Tears of the Sun

Hello everyone. No, I do not own any of the characters to this story. huggles Hiei I wish though that I could own Hiei though Anyways. Read and hope you enjoy. Oh and don't forget to review.

Hiei sat on a branch not far from the temple. Right at this moment, the small apparition's mind is mixed with emotions of pain, hatred and sadness. Hiei felt his eyes water up. He just couldn't believe it. The one time he actually opened up to someone and it ends up getting thrown back into his face The others always treated him as a friend and the one person he actually thought was his bestfriend had actually yelled at him just for telling of his feelings that was bothering the poor little youkai.

Why Kurama why? He thought to himself. Kurama was always open with Hiei more than the others and Hiei respected what he was being told. But yet, Kurama couldn't.

Hiei could feel warm tears start watering up in his eyes. They would never be as beautiful as Yukina's. How could they? He may have been born as her brother but only as her half sibling. But he couldn't careless. Especially not now, because if Kurama would reject him as his bestfriend then there was now a greater chance of the Koorime girl rejecting him as a brother. He was happy that he didn't tell her the truth.

Kurama, you fool. You've changed. You aren't the same person that I have grown to care for. Why? Why do you treat me this way? Why do you push us all away?

Tears were now dripping down his face. He maybe demon, but he is a person and does have feelings that could still be hurt. This is one reason why he didn't want friends. It would make him not only weak but also feel pain from traitors. Those who misuse friendship and his trust to their own benefit and not feel alone until they find someone else to be with, say, a lover?

That's what Kurama did. He cared deeply for his mother and everyone knew that. But like everyone else, Hiei respected that. There was nothing wrong with caring and being close to your mother. After all, your parent's are the ones who risk everything for their child's well being. Hiei believed that he would've been close to his mother his he had gotten the chance to know her. After all, he was told that Hina did everything in her power to keep him alive. Hiei liked Shiori. He imagined that Hina was kind like her. She treated Hiei like her own. She was kind and wonderful.

But what changed Kurama was his lover. She was a snob. She had an attitude and was a lier. Also, Kurama, who was an extremely smart, intelligent person had become messed. He started to become careless about what he does and doesn't think properly. This wasn't not all like the fox that Hiei knew. But what wasn't the greatest was the fact that Shiori wasn't to fund of this girl and Kurama's new attitude. Hiei actually felt sorry for the ningen mother. Mainly because he knew how close they were. But what bothered Hiei was that Kurama was ignoring them all. The only time Hiei would see Kurama was on missions.

After Koenma gave them all communication mirrors, Hiei could remember how Kurama always ringing him up to talk and things like that, but not anymore.

By now, Hiei is in more pain as tears flowed more. He clenched his heart feeling the pain of feeling used and betrayed. He actually opened up to the fox saying, "Ai shiteru, Kitsune." All the fox did was joke around with it. He couldn't take the youkai's feelings seriously. That's fine though. Hiei wasn't expecting to have the same feelings returned although he wished they were. But what bothered him the most was telling him the truth of the way he felt Kurama was treating everyone. Hiei closed his eyes and could clearly remember what happened.


"Kurama, could I talk to you?"

Kurama placed an article of his clothing into a suitcase. Him and his girlfriend were planning a trip to Kyoto.

"Sure Hiei, what about?"

Hiei continued to stare outside, not turning to look at his friend.

"Well, it's about you. It feels as though we don't see you anymore. We miss you. I miss you."

"Look. Hiei. I don't need this. You all make out like I'm the bad guy here. I am only with her on weekends."

Bull Kurama. The only time we see you are on missions. Hiei thought to himself. Which hardly ever happen and they are little peddly ones that last only maybe a day. And being that you're with her isn't the main point. It's that you can't bother to even give us a call. I do have a phone. (Actually, it's Genkai's. Hiei just lives there)

Hiei shut his eyes and continued to face the window.

"I'm sorry if all I want is my bestfriend back."

"Well, Hiei. I haven't changed. And there is nothing wrong with her. So deal with it. I am the same person."

Or so you think End of Flashback

I am sorry Kurama. Sorry that love is blinding you from seeing clear fully cause I just can't be there constantly trying to do things for you when you can hardly treat me better. When I feel like we are drifting apart as friends.

Hiei looked down at his wrists. He had considered this idea before when the redhead had rejected him. He wondered if he even cared. Of course not. Kurama is a youko. A sneaky Kitsune. He doesn't care at all about me. If he did, he'd show it more. He'd be a friend more than just push us all away. He'd listen to a friend when they try to tell him when there is something wrong.

Hiei jumped off the tree and headed for the Makai. He knew exactly what he must do. To end the pain, the tears and the anger. Kurama doesn't need him. Hiei wondered one question, if everyone stopped chasing for the fox's friendship, would the fox start realizing it and start bothering with them all again or would friendship with the fox just fade.

The idea of loosing his bestfriend did bother Hiei but he could bear it. He was alone before and he could get used to it again. Or he could just return to Makuro's. He'd just return to check things with Yukina and another friend he sort of trust as much as Kurama, Yusuke.

Hiei then found himself to be in the Makai. Or I could just end it all. At least then I don't have to put up with anymore pain. After all, I've been through enough. The idea of loosing a best friend will scar me forever.

Hiei sat on a tree branch once again and pulled out his sword. He placed it across his wrist and then sliced it cutting the skin to let out a thick ruby red liquid. He then placed the katana back into the sheath and closed his eyes. He felt dizzy and bit nauseous from the amount of blood loss, but soon...soon it will all end. It would all be over. Goodbye Kurama.

Well, hope you enjoyed it. I'm not too sure if I'm going to end it here or have a second part of how Kurama reacts or if he ever finds out. Read and Review. If I get at least more than 6, I may write more.