Shattered Dreams

By melaniemelmelgirl

Disclaimer: Sigh, I don't own Cardcaptor sakura……-cries-


The final chapter of Shattered Dreams. And I, Melissa, am up at 2:20 in the morning writing it. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

But I've been waiting for this thing to end since Christmas. And I've been lazy most of the time. Though I DID go on vacation for a week, that's part of the reason I didn't update lately…….moving on.

And now, for some very, well, DANGEROUS news:


Ahem….ya….okie then….

Okay, review replies:

Neko-Yuff 16: Ehehe, thanks soooo much! Actually, I don't know anyone here who DOES like Yumi…aboohaha.

Sieg1308: Weeeell I didn't exactly say that Yumi was fat, or anything….more like her plastic surgery gone wrong, and too many Chili Cheese Pringles, hehe…thanks for the review !1!

Sakura-Moonlight: Hehe, thanks!

Chibineko192: OMG you just gave me a good idea for the conclusion to the story with the review you submitted……EVERYONE, CHIBINEKO1992 DECIDED THAT YUMI WILL DIE IN A SUDDEN 'UNEXPECTED' FREAK ACCIDENT! Ooops…gave the plot away, but hey, these things happen!

Cherriblossomxz: YES, I KNOW, the HORROR, the AGONY! YUMI ACTUALLY MAY LOOK NORMAL FOR ONCE! I should know, I'm the one who created this dang story! But just cause she looks normal don't mean nothing-she's as vile and bitchy as ever, BEWARE. Maybe even more so!

Okie, my little rant/rave section is over. Damn, it took longer than I thought! Ohz well, I guess I'll start writing this thing now! I hope it doesn't turn out too crappy, seeing as my experience with play writing, is, like, none. I'm only gonna include bits and pieces from the show, so, enough of me chit chattin, ENJOY people! And look out- I'm gunna finish off "Walking Down The Aisle" after this (GASP, I actually FORGOT about this story!) and then I wanna start a story about Sakura as a punk rocker bitch…..twill be fun, stay tuned ya'll!

NOTE: Most of the feelings and perspectives coming from this chapter come from my own experiences in theater and acting in school plays. It came in handing, writing this fic…


Finally, everyone had gotten the very last bit of neon green paint off of their costumes and ensemble.

Finally, everyone had their costumes and makeup on.

Finally, Yumi had stopped being a bitch and being full of herself-wait, I take that back. That's just pushing it a tad bit…but she had calmed down some, at least. But anyhow…

Finally, everyone was in place, and the show was ready to start.


Two months had gone by, filled with rehearsals, meetings, acting, costumes, pain, agony, neon green paint, and people stuck upon themselves in an unfashionable manor (-cough YUMI cough-).

Two months in which the entire cast had discovered a little bit more about themselves, a little more about others.

Some had discovered that they were great at acting, some discovered that they weren't so great, but still, everyone had learned something new.

Something big.

Something that would reside in them for the rest of their natural lives.

A lesson that one would call, perchance, a taste of stardom?

It didn't matter, one way or another, they were all taught something new.

In these two months, everyone had made a commitment to the show, practicing their lines, finding someone to cover for them if they were to be absent from rehearsal.

Friendships were made, as people grew closer to each other, bonding in a way unlike any other.

And it was all due to the art of acting.

A love for theater.

A passion for doing something so artistic, so brave, that few people actually had the guts to do.

Acting wasn't for the weak, it was for those who were strong- those who could come up on a stage overlooking an audience of hundreds, maybe even thousands of overlooking people, some who knew them very well.

These people had to wear extensive makeup so thick that even the sluttiest whore wouldn't be caught dead wearing in public.

Even the boys wore makeup, such as foundation, pressed powders, eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, and, brown lipstick.

It was to give the appearance of normality from far away, as the harsh lights would make a person's face look dead and decaying otherwise.

Yes, those harsh lights. The ones that Sakura and her friends endured day after day of rehearsal, lights so bright that you couldn't help but squint, blinded by the brightness.

For a few minutes after they left the stage, everyone would see bright blotches from the lights, as they entered the dark stage, which could be annoying, but on the bright side, (no pun intended!), they couldn't see anyone in the audience, due to the intensity of the lights beaming down upon them.

These people were actors. They sacrificed their normal social lives to come and learn their lines and prefect their choreography just so that they could present a show to a paying audience, only to not make any money-all the money went to fund future plays.

It's not the Sakura minded it or anything, it was just that, well, she wished for some sort of compensation for all the had work that she had put in.

That compensation was the applause of the audience.

It was their laughter, their smiles, their congratulating her on a job well done, on a good performance.

All that gave Sakura the satisfaction of a job well done, worth more than all the riches money could bring.

What's more, Sakura had done it all with her closest friends.

Something made theatre and acting all the more worthwhile and entertaining if you had people you cared about working alongside you in this form of art, this high class form of entertainment that had been working miracles for centuries back.

And now, Sakura was ready to perform it all.

Taking a deep, nervous breath, she awaited the opening of the curtain.

She was seated upon a stool, spray painted gold that had bright rhinestones glued all around it, to look like jewels.

Yes, tonight she would be playing a character different, yet the same as her.

Thinking of it made excited chills run up and down her spine.

She sighed heavily as she heard her drama director welcome everyone on the other side of the curtain, which would be opening in seconds.

As she looked to her right, backstage, she could faintly see Syaoran winking at her and giving her the thumbs up sign.

Giving him a faint smile back, she hoped for the best.

Finally, the curtain opened.

She sat up attentively as she waited for Tomoyo to speak.

Tomoyo was playing the role of Yuri's best friend, Jenea, but was also the narrator of the story.

She began speaking.

"Once upon a time, in a far away land, a young girl named Yuna was secretly in love with a handsome, young man of wealth named Yori.

Yori loved her back, but was forbidden to see Yuna, as she was promised to a different young man named Hajuno, despite the two who were so beautifully in love.

Now, Hajuno didn't like this arrangement any better than Yuna did, as he was also secretly in love with someone else, Yuna's maid and close friend, Cinerie.

However, the parents of Yuna and Hajuno wished for them to be bethrowed very much so, so much, in fact, that they threatened to disown them if they were not wed.

Yori's parents also felt the same, threatening to disown him if he and Yuna should become engaged to be man and wife.

Yori's pregnant younger sister called Yorima also was against it, and it public knowledge every chance she got, but she doesn't play a very big role in this story, I'm afraid….(remember, Yumi IS Yorima, hehe…..refer back to chapter five for a character listing if you feel lost…)

And this is where Yuna's story begins….

The scene ended, and the audiences applauded.

The set crew, dressed from head to toe in black, went across the stage to change scenery.

Some of them had even dyed their hair with Color Pulse (that washable hair dye stuff…..), as a sort of joke….including Chiharu and Yamakazi.

After the scene change ended, the curtain re opened, and the next scene took place…

The story went on, as Yuna's mother and father, and her brother Yutera and her snooty younger sister Keli were rather angry at her for loving a boy from the wrong side of town, and the tension and angst between these two sides grew tighter and tighter.

Yori's mother and father, and even sister were angry as well, refusing to let them see each other at all.

Hajuno was being forced to marry Yuna, even though he was in love with Yuna's maid Cinerie, but wasn't allowed to see her due to the wealthy class forbidding him to marry a servant, and became rather depressed.

Cinerie became mistreated by Yuna's mother and father because she was in love with a servent.

However, one couple was happy at least- Jinea, a singer, and Yuna's best friend, and her husband, Eroki, a magical sorcerer.

Despite the fact that a magician wasn't allowed to marry a wealthy aristocrat, they somehow managed to get married-however, Eroki was posing as a commoner, until hopefully the laws keeping them from seeing each other were abolished.

Only then would he ever use his magic again.

Eventually, everyone gets fed up with forced marriages and secret love affairs, so the organize a protest- either they marry the ones they love, or they will kill themselves….(if the plot of this play thingy I created has any resemblance to Shakespearean plays or whatever, pardon me…..I tried to be original, at least! And this was my first attempt at playwriting….O.o)

In the end, the parents finally learn the mistakes of their ways when they see how depressed it is making everyone, so they change the laws-anyone can marry anyone now, regardless of social class or ethnicity.

There are 3 joined weddings that day- Yuna and Yori's, Hajuno and Cinerie, and-even though they were already married- Jinea and Eroki, because they were not allowed to have a public wedding earlier.

And of course, all couples kissed, Yori gave Yuna a passionate, movie star kiss, while the other two just gave a slight peck at their loved one.

Of course, that kiss between Yori and Yuna got a few hoots and hollers from the audience…but, anyhow…

Everyone lives happily ever after, in love with the partner of their choice.

The end!

The whole cast and crew came out in a line, linked hands, and bowed five times as the audience roared with applause and whoops of approval towards the hard-working cast-except for Yumi. They kinda ignored her, seeing as her only lines in the play were "That floozy is only after you for your money."

The audience cheered and clapped some more as three curtain calls were made (more calls than any play I've been in ….-shakes fist angrily-)

Sakura smiled at all her friends and cast mates as they smiled back at her.

They had done it! They had created a show that was entertaining, dramatic, touching, AND powerful, all in one night! All in one two hour segment!

The cast and crew bowed one last time before exiting the stage.

They went into the main lobby, where all their adoring friends, family, and fans greeted them, showered them with praise, flowers, and little gifts of sorts (I've gotten multiple bouquets of flowers, and once a hello kitty necklace with pretty rhinestones in it )

"Sakura, you were wonderful!" her father said, hugging her, as she was given a bouquet of blue daisies from him. (The actually sell blue daisies at my local flower shop, they dye them like that….I want some the next time I'm in a play…)

"Yeah, the monster actually didn't trip this time, like you did when you were practicing in the living room last night" her brother Touya said, giving her a bouquet of pansies.

Sakura frowned at him after taking the flowers, stomping his foot with her ballet slippers in a rather painful matter, might I add.

"AGGHH! Even in ballet slippers, she stomps hard!" he howled in pain as everyone laughed.

"I've got to say, Sakura, you really impressed me up stage there tonight!" Yukito commented, handing her a bouquet of pansies.

"Hehe, thanks Yukito!" she said and gave him a brief hug.

Her family went on with the compliments, but Sakura's attention was drifting away to another person a few feet away from her…

He was being pelted with flowers by his many sisters, trying to get away, but alas, failed as his mother was hugging him two tight, saying something about her schomokie wookums being all grown up and starring in plays…his chestnut hair falling over his face, slightly covering up those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes of his…

Sakura felt her heart skip a beat or two, as she looked at her own real life lover.

Yes, it was love, true love, and she was all too glad to have it.

She smiled, and looked coyly at her many bouquets.

Her eyes wandered to another part of the room, as she saw a girl with long purple hair being held in the arms of a blue haired boy with owl-rim glasses.

The were both laughing, kissing, and holding flowers, as Tomoyo's mother congratulated the two.

She looked around the room, seeing couples congratulate one another, perhaps steal a kiss or two, families catering over their loved ones.

Oh, the power of a good show! Sakura loved the impact of the message on the audience that they all left due to their acting and performing of a story.

Maybe someday she would perform in more plays.

Maybe someday she would marry that chestnut-haired boy.

Maybe someday, she might actually walk down the hallway at school without tripping.


These were her hopes and dreams for the future, and, ironically enough, they were not shattered, nor would they ever be….


Sakura and Syaoran continued dating though high school, starring in all the plays together and eventually got married.

They now are enrolled in acting school together, and who knows? Maybe someday they will film a movie….

Tomoyo and Eriol didn't do as many plays as Sakura and Syaoran did, but every now and then they did one in high school. They are still dating, of course, and are as in love as ever, and the PDA just keeps on improving. Evidently, they will be married this coming up spring…

Meilin and Ryan dated for awhile, but then broke up in tenth grade-they were just too different…but it's okay, they are still good friends…just not dating.

Chiharu and Yamakazi don't care what people think, they are ALWAYS together, kissing, making out, you name it! The second they were both eighteen, they flew to Vegas for a chapel-style wedding. Of course, they invited their friends along, and during spring break of their senior year, they had a funky, loud, 80's style wedding, playing rock music and spiking their hair weird like KISS did…including the funky makeup thing!

Yumi was, 'unfortunately', (hehe) killed in a terrible accident. She fell of a chair lift while learning how to snowboard in Wisconsin one Christmas morning, and it is rumored that Melissa Richards, her chair mate at the time pushed her off when Yumi started bitching at her for being so…..weird! Melissa denies it, of course, but no one really cares anyway…..even though it WAS me…nyaahaha….no one ever really did like Yumi, not even her fuck buddies…

Everyone else that I may have forgotten to mention due to my extreme laziness lived happily ever after, blah blah blah, the END!

Gee, I never thought I would actually END this freaking thing…but I did, be proud, be very proud!

Thanks to these special people for reviewing my fanfic!

Neko-Yuff 16 and Luvable-Cutie (I dedicate this to both of you!)







lil wolf lover







Princess Of Animation

Suicidal Angel In Love


Miki Matsura





Sakuma Nohara

Angel Blossom

Angel Fria







Esty Estylla Ryou

Wings Of Jade


Sakura 12




And anyone else who I may have forgotten….sorry I did! And sorry I misspelled your name….email me (shown on my bio) and tell me so I can fix it! And review if you wish, I'd like to know how people thought I did on this.

Hehe, I wish all my fellow reviewers/writers lots of success and happiness in life, and remember:


Later. Luve, melaniemelmelgirl