HP/LOTR crossover

To free his world from the torment of Voldemort, Harry must leave. After a brief talk with some higher beings, he is sent to Middle-Earth.

A/N: This fic is set many-a-year before the fellowship departs when the Lady Celebrian was still living in Imladris.



"I know that this is not what you want to hear, and I am sorry that I have to the one to explain it to you, but it is happening, there is no way we can win this if it doesn't happen. Just know that I love you all. I thank you from the bottom and top of my heart for your aid in this, for the protection you gave me when I was less than happy to receive it. I now know that it was all for a good reason and I now appreciate all your work.

"Albus Dumbledore; my Grandfather, mentor and close friend. Be sure not to let anyone forget these dark days no matter what the price. The ministry will no doubt cover anything and everything up so I am counting on you to do what you will to ensure future generations of witches and wizards alike will know the names of all involved in this crusade.

"Remus Lupin; my guardian, my father's best friend and one of my closest of all friends. Live long, be proud of who you are, let no one tell you what you are and what you aren't entitled to. You deserve a good life my friend, and you will have one when this war is over. You are a wonderful human being, you hold within you a heart of pure loyalty and valour, and I am proud to have had the chance to get to know you as I have.

"Mr and Mrs Weasley, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George and Ginny; my family, my friends and the people I will love for eternity. Get through this war alive, whether it be on the front line or in the medical wings, get through it or I'll resurrect you and kill you for dying. Live. Live for Ron and live for Percy. They would want nothing more.

"Hermione; my dearest of all friends. God knows how much I love you and I want dearly for you to live through this, grow old, have a family and be happy. It is what I expect of you and you are smart enough to know that I would not expect anything from anyone unless I knew in my heart that they were capable of doing it. Live long.

"Luna; my dear, quirky friend. Live, fight, love and be happy. Be strong and be brave.

"All who I have not mentioned, you have each touched my heart in one way or another and you all have what it takes to win this war. We will win; of this I am most sure. But when it is over, I will be leaving. Do not ask me how, do not ask me why, for there is no time and I will not answer. This war must be won, if not because it is simply what must be done, then because we owe it to our past.

"Severus Snape, Lily and James Potter, Sirius Black … the people who died at the hands or at the words of Voldemort. I EXPECT each and every single person, magical creature, intelligent being here to live, and lead full, healthy and joyful lives. I will do my part and you will do yours. Together, we will win. Thank you."


"Good Evening Mr Potter… though I suspect yours will get much worse very soon." The sickeningly, snide voice of Voldemort reached Harry's ears, alerting him to the dark lord's presence not twenty feet to the south of his current position.

After locking three more Deatheaters in an impenetrable time-locked stunning combined with a binding spell, Harry slowly turned around to face the pain in the neck that Tom Riddle had become.

"Riddle, I think you're a little old to be making idle threats." Voldemort seethed at the name and pulled out his wand, training it solely on the young man he'd been trying to get rid off since 1981.

"Tell your mother I said hello when you see her boy." With those words, the first spell was fired.


With Voldemort occupied with spells Harry didn't have to think about before muttering the incantation, the young man's mind focused on one thing and one thing alone.

Destroy this evil, banish his soul
The void he will go, no more is he whole
Torment, suffering, his crimes that stand
Offer him no mercy, his time is at hand
I offer my life, to guarantee this task done
Take me from here, from the Earth, from the sun
Use me for good, for peace, for life
Take my word now, from blood with this knife.

He quickly pulled a knife from a sheath at his waist and ran its razor sharp edge over his palm, successfully sealing the spell he'd just said in his mind.

Magic began crackling in the air around both figures that lead opposite sides in the war. More precisely, magic began crackling behind each figure.

Harry could see small sparks of energy grow into black, violent bolts that cracked like thunder behind his opponent and the Leader of the light knew Voldemort could see something similar happening behind him. The bolts behind Harry were glowing white.

Magic was tearing two holes in reality. All activity around them seemed to cease and all eyes were trained on the two leaders. Spells were still firing from each of their wands but neither were doing much damage. Harry was dodging any and all Cruciatus curses being sent his way and Voldemort was smartly avoiding the spells that were being sent towards him.


A Black Void stood open behind Voldemort.

A White Portal was open behind Harry.

All Harry had to do now was effectively push Voldemort back into the void before jumping into his portal.

His aimed his wand firmly in his right hand, opened his mouth and said loud and clearly. "Impello." He watched the jet of blue energy fly towards his enemy and strike him square in the chest, sending the black robed 'creature' flying backwards and entering the void. He then watched the void close up immediately.

After sending a mental message to all witches, wizards and creatures on the side of Light, Harry turned on his heel and launched himself into the white portal. When he passed through it fully, it closed and all the energy that had been there sustaining it vanished.

Sad smiles worked their way across the faces off the light-warriors as they each received the message Harry had sent.

"Live long, be happy, I'll be watching over you all."

Written by Messrmarauder (aka Ithil hin)