Summary: Kenny and Kyle are gettin' down to the bare truth of Kyle's emotions, when Kyle receives a call from Mole, who is desperately in need of advice.

A/N: With special help from Leela's tears, I now have another chapter up and lots of ideas, I will be updating much more frequently.


Kenny looked at the blank TV screen sadly.
"Well, now that we're done watching 'Gore Massacre II', shall we go on to 'Gore Massacre III'?"

"Kenny, it's 3 in the morning, we can watch 'Gore Massacre III' -TOMAROW-.", said Kyle looking somewhat tired and exasperated.
"It's a Saturday, after all."

"Fine.", said Kenny in mock sulky tones.
"That's just fine by me"

After Jesus had given Kenny his advice, Kenny had persuaded the gang that it wold be cool to sleep over at his house that night because he had all 6 seasons of Terrence and Phillip, as well as Gore Massacres I, II, III, and IV.
Now, Stan was laying with his face in his pillow on the floor next to Kenny's bed, and Cartman was sprawled across Kenny's new couch snoring loudly, and much to Kenny's displeasure, getting drool on it.

"Wait, my son! I foresee that there will be a favor in your future if you stay up and watch 'Gore Massacre III' with me!"

Kyle sighed.
"Oh my god, Kenny, we are DONE with this bribing thing!"

"No, it's 'Stating the Consequences'"

"Ohh, right, sorry.", said Kyle sarcastically.

"Well," said Kenny, quickly recovering from not being able to watch his movie, "What do you want to do now?"

Kyle frowned and tried to clear the sleep from his head, which seemed to be crowding him from all directions with a quick shake.
"Oh, god, I have no idea. Sleep?"


Kenny seemed pretty firm, but Kyle attempted anyway. After about 5 seconds with his eyes closed, Kenny hit him with a pillow.

"What?", asked Kyle, more angrily then he had meant to.

"Who do you like?"

Kyle looked sort of vague for a moment.

"Who do you lii-i-i-iiike?", Kenny almost pleaded.

This was a question Kyle had thought about a lot, but he hadn't come do a conclusion.
Sure, there where lots of people he was friends with, that he was aquatinted with, he guessed he liked them all pretty well, but -like- like? Kyle wasn't so sure about this one.

"You first", said Kyle, buying himself some time.

"Do you -promise- to answer after I tell you?"


"Actually," said Kenny, looking more then a little embarrassed, "I like you."

Kyle's eyes went wide, he had so many questions to as Kenny, but before one could come tumbling out of his mouth, Kenny put his hand out to indicate that he was not done, and Kyle reluctantly went silent.

"But I just want to be friends with you, like always, I don't want to date you."


This, Kyle thought, was one of the weirdest things that had ever happened to him.
He ran though the situation again in his head.
His friend, who he had been through thick and thin with, had just to said he had a crush on him. Then he turned around and said he just wanted to be friends? But now that Kyle thought about it, it did -kinda- make sence.
He was really rather fond of Kenny as a friend, but he sure as hell didn't want to date Kenny.
Maybe that was what Kyle meant to Kenny.

"Well, that's good because I don't want to date you either."

"But," said Kenny, grinning deviously, "who do -you- like?"

Just then a sharp ringing was heard.
Of corse, thought Kenny, a phone goes of JUST before the moment of truth.

A look of horror was suddenly painted across Kyle's face.
"Oh shit! My cell! Just a sec..."

Kyle sprang out the door of Kenny's room, and outside in to the cold rain, where his phone call wouldn't be an inconvenience to anyone but himself. He took the cell out of his pocket.


"'Ello, zis iz Ze Mole.", said Mole, unnececarilly.

"Mole! What the fuck do you want?"

"You ze, Kyle, I 'ave been taken in for quezdioning by ze police, ze want to know why I 'ave beaten zeveral teachers over ze head wiz a shovel"

"Tell them you're to young to be held accountable for your own actions! Tell them you where molested! Or like, some informational video they showed you caused you to act violently, or something."

"You zeem to know a lot of excuzes for bad behavior, Kyle."

"Yeah, well, my dad's a lawyer."


"Uhmm, bye dude."

Kyle gave an unremorseful look to the unpleasant wether outside befor heading back in.


"Who was that?", Kenny asked after Kyle, wet clothes and all, had crawled into his sleeping bag.

Kyle looked pissed.
"The Mole. Oh, you wouldn't know him by that name, would you? Christophe called."

Kenny was suddenly attentive.
"What did he want?"

"Oh," said Kyle wavering his hand as though it wasn't important, " he -only- got in trouble with the cops for beating some people over the head with a shovel. I gave him some advice for what to pin the blame on."

"What did you tell him?"

"That he should say he was to young to be held accountable for his behavior, or that they where trying to molest him."

A look of concern spread across Kenny's face.
"Dude, Kyle, maybe this kid's no good. I mean, he goes around hitting people on the head hard enough to give them concussions! I'm worried you'll be next."

"Maybe. But he is a good person, he was helping us bust Terrence and Phillip out during La Resistance, but he got killed by some guard dogs."

"Ahh, that's who you where talking about at the bus stop. I wondered why you knew him and I didn't, but I guess that makes sense."

The sleep that Kyle had been trying to keep away rushed in all at once. His eyes felt heavy, and it was suddenly very hard to keep them open. Maybe he could just rest a little..

Within seconds, Kyle was asleep.

A/N Again: I fear I may be writing the characters to old, I guess it comes from reading so many fics in which they are older.