Tidus and the Blob of Doom

Disclaimer: I do not own FFX.

Oo I wasn't really planning to update since I thought ppl would hate the idea, especially the excessive use of Al Bhed, which by the way, is driving my spell check crazy :D, but people actually reviewed and said they liked it! -sniffle- I feel so loved.... Another thing I was surprised at was that people actually thought that the funniest thing was Seymour turning into a chocobo. Oo You guys are weird.... Oh btw Kimahri's not in this story because I don't like 'im. Yup, the author rules all....

Anyway, on with the story...


Tidus, Rikku, Yuna, Wakka, Auron, Lulu, and Seymour had been walking for quite a while, and Rikku was getting bored.

"E's PUNAT!" she whined, "Frah yna fa ajan kuehk du kad du Guadosalam?"

"Patience, Rikku," intoned Tidus, who was now floating alongside her sitting in a lotus position, "Just take deep breaths, and your karma will thank you..."

Rikku raised one eyebrow. "Fuf, Tidus," she exclaimed, "E teth'd ghuf oui fana csynd!"

"HEYYYYYYYY!" yelled Tidus, falling to the ground, "THAT'S NOT VERY NICE!!!"

"WARK!" yelled Seymour, running ahead, "Wark wark WARRRK!"

"He says we're getting close to the Moonflow," explained Tidus.

"E nasaspan dra Moonflow," exclaimed Rikku, "Dryd'c frana E vencd sad oui kioc!!!"

"YAY!!!!" screeched Yuna, throwing her arms up in the air, "WE GET TO RIDE A SHOOPUF!!!"

"WARK!!!" screeched Seymour.

"He says they probably won't let him on 'cause he's a chocobo," said Tidus.

"But he's not a freakin' chocobo," Yuna pointed out, "He just THINKS he is."

"That is true," agreed Lulu, "But what if he really DOES turn into a chocobo?"

"Wark!" exclaimed Seymour in terror.

Wakka, who was still extremely clueless, threw a blitzball at Seymour's head.

"WARK!" Seymour cried out in pain.

"Blitz," replied Wakka with a big smile.

"Wakka, oui'na lnywo," sighed Rikku, shaking her head.

Wakka smiled and replied, "Blitzball blitz."

Lulu raised one eyebrow.

"E zicd naymewat cusadrehk!" exclaimed Rikku with a silly grin plastered to her face.

"What did you realize, Rikku?" asked Tidus.

"Seymour tuach'd ghuf Al Bhed," she giggled, "Dryd sayhc E lyh ehcimd res yht ra fuh'd ajah ghuf ed!"

Tidus laughed and exclaimed, "DO IT! DO IT!!!"

Rikku smiled and screeched, "SEYMOUR GUADO EC Y BUUB RAYT!!!! SEYMOUR GUADO EC Y BUUB RAYT!!!"

"C'mon, you can do better than that," urged Tidus.

Rikku pointed at Seymour and yelled, "DRUI BINBMAT LMYO-PNYEHAT BYHDYMUUH!!!!"

"Ooooooo, nice one," said Tidus.

"WARK!" screeched Seymour, obviously offended.


"What did she just say?" asked Lulu.

"She's cussing Seymour out," replied Tidus, obviously pleased with how the day was turning out.

Lulu rolled her eyes.


How did you like it? You'd better be happy, I usually don't do Seymour-bashing.

Chibi Seymour: WARK!!!

Shut up.

Chibi Seymour: Oo PLZ REVIEW!!!!