"Sonic...Sonic...SONIC!" Cried a small orange fox. His two tails swayed back and forth impatiently. Finally, after a minute or so, when the blue hedgehog failed to wake up, a large booming sound was heard. This caused Sonic to slam his head right through the roof. Miles "Tails" Prower began to pick up the dozens of textbooks that he had purposely dropped. "Okay Sonic, now that I have your att- Sonic? Where are you?"

A hand grabbed the top of the large armchair, followed by a blue head. His emerald greens were wide with surprise, and he was panting quickly. "Oh, there you are!" cried Tails. Sonic the Hedgehog gave him the dirtiest look. If looks could kill, Tails would have long perished. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?!?!?!" cried the angry hedgehog. "You wouldn't wake up when I called you... so I did the next best thing."Said the two-tailed fox with a sly smile. "You screamed like a little girl." he added with a huge grin. Sonic muttered a small cure under his breath. "Tch. You wish..." he groaned.

"So why did you wake me up for?" "I need you to do me a huge favor." Tails expression suddenly changed. "Yeah? What?" asked Sonic. Now even more awake than before. He couldn't help but lower his eyelids a little. He hadn't slept is so long. "I need you to hop on that treadmill, and run at medium speed." said Tails searching for his notepad.

Sonic, still a little irritated, gradually hopped on the treadmill, and did as he was told.

"Okay. Now take it up a notch." Tails silently spoke. A hint of determination entered his voice when he saw the numbers on his computer screen grow larger. Two-thousand, three-thousand...four-thousand... "Sonic slow down!" The blue hedgehog didn't even seem to be trying hard to run at top speed. With a tired sigh, his feet moved more slowly.

He began to nod off. Then bringing his head back up again, he realized that Tails was freaking out. Suddenly there was a small explosion as the computer screen burst into little pieces. Sonic immediately stopped. His shoes making a screech against the rubber material f the treadmill. "Sonic!!! I said medium speed!" Tails whined. "Hey quit your belly achin', I was at medium speed!" Sonic shouted back. With a twitch in his eye, Tails turned and furiously kicked at the computer monitor, mumbling something about his fifth computer.

Sonic, in the meantime, decided it was best to go outside for a while. He spotted some shade underneath a small palm tree. With his eyes still half closed, and a tired smile upon his face, he made his way to the tree. He flopped down on the soft earth and stared at the blue sky. The long leaves seemed like hands, protecting him from the harsh light of the beautiful summer afternoon. He mouthed a silent, thank you God... and slowly began to nod off again. After about thirty seconds of peace he heard a female voice call out to him. "Sonic you silly. What are you doing down there?" The voice giggled.

Sonic opened his eyes and stiffly turned to what he hoped, wasn't truly there. But today just wasn't a good day. He met a pair of spring green eyes, staring straight at him. Amy Rose was right there. Crouched on her heels. He quickly turned back around. "I was sleeping Amy." He irritably spoke. "Oh...Why?" she asked out of sheer innocence, and curiosity. He shot up and gave her an irritated look. She remained in the same position, except her eyes now met his. "Because I haven't gotten any sleep Amy." He spoke through clenched teeth.

Amy sighed as he lay back down. It was a couple months after the ARK incident, and Sonic did indeed look tired. Due to that, he often grew aggravated. "Okay then. Umm...is Tails in?" "Yeah but I wouldn't go there if I were you." He didn't even bother to turn to her. He kept his Back facing her.. "Just came to see how you were doing" she smiled. "Well I'm fine. Still alive. So you can go now." Amy huffed. He could be such a brat sometimes.