PART 1: Tears of the Forest I

The planet of Super Star was filled with a single noise. A noise that never seemed to end, and was probably the only noise the planet would hear for a long, long time.

That noise was complete and utter silence. Nothing stirred or moved. Nobody spoke.

The planet was covered in a dense black fog that engulfed the planet in darkness and despair. It creeped through forests and mountains, engulfed villages, and swallowed everything in it's path. In the span of three days, the once happy, beautiful planet had been reduced to a wasteland. Anything that was there was no more...the mountains had fallen, the forests had been destroyed, and the only remains of the villages were empty ghost towns, void of life and filled with the remains of once what was.

The fog began to creep away, and slowly, the destruction left by the strange force came into view. And floating in space away from the planet, a Galaxy Reporter satellite was watching. In a few minutes, the desolation would be revealed to the entire galaxy.


It was only 4:00 am in the morning in Dreamland, but everyone in Cappy Town was already glued to their television. A villager who had gotten up early that morning had woken up almost everyone in the village, telling them to turn on their televisions and turn it to the news. The television screen was showing a blurry image from an area of space just outside of the planet of Super Star, a planet almost on the other side of their solar system. The 6-pointed star shaped planet, which normally looked lush, green, and cheerful even from space, was covered in a dense black fog that was slowly creeping away. The newscaster, who was off screen, was talking about how the fog had been there for three days, and during those days, all contact with the planet had been lost. Everyone in the solar system was waiting for any contact from the planet, and the mystery was finally about to be solved.

Sir Meta Knight watched with interest from his room in the castle. Having been to the planet before, he was hoping it's inhabitants were safe. They were friendly people, who had honorable morals and a beautiful planet, and it was that planet that was the last one Sir Meta Knight would want to see destroyed. As the fog continued to creep away, a brown, desolate landscape came into view. Before anything else could be seen, Meta saw an enormous red eye appear in the fog. Suddenly, the fog lifted away from the planet and sailed at the satellite...

And that was the last thing they saw. Everything went black.