Author's note : As many of you noticed, i didn't update in a while...i have a slight writer's block so...well sorry, i'm really, really working on it! really. I'll update soon. I promise. But right now, this thing just popped into my mind and i can't seem to stop writing about it for now so here's another story...i don't really know how i'll manage to keep up updates with four stories but, well, we'll see...
If you like the story, well review. In fact review, even if you didn't like. Nobody beta-read this story so sorry, i did make a big effort.
I hope you like it, and if you want me to continue this story, well review...
Summary(you'll need it to understand the future chap, if there is other chapters):So, Freak Nation didn't happen. Biggs is not dead, neither is Cece. The story occurs one year after 'she ain't heavy' and the transgenics have choosen Alec as their CO and Max as his 2IC. But during a mission, she's captured by White and he tortures her in order to find his son. The Conclave didn't knew about it though, or else, she would be dead by now. After two months they finally find her and rescue her. But when they arrived, all the familiars are already dead and they find Max in one of the rooms. Not really herself anymore. She had apparently killed all the familiars by herself.
«It's been three months now Logan.» said Alec. «She's been tortured during one month by White. You cannot hope her to be the same.»
«I only hope she's alive Alec.» Logan said harshly.
«She is. But...» the X5 paused a moment eyeing the ordinary. «She's different. Do you really want to open that door Logan?» Alec asked.
«I appreciate your concern, but i'm sure Alec.»
Alec opened the door and entered in the room followed closely by Logan.
There was no light in the room which didn't bother the X5s, but bothered Logan. He used his flashlight. But as soon as he switched it on, the flashlight was kicked by someone.
«What...» shrieked Logan.
«It's alright Max. It's me.» cut in Alec.
Somewhere in the room, Eyes Only heard someone growl.
«Come on Max. Come and see me.» continued Alec. He was talking to her as if he was talking to a wounded animal. Which right now, what Max was. Alec pulled out a piece of chicken. «Come on Max, come here Tiger.»
A few minutes after, Alec felt something, or should i say someone licking his hand. The hand in which he held the chicken.
«That's it Tiger.»
He tousled her hair gently.
«Now, i'm going to turn on the light. Ok?» Alec informed Max.
As soon as the room was lit, Max moved away from the two men in one of the corner of the room. She was rocking herself back and forth and mumbling some non sense. Her hair was dishevelled, she really was looking like a crazy person. Her eyes were blank, dulled.
Logan was going to ran toward her and take her in his arms but Alec prevented him to do so by blocking his path.
«No.» said Alec with authority. «Don't do that, she'll kill you. She must get accustomed to you, to your scent. She's barely accustomed to mine.» he informed.
«What...what happened to her?» Logan finally managed to say. He was not used to see this powerless Max. She looked so vulnerable. This wasn't the young woman who broke in his apartment to steal his Bast statue.
«She killed all the familiars in the warehouse she was detained. I don't know what they did to her. But only, her feline side survived. She's fully feral now. I've only seen that once back at Manticore. It's a procedure, when you can't stand the torture anymore, either you make yourself forget, either, you shut down all the part of you that is 'human'. That is what happened to Max. That is how she killed those familiars.»
Logan gasped as he remembered the sight of those familiars in the warehouse. They had finally traced White's location after two months of search. Logan wasn't part of the retrieval team who went there to rescue Max, or avenge her : they didn't knew if she was alive or not then. He went there the day after to see...he didn't really know why he went there, but he went there to 'see' the warehouse.
Slowly, Alec approached Max carefully.
«Hey Tiger.» Alec whispered. 494 caressed her cheek. At first she was ready bolt but then she leaned in his caress and purred. The sound of Alec's voice reassuring her, and telling her that she was safe now. Slowly she drifted into a peaceful slumber in a foetal position.
«She doesn't speak anymore.» informed Alec. «But she knows her name. And she recognized some of the people here in TC, like Joshua, Mole, Dix, Luke, CeCe, Biggs. Original Cindy will probably drop by tomorrow, to see if she recognizes her.»
«Do you think she recognized me?» Logan asked.
«No. She was focusing on my scent. You should leave. You can come back tomorrow.» replied Alec.
«You're going to stay here?» Eyes Only inquired the X5.
«I'm the only one beside Joshua that she lets in. And Joshua won't be here tonight. She needs to feel a presence near her or she won't sleep and though she has some shark DNA, she needs to sleep like every human being. We need to get her back.» Alec turned to face Logan. «She'll be okay Logan. But she needs to be with her own kind now. We'll get her back.»
Soundlessly, Eyes Only exited the room, desperate as he couldn't be the one the comfort his dear Max, desperate as he couldn't understand what happened to her, and what to do the way, Alec was. And desperate because he wasn't the one the love of his life needed.
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