Felicia: I'm sorry this took me so long to update.. I had to deal with being depressed on and off of quite a while -.-;; I'm feeling better now and stuff though, so I decided to work on the second chapter of Playing Nurse. Hopefully this chapter will turn out okay..

-Replies to Reviews

StAr SNipEr: You actually think all of the perverted things Mikuni must own would fit into a simple closet?

DarknessFaerie07: Thanks n.n I wish something would of happened between them also --

gamegirl28: It was amusing to write also n-n

Shonen-aishinobi: Possibly I am…. n

punky-neko: Can too! -sticks out her tongue-

Chibi Rinku: Happy horny horn? -laughs- There needs to be more EeQuee/Ghost fanfics first though probably.

Spoon Ninja: -sniffles Will you please still stalk me even after I update? PLEASE!? TTTT

-Things used in this fic-



Disclaimer: Eep.. I forgot to do this in the last chapter nn;; I do not own Eerie Queerie aka Ghost or any of it's characters.

Chapter Two: Inhuman Monster Mikuni

All was silent in the room.. Kanau just stood there, staring down at the box for several long moments. Then, suddenly, his head fell to one side against his right shoulder.

'You… have GOT.. to be kidding me.' The ghost boy said to himself in his mind. 'That.. stupid.. perverted… bastard!' As he thought this, his head returned to it's previous upright position. His hands went down to his sides and then clenched into fists. The cat tail, which that damned perverted Priest made him wear, was somehow managing to stand on it's end.

Kanau then heard a small chuckle. Said chuckle was coming from the man lying upon the bed. "Kanau.. be a good boy now and put it on. I had that made especially for you." Mikuni's voice still sounded rather weak as he said this. So, he didn't REALLY seem like he was faking it.. but.. Kanau wasn't sure whether or not he was.

He just had to be faking it though.. right? Why else would he have THIS in a box in his closet like it was just there waiting for him or something.

Suddenly, Kanau reached inside the box and picked up that THING. The ghost then turned to the priest, holding it out to him. "You actually expect me to wear THIS!?" As the ghost demanded this, his cheeks slightly tinted a light pink. How could Mikuni expect him to wear this!? Honestly!

A pout came to the lips of the man on the bed. "Kanau.. I expected you to be flattered. I did get that just for you after all." Once this had been said, Mikuni brought a hand up to his mouth, coughing into it. The priest then added, "It suits the situation anyway.. better then that maid outfit."

Twitch... Twitch.. Twitch, twitch…. TWITCH!

"You…. You… GO TO HELL!" Kanau practically screamed this at the top of his lungs.

A sigh was let out, before the perverted man reached over to the nightstand next to his bed and picked up a paper charm from there. He then waved it over towards Kanau. "Now, now. Behave and put it on like you've been told."

'Kill.. Stab.. Murder.. Blood.. Choke.. Shoot.. Gut…. Must…. Kill… Mikuni…' Yup.. that was the type of thoughts currently running through the ghost's head.

Mikuni frowned and waved the charm at the other again. "Hurry up now."

Kanau muttered darkly as he clutched IT in his hands. He just stood there for a few moments, glaring a rather cold death glare over towards the sickly priest on the bed. "….. Fine.." He finally muttered after a few moments of silence.. and glaring, the boy ghost turned and dropped IT back into the box none too gracefully. Before said ghost turned and quickly left the room, the box was then picked up and settled on top of the ghost's arms.

Seeing the other leave the room made the priest frown a bit. "Aww.. poo." He said out loud then let out a little sigh. Honestly, he had really been hoping to have the other change in front of him.. That would have been quite a nice sight to be hold, he was quite sure of that.

The priest set the charm back onto the nightstand next to his bed, before leaning back against the mattress. 'This should be a fun day.' As he thought this, a smirk grew on Mikuni's face.

Meanwhile.. Kanau was changing into IT. He was practically hissing as he did this.

Once he was all changed into IT.. he shuddered. Mikuni.. was an inhuman monster. THIS proved it. It just.. did!

Oh, how he wished and prayed he could just make a break for it and run far away from this temple and never ever EVER look back upon this evil and perverted place. He, unfortunately, could not do that though. Mikuni would just hunt him down if he managed to get away.. he was sure of it. There was just no possible salvation for him.

Slow step, by very slow step, the young ghost made his way back to Mikuni's bedroom. He was about half way down the hall leading to it when he heard a pained sounding groan come from within the other's room.

'Damn.. he really is sick….' The ghost thought to himself. He could feel his pace speeding up a bit. Damn it all.. Could he actually be worried about that perverted bastard? What the hell was wrong with him!? He shook his head slightly as he neared the door, trying to get those thoughts of sympathy and worry out of his mind.

A wide grin appeared on Mikuni's face as the door opened and the other stepped inside. It fit Kanau perfectly… and it looked just as he had imagined it would.

(Since I know you're all just dying to know….)

There Kanau stood. All dressed in white. His normally black cat tail and ears had been replaced by cute rather fluffy looking light pink bunny ears and a just as cute and fluffy looking bunny tail. What was he dressed in? Well, hell.. that's simple. It was very short, with socks that came up to his thighs.. It was.. a… a… NURSE'S OUTFIT!

Poor Kanau.. he felt.. miserable.. just totally miserable.. and quite embarrassed. Why in the hell did it have to be so damn short? It just wasn't fair!

"Wonderful.." Mikuni stated quietly as he let out a soft breath. It was really wonderful. Seeing Kanau dressed up like a nurse with bunny ears and a bunny tail. There was even a dark blush on the other's cheeks which only seemed to be darkening as he stood there in front of the Priest.

'He's.. enjoying it..' The ghost boy thought to himself, while twitching slightly. 'That stupid perverted bastard..'

Mikuni, indeed, was definitely enjoying it.

"Kanau, be a dear and go fetch your patient some tea to drink." The man said while he suppressed a little grin as the ghost boy glared over at him.

"Fine." Kanau spat out before turning to leave.

He was stopped though, as he heard Mikuni say, "Now, now. Say 'yes sir' and curtsy to me before you leave."

Oh, he had to be fucking joking! There was no way he was going to do that for that damn perverted Priest!

Once again, the paper charm was picked up and waved towards the ghost boy. "Do it." Mikuni said simply as the waving of the charm in the direction of the ghost boy continued.

A couple twitches later, the ghost had turned himself around. "Yes, sir." He said through gritted teeth, then Kanau curtsied. He could NOT believe he was doing this.

"Good boy." After this was said, the paper charm was placed back onto the nightstand.

The ghost boy then practically fled from Mikuni's room. He wished so much that he did not have to return to that horrid place… he of course he would have to return to it though.. with tea.

Felicia: Alright. That's all n.n I hope you all enjoyed it! Sorry if it wasn't very good n.n;;; Make sure you review please! Ah.. and before I forget.. Patty! Thanks so much for beta-ing this for me!