call her name.

"Miss Hunt?"

"Yes, Ms. Bennett?"

"I'm so sorry if I'm boring you, but if you continue to sleep in my class and refuse to participate when I ask you a question I will have no choice but to dock your grade."

"But I wasn't sleeping, Ms. Bennett."

"Well, you certainly weren't listening now were you?"

Using multi-tasking skills that would have made her Manticorian handlers proud, Jondy recalled everything the teacher had said over the past few minutes.

"You were explaining functions and how they relate to the graph of the function, which is in this case a parabola."

Ms. Bennett's face fell, and Jondy chuckled to herself. But she shouldn't get too happy she reminded herself. It wasn't good to act too smart. It wasn't safe. It lead to getting chased down by lots of guys with guns. But what was done was done.


A/N: Review!