Author's Note: This is my first Prétear fanfic, so please be kind hehe.. Basically the story is divided into two parts, one is rather short, and the other is really the main plot. I'll make it clear where the two parts divide. BTW, this fic will contain both m/f and m/m relationships, so if you are anti- shounen-ai, it would be best if you not read this fic.. Buuut.. No canon relationships are broken, so that means Himeno/Hayate, yay!

Reflets Sombres
"Cheers!" Cried the seven companions as their glasses clinked together in a toast. They stood around a circular dinner table, dressed with partially burned candles in silver candlesticks, fine white china with the remains of a lavish meal spread about them and the used silverware, and a fine white flower embroidered tablecloth.

The room itself was large and spacious, with the table in the center. There was one entrance into the room, against the south end wall. Mannen, Goh and Kei sat closest to this door. Shin and Hajime sat to the right of Kei, and Hayate and Himeno were nearly directly across from both Kei and Goh. Behind Himeno and Hayate, on the north end wall was a large circular window which overlooked the city. On both the east and west end walls large classical paintings were hung.

It was the eve of Himeno's twenty third birthday, and she had spent it with her friends, taking the day off to celebrate this day with the people she loved most. She would have a party like this one with her family on her actual birthday the next day, but she wanted to have a special party to spend with her Knights.

Mannen, the Knight of Ice, swiveled his wine glass about appreciatively, leaning his head back to cry out, "Speech!" As he did so, Shin giggled in amusement, bending his neck to look at the contents of his wine glass, which was only white grape juice. Himeno set her glass on the table, leaning her head to the side and smiling.

"I'll give one." Himeno said, placing her hands to her side. She breathed in, blushing slightly before she began. "When I met you all.. seven years ago.. I honestly had a very bleak outlook on the world.. and people in general.." Himeno began, scanning over the six Leafe Knights that stood around her.

She smiled in an almost bittersweet manner, noting that one of her first friends from the Leafe Knights could not be with them on that day. Sasame, former Leafe Knight of Sound, had lost his ability to prét after being reborn by Himeno. Kei had told them it was because technically since Sasame did die, and thus he lost his ability to be the Knight of Sound, and a new Knight was being created to take his place. Now Sasame was bound to stay in Leafenia, also as part of a punishment for allowing himself to become a puppet of Fenril. He was able to leave Leafenia during the day to have his radio show, but could not stay in the human world for long periods of time. He had told Himeno that he did not regret any of his actions, and Himeno believed that both he and Takako were both deeply in love with one another. A party with the two lovers included had taken place earlier in the day, and afterwards the two said their goodbyes and returned to Leafenia.

She gulped down the lump in her throat, continuing, "..but.. then Hayate showed me what love was.. and Sasame taught me to believe in my friends.. Goh and Kei.. the both of you taught me how valuable my family and my life is.. and Shin, Hajime and Mannen.. you three taught me how to truly laugh and love again.." She finished, bowing her head to wipe a tear from her eyes. "..So.. thanks.." She whispered.

There was a moment of silence where the six remaining Leafe Knights looked at her in almost reverence. Shin and Hajime broke the silence, crying out, "We love you, Himeno-chan!!" as they both embraced her, Shin bursting into tears as they did so. The Prétear smiled in response as she reached up to pat Shin and Hajime's hair, which was no easy thing to do since over the past seven years both boys had shot up a considerable amount height wise, Hajime more so than Shin, who was nearly the same height as Himeno.

"Himeno.." Hayate whispered lightly, reaching out to take his lover's hand in his own. "It is our pleasure entirely.. to be your Knights.. happy birthday, koi." He kindly added to his Princess. She flashed a peace sign from behind Shin and Hajime's lanky teenage forms, her bright pink hair barely poking out from between them.

Kei took a sip of his white wine, pursing his lips as he lowered the glass. "You grew and matured and became the most astonishing example of a Prétear I have ever seen."

"And that's a compliment, seeing as how Kei is so damn old." Mannen added, dodging before either Kei or Goh could reach over and swat him on the head. Goh gave him a dark glare instead, and Mannen stuck his tongue out in response, pulling down an eyelid before going back to sipping his wine. Goh was next, directing a glare at Mannen before he turned his attention to Himeno.

"You're only my second Prétear, Himeno.. and Mannen, Shin and Hajime's first.. and I just wanted you to know that the example you set for them was one that I will always be grateful to you for." Goh began, trailing off quietly as he shut his eyes for a moment to regain his composure. As he did this, he noted that his glass seemed to be almost vibrating in his palm, and a strange grating ring was slowly intensifying in his ears. He shrugged off the strengthening shiver of the wine glass and the underlying tone, and continued, "And the love you have shown for all of us.. the caring.. I believe it will leave a positive influence on all of us.. and if Sasame could be here now, he woul-"

His speech was cut short as the ringing rapidly burst in a loud sound that was not unlike the inside of a ringing church-bell. The sound reverberated through the room, causing he and his companions to grab their ears in pain; the glass of the plates, the windows and the glasses immediately shattering into a million sparkling pieces. The large circular window that lie behind Himeno and Hayate burst from the force of the unseen blast, and as Himeno screamed from fright, Hayate grabbed onto her to prevent any glass from cutting her. Most of the shards flew harmlessly outward, and only a few remained in the room. He was sure he heard Shin cry out in surprise, and Kei next to him hissed a curse under his breath. As the ringing slowly died down, he lifted his palms from his pained ears, looking around at the others.

Each of the Leafe Knights and the Prétear possessed a confused look of varying degrees as they looked around the table at the shattered China, vase, and the remains of the window behind the ducking Himeno and Hayate. He originally thought the force had shattered the window completely, but this was not the case. There was a clean, horizontal split in the glass, about a foot wide, leaving the bottom and top of the window intact.

It was a long, quiet moment before anyone could speak. Goh grasped his hand, which had several deep cuts on it from the shattered glass, wincing as the blood beaded to the top. Mannen did the same thing, but rather than clenching his hand, he was blowing on the cuts, shaking his hand afterwards. Shin and Hajimei were looking about themselves wildly, their eyes wide and their skin pale from fright. Hayate continued to hold Himeno, who was gazing down at the remains of her wineglass in confusion. The Leafe Knight of Fire looked over at Kei, and even he showed a small amount of shock at the sudden burst of invisible energy.

The first Knight to regain enough composure spoke up, "What the HELL was that?!" Shouted Mannen, his voice shaking slightly.

"It... sounded like a sonic boom... or something," Himeno said shakily as Hayate helped her up.

"It could have been caused by a... jet passing overhead or something..." Kei suggested uncertainly as he set down what remained of the base of his own glass. "But then..."

"There's no glass, anywhere... except for the broken china and glasses," Shin said dazedly. He slowly unclenched his hands, which held the sleeves of Hajime's shirt in a death grip.

"It... felt like the force was coming from inside... out..." Hajime added, sounding just as dazed as Shin.

"Is... everyone OK?" Goh asked, finally taking his eyes off of his cut hand. "Anyone hurt?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"We're fine," Hayate said, as he looked at Himeno's hands and his own.

"Just some shallow cuts... nothing bad," Mannen said lightly.

Kei picked up a napkin from the table and pried open the clenched fingers of Goh's injured hand, pressing the napkin into the Knight of Fire's palm. "You should wash that out," The blond said gently, raising his golden eyes to look into Goh's deep scarlet-brown eyes. "You too, Mannen."

Mannen rolled his eyes at this, shrugging off Kei's advice as he continued to gingerly blow on his palm. He lifted his napkin from the floor; it had fallen off of his lap when he rose to speak, and wrapped it around his open palm.

Pulling his hand away from Kei's tender dabbing, Goh looked to the kitchen door, saying in a still rather bemused manner, "I'll go get a dust pan and a hand broom to sweep up this glass.." He looked to Kei, who removed his grip from Goh's hand, and then turned to duck into the kitchen.

Goh pushed the swinging door open, entering the kitchen and leaving the rest of his companions in the dining room. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck, and his arms stand on end with electricity. Goh paused, a feeling of déjà vu falling over him. He knew this feeling, it had coursed through his veins before, but from where and when he could not pinpoint. The tips of his fingers grew cold, and a feeling of nervousness began to rise in the pit of his stomach.

He shook his head, clenching his fists as he stepped further into the kitchen. It was a spacious room, with high white walls and white marble countertops. Two doors connected the kitchen to both the dining room and the living room. The dining room door was situated to the side of the bar counter; the living room door faced the bar counter head on. Over the bar hung several champagne, wine, snifter, margarita and martini glasses from a black stemware rack. Behind the bar stood the actual kitchen, with a white ceramic stovetop off to the right if you were to enter from the dining room door or on the back wall if you were to enter from the living room door. A large silver chrome sink sat in the counter on the right side wall, or from Goh's perspective straight ahead. The dishwasher was set to the right of the sink, and above the dishwasher was a white in the wall microwave. On the left side wall, or straight off the side from the dining room entrance, was a long countertop which held a black blender, a black coffeemaker, and a polished marble knife block. Tucked nearly against the bar, still on the left side wall, was an in the wall refrigerator.

Goh walked behind the bar counter, opening one of the cabinets underneath and reaching in to grasp a small dustpan and hand broom. He shut the cabinet, and felt another shock of electric energy skimming over his skin. He spun around on his heels, suddenly sensing another presence behind him. What he saw caused him to drop the dustpan and broom, and he hopped back from the unexpected sight.

The ringing sound returned, it lilted lightly in the air, yet permeated Goh's senses. The source came from a figure that stood behind him. A small child, who could not be much older than six, perhaps seven at best, stood before him. The child was a male, with creamy white skin and flashing violet eyes. His hair was nearly as pale as his skin, glinting silver in the light. The child wore nothing, and stood before Goh with a wary look in his dark eyes. His lips curled into a thoughtful smile, and a wave of familiarity fell over Goh.

"..Sasame.." A quiet, invisible, yet familiar voice rang in the back of Goh's head. "My own personal sin.. is now revived with the innocence of a child.."

The child tilted his head to the side, lifting his serene voice to say, "..Leafe Knight of Fire.. Goh?"

Goh felt the electricity run up his spine once again, and opened his mouth, wanting to say something else, but he could only let out, "..One moment, please." He ducked out of the room, walking rapidly into the dining room. He rushed over to Kei's side, gripping the sleeve of the blond's white over shirt.

Kei turned and gave him his usual impassive gaze. "What is it, Goh? You look as though you have just seen a ghost."

"Kei.. there's a nude boy in the kitchen." Goh mumbled, tugging lightly on his shirt. Kei blinked his eyes slowly, as if Goh saying this was nothing out of the ordinary, and as if the idea of a nude boy being in their kitchen was just a regular occurrence.

Mannen, however, would not let this comment slide in the manner that Kei did. "Well, no surprise there, you probably hide nude children all over this apartment." As he said this, Kei and Goh both shot him disapproving glare.

"Could it it be?" Hayate whispered, looking to Kei, who shut his eyes. Kei nodded shortly, turning and walking silently into the kitchen, Goh following him. Himeno blinked in confusion, tugging on Hayate's sleeve.

"Could it be what?" She asked. Hayate said nothing, but took her hand and walked toward the kitchen. "..Hayate?"

Mannen's face turned from a look of teasing to a look of inquisitiveness. He stepped lightly after Himeno and Hayate, peering from behind Hayate. He was followed by Shin and Hajime, who both looked just a curious as Mannen did. The three seemed to revert back to their childlike forms, curious and innocent about what had happened, and what was about to happen.

Kei stopped, flipping his hair back as he folded his arms. Goh stood behind him, staring over his shoulder at the small child who stood in the middle of the kitchen floor. As Himeno and Hayate entered, Himeno drew in a quick breath at the sight of the young boy, covering her mouth. Hayate seemed unphased by the appearance of him, and the three youngest Leafe Knights said nothing, only stared in wonder.

"..I was wondering when you were going to appear." Kei said flatly, lowering his eyes to look at the boy more closely. Himeno pushed past Kei, removing her white cardigan and wrapping it around the bare child. He looked at her inquisitively, blinking as she stepped back.

"Lady Prétear.." The boy said timidly, raising a small hand to take her own. Himeno felt a very familiar electric sensation run through her body as his small fingers touched her own. Mannen made a move to get closer, to see what was going on, and stumbled over one of the legs of the stools that sat before the bar. Hayate shot a rather annoyed glance, turning to watch Himeno further. The boy looked away from Himeno, and up at the rest of the Leafe Knights, his gaze becoming somewhat shy at the imposing feeling the grown men gave him, "Leafe Knights of Wind, Light, Ice, Water and Plants.. Hayate, Kei, Mannen, Hajime and Shin.." He turned to look at Goh, smiling, "And I have already met Goh.."

"..His power.. he feels like a.. he feels like one of us." Mannen squeaked, slowly creeping up to stand next to Goh. "Goh.. who is he?" He asked, blinking in wonder.

"..He is.." Goh started, his face wrinkling into a bittersweet smile, "..Sasame.."

A/N: Welllll, that's the end of chapter one.. tell me what you think about it! I know it's a bit confusing.. but next chapter is the explaining one! Stay tuned! Muahahahah!
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