My first fic that didn't go for half a chapter before I realised that it was garbage. And, yay, I finished it! But now, when I look back over it, it's ridiculously corny in places, and at some places, very confusing, maybe a bit too much going on, but I really liked how I used the plot… Still, I love it anyway, and I hope readers do/did too. The only way from this is up…

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling? I wish. No, not mine, not even this well used plot line… Well, I'm basing it on a very popular plot line… but I'll do it My Way (love that song)… This applies my whole story.

Well, I guess that this story starts just as every other one….

Once upon a time….

No, I'm not going to do that to you.

Well, the Gryffindor Common Room was empty for the day. Apart from certain four people. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny? Nup.

'I can't believe I'm stuck with you for a day Potter.' Lily Evans muttered over her mountain of homework, glaring at Sirius Blacks' form, leaning over a pile of homework.

'Well, Lily, if you went out with me, we could be making Peter and Caitlin and Marissa and Nathan's double date a triple date.' James Potter replied, raising his eyebrows and winking from behind his glasses at the fiery red-head. James messed up his messy black hair, making it even messier then usual.

'Shut up you two.' Sirius called at them. 'I know you love her Prongsie, but'-

'THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON WITH ME AND POTTER/EVANS!' Lily and James screamed at Sirius at the same time.

'Normally I would be telling you two to shut up, and telling Sirius to stop antagonizing you love-birds' James shot him a nasty look 'but I don't care because I happen to have finished my homework.' Remus Lupin stretched out in his chair between his two best friends, Sirius and James.

'Lucky you.' Lily murmered. 'And I'm stuck in here with bloody James Potter and Sirius Black until I finish my stupid homework. It's his fault,' She added glaring at James, 'shouldn't have kept me so long at that stupid Head's meeting last night.'

'Lily, he just wants to spend time with you.' Remus told her.

'But, no matter how much he asks me out, He can't force me to like him, right James?' Lily said brightly. 'And I don't like you like that.'

'Yet.' Sirius whispered, but it was audible in the almost empty room.

'What?' Lily questioned.

'You heard me.' Sirius said, brushing his long black hair out of his handsome face. Lily put her homework down, walked over to Sirius and kicked him hard in the shins. But before she could go sit down, he kicked her back. She fell over spectaculary, and tears started welling up in her emerald eyes.

'Are you OK?' Remus asked, standing up. Lily nodded except then James leapt over onto Sirius, knocking Remus onto the table filled with homework. In the big black haired mass that was James and Sirius snatches of conversation was audible.

'Hurt Lily… Don't mate… You know… Didn't kick her hard…'


'G-guys, come look at this.' Remus said shakily.

'What?' The three of them asked, getting up from there respective spots on the floor.

'My- my time-turner.'

Where Remus had been pushed against the table, the time-turner around his neck had cracked and shattered. The four of them exchanged looks.

'What should we do?' Lily asked.

'Dumbledore.' James replied. He had a lot of faith in his godfather. 'Don't worry sweetheart, I'll comfort you.'

'Piss off Potter.' She replied, but before they knew what was happening, the time-turner exploded. They felt themselves spinning around, and landed flat on their feet back in the Gryffindor Common Room, exactly where they had been standing. It was the same, with only one difference…

'Hey, our homework's gone!' Sirius exclaimed happily.

A/N: Well, it's short, but what do you really expect from an introduction?