Yugi was in his car board and wandering why he and his Grandpa just had to move to a new house that's right house not game shop. Yugi was always telling his Grandpa that he liked the game shop and that he liked his old school but unfortunately Grandpa always answered, "You'll just have to learn to like it and your friends can come over anytime." One hour later they arrived at their new house Yugi looked at in disappointment and then went in the house and claimed his room.

One week past and he was at school. "This is Yugi Mouto," the teacher said. He took his seat next to Jonouchi. Yugi looked around the room and seen a girl with long blond hair and she looked back at him then she looked at the teacher the teacher was now facing the blackboard then the girl looked back at Yugi and poked out her tongue and then Yugi looked to the back of the room and seen a whiteboard then looked shocked and thought "Its not every day you see a room with a whiteboard and a blackboard. "Now time for P.E." The girl that poked her tongue out came over to him and said "Kabia's gonna get you." Yugi then looked over to Jonouchi "Don't mind Mai" Jonouchi said, "She's popular and she thinks she owns the school"

They arrived at their P.E class. "Hey Jonouchi" yelled a voice. "Hey Honda" Jonouchi yelled back. "Who's this?" Asked Honda "This is a new guy named Yugi" Jonouchi answered back "Oh! Hey Yugi I'm Honda" "Hello nice to meet you Honda" "So Jonouchi seen Shizuka lately?" "Nope" "Damn. I was going to ask her out tonight" "You jerk Honda" Said Jonouchi "Shizuka?" Yugi said, "Who's Shizuka?" "My little sister" replied Jonouchi "Here you guys are I was looking for you," said a girl voice "Oh! Hey Anzu this is Yugi" Said Honda "Hey Yugi. How ya going?" Said Anzu in a voice like she had already meet him "Good" "So where is our teacher Jonouchi?" asked Yugi "Don't know he's never late" Said Jonouchi "Yeah! He always on time" said Honda "Oh! Well" said Anzu shrugging her shoulders.

Then end of the day had arrived Yugi had made three friends and two enemies the hot weather made him want to go for a swim but unfortunately they didn't have a pool instead Yugi went to an old school house and found a lot of things and then he came across a Tea Chest and opened it there he found some purple silk. Wrapped in the purple silk was a diary. "I wander who its for" Yugi said while opening the cover Yugi then read the words in the centre of the page

For Yugi Mouto

Then in the right corner of the page he read


How is this diary to me I wasn't alive in 1989. Yugi then turned the page and started to read and this is what he read.

February 12th 1989

Jonouchi is acting like a real jerk and Anzu is getting all friendshipy and sometimes I feel like Honda is my only friend but then Honda is always hanging around Shizuka and Duke is always hanging around Shizuka and Mai and Kabia are going out like hanging around in a huge gang and teasing people its really annoying and now I feel like I'm all alone and I have barely got any friends but Mai and Kabia are my friends and Kabia's a billionaire know wander why Mai is going out with him.

That was the end of that short entry to the diary "Maybe I could read some more tomorrow when I have the time I will probably spend all day in here because tomorrow is Saturday" Yugi thought "Yugi, Yugi" Grandpa was calling him for dinner "Coming" Yugi yelled and loud as he could so his grandpa could hear him. Soon Yugi was up at his new house and eating dinner "Did you make new friends Yugi?" Asked Grandpa "Yeah! I did there names are Jonouchi, Honda and Anzu" Yugi replied as he ate a piece of bacon. "They sound nice" said Grandpa as if he really wanted to meet them "Yeah! They are" "So what did you find in that old shed?" "I found a lot of things. I found a Tea Chest a diary wrapped in purple silk and a lot more other things.

Weeks past and Yugi met Duke Honda's worst nightmare or so Honda calls him but Yugi seems to think he is really nice Yugi also met up with Jonouchi's younger sister Shizuka. The date is the 12th of February and Jonouchi is acting like a real jerk and Anzu is getting all friendshipy and Honda and Duke are hanging out with Shizuka and Mai and Kabia are going out "Its like history is repeating its self." Yugi thought to him self.