Author's Note: This story takes place after my previous fanfic "A Girl's Best Friend," in which my character Samantha (Sam) is introduced. She moves to Tremorton, befriends Jenny and co. and helps them defeat a villain. I suggest that you read it if you haven't done so already. The background info might be useful, although I'm aiming to let this tale stand pretty much on its own. Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter One: School Daze

The hallways of Tremorton High were bustling with chattering students. It was midday and they had just been released from their classes for lunch. While some of the teens went directly to the cafeteria, many of them preferred to regroup with their friends to chat and gossip. One particular group was centered on a certain pair of girls. The first girl was tall and thin with a dusky complexion. She was poised and elegant with an aristocratic bearing, speaking in a distinguished British accent. The second girl was shorter and more thickset, lighter of skin and rougher of speech, but carried the same haughtiness as her well-bred companion. Both girls were clad in the very latest style of clothing and accessories, and they basked contentedly in the praises their friends showered upon them.

"I totally love your new shoes, Brit!" the short redhead Pteresa babbled ecstatically. "They're absolutely to die for!"

Brit beamed and swelled up proudly, raising her slim build to its full height. "Yes, aren't they? I'm quite pleased with them myself! They were most expensive! Daddy was so very generous to loan me his credit card!"

"Oh, Tiff!" the almond-eyed Stephanie gasped. "That purse is sooo cute! You've got to tell me where you bought it from!"

Tiff smirked and rested her hands on her stocky hips. "No can do, girlfriend! This here's a genuine authentic Jean-Philippe original! Good luck findin' a copy at Q-Mart!"

The other girls frowned in disappointment, except for Jantreece, who looked slightly puzzled. "Actually, I think I saw somebody else with a purse just like that!"

The dark, mascara-laden outlines of Tiff's eyes expanded to the size of basketball hoops. "What?? You've gotta be kiddin' me! Are you serious?!"

All the girls' gazes shifted to Jantreece, whose hair buns bobbed up and down as she nodded. "Yep! I kid you not! The new girl in my English class has that exact same purse! She's got it today, in fact!"

"Well, one of us has to get rid of her purse, and it ain't gonna be me!" Tiff clenched her fists and teeth tightly, face reddening with rage. "Of all the social-climbin' nerve! Tell me where she is!"

Brit calmly placed one gloved hand on the girl's shoulder. "Now, now, dear cousin, let's not do anything rash." Her tone was calm and aloof, her dusky face the very picture of genteel serenity. "Let's see this new girl's purse for ourselves before jumping to conclusions. Jantreece, where is she?"

Jantreece pointed to a blonde girl who was stowing books inside a nearby locker. Sure enough, she wore a purse over her shoulder that matched Tiff's exactly. The moment she shut the locker door and turned around, Tiff was standing in front of her and glaring daggers. "Oh! Hi there!" the girl said with a smile. When Tiff only glared at her even harder, she frowned. "Um, is something wrong?"

"Darn right somethin's wrong, blondie!" Tiff yelled. She thrust a manicured finger at the girl's purse. "You've got ten seconds to get rid of that thing before I do it for you!"

The girl blinked at her, totally confused. "My purse? Why? What's wrong with it?"

Brit came up beside Tiff and cast a disapproving glance at her. Then she gave the blonde girl a cold smile, still as calm and collected as ever. "You'll have to forgive my cousin's unseemly outburst. You see, dear, she's upset that your purse is completely identical to her own, which is an original creation of the famous designer Jean-Philippe."

The girl looked down at her purse. "Really? That's weird. I got mine for ten bucks from a stand at the Cleveland Airport!"

It was Brit and Tiff's turns to look stunned. "Th-that's not the point!" Brit stammered, and a few snickers came from the three other girls. "The point is that the two purses look the same! We can't have you wearing that while Tiff has hers! That's a terrible fashion don't!"

"And besides!" Tiff chimed in angrily. "It looks better on me! Yours clashes with your outfit so bad it's makin' my eyes water!"

The comment was uncalled for, but the blonde girl decided to let it slide. "Okay, okay! If it bothers you that much, I'll put it away." Annoyed, she turned back to her locker and started twisting the dial, mumbling under her breath. "Jeeze, it's only a purse. From the big scene they're making, you'd think I copied her prom dress."She placed the purse inside and closed the door, then turned back to the girls with a smile fixed on her face. "There! All gone!"

"Very good." Brit replied, her composure restored. She crossed her arms and smirked smugly, and Tiff adopted a similar pose. "You're new here, so we can't blame you for your ignorance. But let this be a lesson a to you. We Crust cousins take our social standing very seriously. Should you commit another error like this, you'll have to suffer the consequences."

The girl looked more irked then worried by the snooty girl's speech. "Thanks for the tip. I'll keep it in mind."

Brit was not at all pleased by the insolence in her tone. "See that you do." she sneered. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we'd love to stay and chat, but we're late for lunch. Ta ta, darling." With that, the cousins turned away, neither of them looking very happy as they rejoined their friends. "Jantreece, tell us what that girl's name is." Brit ordered tonelessly.

"Uh, it's Samantha." Jantreece replied. "Samantha Sanderson. But everyone calls her Sam."

Brit and Tiff both glanced over their shoulders at the figure of the blonde girl retreating down the hall. Then they exchanged a look with each other, thinking the same thing. They would be keeping a close eye on Sam from now on.

Brad scooped up a spoonful of the oddly colored mush the lunch ladies had served him. He eyed and sniffed it warily, expecting it to come alive and slither off his plate. Meanwhile, Jenny had her usual assortment of oils and mechanical fluids, but they remained untouched. She was busy scanning the crowded cafeteria, searching for someone. At last she spotted her target; a fair-haired girl carrying a tray and looking around the room in confusion.

Jenny smiled and raised her arm in the air. "Hey, Sam!" she called out, waving to get her attention. "Over here! We saved you a seat!"

Sam's face brightened up immediately at the sight of her friends. She wove her way through the tables toward them, finally setting her tray down at the spot next to Jenny. "Hi, guys!" she said cheerfully as she seated herself. "Sorry I took so long."

"That's okay, Sam!" Jenny assured her. "We just got here ourselves! Hey, what happened to that cute purse you had?"

Sam groaned and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "These two girls got all up in my face about it. One of them had the same purse as me, and demanded that I get mine out of sight. Honestly, those girls had one of the biggest superiority complexes I've ever seen!"

Brad smiled knowingly and nodded his head. "Sounds like the Crust cousins, doesn't it, Jenny?"

"Tell me about it." Jenny groaned. She rested an elbow on the table and dropped her chin against her hand. "I know just what you mean, Sam. But you're a lot sharper then I was at first. The Crusts are the most popular girls in school, and for a while I actually wanted to be friends with them. I didn't change my mind until they started going out of their way to humiliate me."

Brad pushed his lunch aside and folded his arms on the tabletop. "Yeah, Brit and Tiff have always been that way. Anytime they think somebody's trying to take the spotlight away from them, they'll take it back by any means necessary."

"There's at least one in every high school." Sam picked up her milk carton and pried it open as she continued. "You know, it's funny. I've gone to so many schools before, but I always find the same stuff: icky cafeteria food, crabby teachers, and snooty cliques." Then her face brightened up. "But let's not go into that! I want to know about the stuff you guys do for fun!"

"Tell her, Brad." Jenny said, and took another drink of oil. "You know this stuff better then I do."

Brad straightened up in his seat and grinned, ready to impress Sam with his knowledge. "You see, Sam, Tremorton High is a fine example of a typical North American high school, complete with all the standard activities. This includes sports events, drama productions and, of course, dances!"

Jenny couldn't help giggling at Brad's little documentary-style speech, but Sam was taking it seriously. She leaned forward against the table and propped her chin her hands, listening intently. "I love dances! Tell me more about those!"

Pleased with the reaction, Brad continued. "The dance committee tries to put on at least one dance per month. The next one on the schedule is in November, before Thanksgiving break."

"But this is October. Aren't there any dances happening this month?" Sam questioned.

Brad's smile wavered slightly, then collapsed. "Eh, well, we used to have a costume ball for Halloween, but Vice Principal Rizinski cancelled it after some jokers set off a stink bomb at the last one."

"He did?!" Both Jenny and Sam said this in surprised unison.

"Yeah, it took months to get the smell out." Brad replied. "We couldn't use the gym again until February."

"That stinks!" Jenny pouted. "That's totally unfair! Why should everyone miss out on the dance because of what a few stupid guys did?"

Brad spread his hands. "You know how Rizinski is, Jen. One guy steps out of line, and he makes the whole school suffer." He sighed in disappointment and poked at the lumpy sludge on his plate. "It's really a major bummer. Everyone always looked forward to the costume ball. Now there's nothing to look forward to."

Jenny folded her arms and frowned, mechanical pigtails sagging. "At least you've been to a costume ball. This would've been my first one."

Sam quietly looked from one friend's sad face to the other. She didn't like seeing them that way and tapped her chin with one finger, pondering intensely. Then her eyes lit up as an idea came to her. "Hey, guys! Why don't we have our own costume ball?"

Both teens looked at her in surprise. "You mean do it ourselves?" Brad asked incredulously. "Sam, are you saying you want the three of us to throw a party for the entire school??"

"What? No! I didn't say that!"

"Why not? That's a great idea!" Jenny squealed, pigtails perking up happily. "We can have it at my house!"

Brad raised his eyebrows at her. "You're kidding. Like your mom's really gonna let you invite three hundred kids over and play loud music all night."

Jenny's pigtails drooped again. "Oh, yeah. Never mind."

"Guys, let me explain!" Sam insisted. "We can't invite the whole school, none of our houses is big enough for that! We can just invite the people we really want to be there. That way they'll all fit, and we can still manage the crowd."

Brad rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm. That could work, but my house isn't really big enough for any kind of parties."

"Mine could work," Jenny offered. "On second thought, the last party at my house didn't go too well. And I don't think my mom would let me have another one."

"That just leaves my place." Sam piped up. "I think it's big enough, and I'm sure I can convince my parents. They'll be going out anyway to take my little brothers trick-or-treating."

"Okay then!" Jenny grinned. "You talk to your folks, and then we'll be in business!" The two girls squealed ecstatically, bouncing in their seats and squeezing each other's hands. "This is gonna be so cool!" they giggled. Brad smiled and shook his head at the two girls. He was glad that Jenny now had someone to share her stronger female impulses with, but he would never fully understand them. At least now he didn't need to sit through chick flicks or soap operas with her. And it didn't hurt that Sam was a 9.5 on his "Hot Girl-O-Meter."

After a few more moments of excited squeals and giggles, the girls calmed down. "Wow! All that planning made me hungry!" Jenny remarked.

"Yeah, me, too!" Sam agreed. She arched her eyebrows when she noticed all the cans and bottles on Jenny's tray. "Wow! What's all that stuff?"

"Motor oil, gear oil, synthetic grease, and transmission fluid." Jenny explained. She unscrewed the lid of one of the bottles and took a sip. "Everything a robot needs to stay healthy!"

"I'll have to take your word on that." Sam giggled, then frowned when she looked down at the multicolored sludge on her plate. "I'm sure it's a lot healthier then this stuff. Whatever it is."

Brad nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, it looks like it was scraped off the side of the road." he took a bite, then grimaced in disgust. "Tastes like it, too. Hey, Jenny, wanna trade?"

Jenny smiled and shook her head. "Thanks, but no thanks."

To be continued . . .