It had been so long since he heard her voice that he almost didn't recognize it...wait, who was he kidding? Of course he recognized the soft tone that whispered to him during his long nights of transformation. The gentle soul that accompanied it followed by the sweet words of comfort and consolation. Maybe it was just too good to be true; he didn't want to believe it in case it wasn't real.

Sure enough, he peeked around the kitchen doorway of Grimmauld Place and was startled to see Kira's smiling face shining brightly. Her eyes were as brilliant as ever and her hair looked softer than he had ever seen it before. He hovered for a moment, not sure how to address the situation. It had been fourteen years—fourteen long years since he had seen Kira Garrett on the curb of Godric's Hollow, crying softly. They had both lost something important to them that night: their friends and their very own relationship. It was at that point that Kira had looked up and broke Remus Lupin's heart.

"I don't ever want to get married," she said, tears streaking down her face. "I don't want to get married, I don't want to have kids and I don't want to wind up like James and Lily!"

" reasonable."

"I am." She stood up stoutly and disappeared into the night. He had heard things about her from people but nothing ever compared to the truth. And yet, here she was, sitting a mere few feet away from him and he couldn't bring himself to enter the room.

Molly Weasley was the first one to notice him. "Remus, do come in," she urged, waving him into the kitchen.

It was as if time had frozen; Kira looked up slowly, her dazzling blue eyes taking on a dull view, as she peered at him from underneath her bangs. Was it just his imagination or did her eyes betray the regret she might possibly have been really feeling? "Hi," she said and her voice was as sweet as any other time she had ever spoken to him.

"Hi," he replied, noting that Molly was beaming widely as though she had just single-handedly created the world's greatest reunion between two lovers. "How are you?"

"Good," she answered quickly—perhaps too quickly. "Well, okay considering the circumstances. Yourself?"

What could he say? He was doing great, considering the fact that Voldemort was on the loose and after Lily and James' only son and it was up to Remus and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix to protect him. "Good," he finally answered.

"Kira's joining us in the Order," Molly said proudly. "She's been kind enough to lend a hand to her fellow man." There was a hint of sarcasm in Molly's voice but her eyes radiated happiness. She had been very fond of Kira when they first met many years ago. "I, for one, am glad she's here."

"Have you seen Sirius yet?" Remus asked. There was only himself, Kira, Molly and Arthur Weasley in the kitchen at the moment and judging by the fact that Kira still had her hat on, it looked as though she had just arrived.

"I just got here," Kira confirmed, taking off her hat and smiling at Arthur, who moved to take it for her. "I decided to come here early in the summer to get a good grip on what I'm getting myself into."

Early in the summer? It was almost August! But Remus didn't argue with her; that was one of his favorite things about her. "So you haven't met Harry yet?"

Kira's eyes went soft. "No. But I can't wait. Molly says he's absolutely delightful."

"He is." Remus reflected on how much Harry reminded him of James and wondered if he would have the same effect on Kira. He knew it would bring heartache to her, just like it did to him, but she hadn't seen Harry since that fateful night and he could sense she was anxious. "He's with Hermione, Ron and Tonks right now. And I think Sirius is there too. They'll be back shortly. He arrived only a few days ago himself."

Kira beamed. "I can hardly wait."

"Well!" Molly clapped her hands together. "There's much to be done. Let's get you settled in upstairs, Kira, and then we'll talk." She put her hand on Kira's back and guided her past Remus into the hallway and up the staircase. Remus watched her and collapsed into the nearest chair.

Arthur was grinning from across the table. "Nothing like first love, eh?"

"You can say that again." Remus leaned forward. "No one told me she was going to be here."

Arthur raised his hands in mock surrender. "I didn't know myself, to be honest. Molly told me this morning that Kira was coming to stay. I was going to tell you but I haven't had a chance to talk with you until now."

Remus waved the topic of conversation away; he wasn't blaming Arthur for anything. He just wished he had better time to prepare. The fact that Kira still sent his heart into orbit didn't help matter. He couldn't forget the feel of her soft lips on his cheek when he awoke after transforming. His mind kept traveling back to the night that he told her he was a werewolf. They were in the Shrieking Shack, having snuck out after hours, and often talked long into the night.

"I'm different from the other guys," he had told her.

"Of course you are," she said, beaming at him and brushing a lock of hair off his face. "That's what I like about you."

"No, Kira; I mean really different."

She had sat back as though he was radiating severe heat. "How so?"

He had taken a deep breath. "I'm a werewolf." There. It was out in the open and there would be no more playing around. He felt better, slightly, but waiting with anticipation for her reaction.

She paused for a moment before leaning towards him and resting her head on his chest. "I can hear your heart beat," she had told him. "And that's all that matters to me."

His eyes came back into focus and he saw Arthur scrutinizing him carefully. "This isn't going to be too hard for you, is it?"

"I can hear your heart beat. And that's all that matters to me."

"No; no trouble at all."

"How's it feel to see Remus again?" Molly folded one of Kira's sweaters and put it in the dresser drawer that was open.

"He's still cute," Kira answered slowly, sitting on the bed and looking thoughtful. She hated leaving Remus the way she had fourteen years ago. It killed her inside to see the pain in his eyes. Yet, she knew it was necessary. James and Lily's death had caused too much pain for her and she couldn't risk getting close to anyone again, for fear of losing them. Yes, Voldemort had just been conquered—but for how long?

Memories of her time with Remus at Hogwarts flooded her brain, making it hard to understand current thoughts and emotions. She was weighted down with murmurs of love they had once shared and the promises and vows they made to one another. So what if they were only seventeen? He meant the world to her. He was so nervous to tell her that he was a werewolf. She had to admit; it made her nervous at first but she talked some sense into herself and made her mind realize that this was still the same boy she had fallen in love with in the beginning; nothing could change that.

"I only hope this won't be too hard on either of you," Molly sighed, arranging the closet to find room for all of Kira's belongings.

"No matter what, Kira; you'll always be my girl. I'll love you forever."

"It won't be a problem," Kira assured Molly.