Sarah opened her eyes and gasped, then squeezed them closed again. Carefully, slowly, she opened them again, and groaned when the picture before her hadn't changed any.

She stood, with the Goblin King in white feathers in front of her, on the stone walkway in the not-room.

As if in a dream, she heard him recite the words she knew so well.

"Up until now, I have been generous."

While her mind raced, she mechanically asked the expected question and got the expected answer. This time though, the phrase 'I have reordered time' had entirely new meaning, though she couldn't quite remember why.

Why was she back here? Hadn't she beaten him once already?

"Sarah?" his quiet voice broke into her reverie. "Do you understand what's happening?"

Numbly, she shook her head, unable to speak to this unearthly creature who so captivated her.

"Do you remember any of the last few days?" Jareth peered at her. "Do you remember what happened to Toby?"

At her brother's name, Sarah's head shot up and her expression became frantic. "Oh god, I killed Toby!" She fell in a heap to the ground, and began to sob.

Jareth gracefully stalked over to where she was sitting, folded his legs under him, and sat beside her. He reached out a tentative hand to brush the hair away from her face and spoke very quietly. "It was not your fault, Sarah. You are not to blame."

He smiled into her eyes, and lifted her up with him. "Besides, this is your second chance. None of it has happened yet, and none of it has to. Just accept my offer."

Sarah stood frozen, as he once more held the crystal out to her and made the offer she'd been hard pressed to turn down the first time.

"Just love me, fear me, do as I say, and I will be your slave."

Sensing her hesitation, he spoke again; this time directly to her heart. "I love you Sarah. Please stay with me. I will return Toby to your father and step-mother if that's what you wish, but please stay."

With streaming eyes, Sarah nodded and stepped toward the Goblin King. She gently took the crystal from him and looked into his eyes. "I love you too, Jareth." It was the first time she'd spoken his name, and it felt right. "This way, Toby lives, and so will I. Thank you for what you've done."

She wrapped her arms around his waist and stood on her toes to kiss him.

Mis-matched eyes sparkling, a single tear made it's slow way down his beautiful face as he bent his head to hers and kissed the only woman who'd ever beaten him. This mortal he was madly in love with.