"In The Lair of Doctor Toufu…."

Chapter Two of "Is Ranma-chan Hurt?"

Kasumi had been quietly cleaning in the hall outside of the bathroom, not really trying to spy on Nabiki and Ranma, she reassured herself, but because the hall actually needed it. Like everything else in the Tendo home it was kept immaculately clean and did not need the all the attention it was now getting.

Kasumi was worried about Ranma after she found the blood in the laundry room. Ever since the Saotome's had come to live at the Tendo home, Ranma had become like a little brother (or sister!) to her. Now she feared that something maybe seriously wrong with her.

While really not trying to listen, Kasumi couldn't help but overhear a little of what was being discussed inside the bath, something about pregnancy, rape, gynecologist, and a visit to Dr Toufu, today!.

Oh My! Ranma-chan, please let this all be something simple, just a silly misunderstanding! Kasumi prayed to herself. It can't be... that! But he is a girl at times…. Kami, this is driving me crazy! She could... I guess… but how? pondered Kasumi.

You KNOW how, Kasumi! she chided herself. I just never thought it could happen to HER! She can't get pregnant, can she? Kasumi wondered. I just can't imagine Ranma-chan doing 'IT' with a boy at all, now if she was doing 'it' with Akane....

Kasumi's thoughts broke off with a start, and she had to clamp her hand across her month to help stifle the laugher that threatened to burst forth. I can't believe I'm more willing to think of Ranma-chan as a lesbian then as a 'normal' girl, and with my own sister no less!

Its just that I always felt that deep down Ranma-chan was still 'male,' that her curse couldn't change THAT! Kasumi reasoned as she tried to make sense of her thoughts She does physically transform into a girl, it isn't just some illusion so... maybe she mentally changes into one too?

Kasumi heard a new sound that she correctly interrupted to be Nabiki straightening up the bath prior to leaving. Kami, if she catches me here I'll NEVER convince her I wasn't meddling in her life again. Kasumi realized as she spun away from the bath's door and raced down the stairs.

Kasumi swiftly retreated to the sanctuary of her kitchen before she gingerly peered back down the hallway. Satisfied she wasn't spotted, she turned her mind to her housework. Let's see, um... lunch! I'll make LUNCH! she decided as she wracked her brain for a cover story hide her true activities. Nabiki's the only one who realizes just how much I meddle. Kasumi knew as she quickly scatted various kitchen implements around her countertops and started heating some leftovers from the night before.

Just a few minutes later, she heard Nabiki call out to her from the front hall. "Kasumi, Ranma and I decided to go shopping; we'll be back by six."

"Are you sure you must leave right now? Nabiki, you two haven't had your lunch yet. It will be ready soon" Kasumi replied in her best 'sweet, naive, innocent mother' voice.

"Don't worry about us, Kasumi; we'll just get something from one of the oden stalls." Nabiki called back as she pushed Ranma towards the front door.

"But Nabiki! If Kasumi's gone ta all the effort and all ta make us lunch..." Ranma started to say.

"Shut up Ranma, We don't have time for this" Nabiki told her companion in her own, patented 'don't cross me or you will regret it' voice.

Kasumi walk to the door and watched with her concern evident on her face as Nabiki half-dragged a reluctant, still female Ranma down the street until they were completely out of sight.

They must be going to see Ono [Dr. Toufu] Kasumi decided as she returned to her kitchen and continued to cook lunch for the Fathers. Oh! That's right! Ono promised to loan me that book… she suddenly, VERY conveniently, remembered. I guess I could go and pick it up on the way to the market, after all, I am going right past his office!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nabiki sat in a nearby chair as she watched the ever-efficient Dr Ono Toufu conduct his examination of Ranma-chan, a much more thorough exam than Ranma had EVER wanted to receive.

I didn't know that Dr Toufu had all the... um, implements for THAT kind of exam! Nabiki smirked. She had offered to leave during this part of the exam, but stayed at Dr Toufu's request.

He doesn't want anyone to accuse him of 'improper' behavior, he wants me to chaperone him! as she noticed that Ono's part-time nurse was absent today. OH! I hope Ono warmed those up for Ranma! she thought, wickedly, as she again looked at the various 'implements'.

It took all of Toufu's bedside manner and Nabiki's tact to get Ranma up on the special examination table and Toufu considered slipping Ranma a sedative but she finally gave in.

"Ranma, You are a picture of health!" Dr Toufu started to say while helping the girl out of the 'stirrups.' "I did not find anything physically wrong with you. All young ladies…"

"I AM NOT A YOUNG LADY!" Ranma-chan angrily interjected as she jumped off the table and confronted the doctor. "I'm a MAN, no matter what I look like. This is all because of that stupid curse! I'M NOT REALLY A GIRL!"

"Ranma, you should realize by now that your cursed form is a real female. After today, there is no doubt about THAT anymore! thought Dr Toufu, as he moved to place the examination table BETWEEN him and the upset girl, just to be safe! "The only things that I find really unusual about this is your curse, along with your age, of course...

"My curse? Is there somethin' wrong with my curse? Please tell me there's nothin' wrong with it!" pleaded Ranma and her face blanched white in fear of what Ono might say He's goin' ta tell me... umm, he's goin' ta say that my curse... and Ranma-chan could see in her mind's eye a 10 foot tall Demon-Toufu gloating over a naked female Ranma, telling her "*Ha, ha, ha! Now That you're TRULLY female you're curse is gone! You are now locked in your true form forever! You'll never trans....*" Ranma-chan's nightmare vision was mercifully broken by the southing voice of the real Dr Toufu.

"As far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with your curse," Dr Toufu reassured the frighten girl. "I was just referring to that due to the nature of your curse; you were mentally unprepared for what has happen. Later, if you like, we can test it, but right now I still have a few more 'steps' left in your physical."

Dr Toufu, with the help of Nabiki, then proceeded to demonstrate and perform the technique of breast self-examination and various other more intimate feminine tasks that Ranma-chan was ignorant of. Now that her nightmare had not come to pass, Ranma-chan noticeably calmed down and became a more receptive patient. Finally she got up the nerve to asked Toufu about the cryptic referenced he had made about her age.

"Well, you're 16 and just starting high school, I'm sure you know this isn't suppose to happen to girls your age…" Dr Toufu started to inform Ranma before she interrupted him again.

"Doc, I'm not sure just what IS suppose ta happen to a girl, or what age is right ….or much of ANYTHING." Ranma confessed with a shrug of her shoulders, her eyes downcast and a sight blush again reddening her face.

Dr Toufu thought for a moment before answering. "I'll tell you what, let me go out and catch up on a little paperwork while you get dressed. After that I have a couple of booklets that may help, we can read them together and then we can have a long talk."

He turn towards the door, but not before gesturing for Nabiki to follow him, somehow knowing that Ranma-chan need a little privacy and some quiet time.

"Take your time Ranma-chan, we'll just wait for you in my office."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Four years ago, when Dr Ono Toufu had first opened his small neighborhood clinic, his practice had consisted mostly of minor colds and flu's, plus the occasional broken bone or sprained joint. It was a quiet, almost boring life, far from the exciting research or challenging cases he had dreamed of in Med school. It was also far from his meddling and overbearing mother who still tried to control his life.

That had all changed a few months back with the arrival of Ranma and his dad. Since the day Akane first introduced her new fiancée, his life has been anything but boring. Fantastic curses, unknown Amazon drugs, new medical techniques, plus (with the help of Cologne) the discovery and unlocking of his own hidden ability for Chi manipulation and healing filled his days with excitement.

Case in point, he thought, Ranma Saotome was here, this time while he is in his female form for an examination and consultation… Ono thought as he wrote out the same words in Ranma's thick medical file.

His writing was disturbed by the ringing his door chime, announcing that someone had entered the clinic. He looked up, and felt his heart skip a beat as he jumped to his feet and raced across the waiting room to greet his lovely visitor.

"Ka-Kasumi! How nice it is to see you!" He cried out in joy with a foolish grin on his face.

"Konniichi Wa, Dr. Toufu" Kasumi replied in her soft, reserved voice. "I was hoping to borrow that book you told me about, the one on alternative medicines." as she bowed slightly in respect and gifted Ono with one of her sunny smiles, all the while secretly amused at his behavior.

"Of course! Of course! Anything for you, my dear Kasumi!" Ono answered, as he literally, pranced out of the room, but not before colliding with the wall, Twice.

"Betty-chan, she's here! She talked to me!" Kasumi heard Dr Toufu cry out from the other room, along with the squeak of rusty wheels, along with various other crashes and bangs

He must be dancing with his skeleton again. Kasumi realized with a smile. Now where would he keep Ranma's files…. Knowing that it would take him a few minutes to even remember the book's name, she slowly looked around the waiting room of the clinic. Since Ono only had a part time nurse, he had converted what was normally the nurses' station into his private office.

There was a thick file lying open on Ono's desk and she decided to start her search there. She saw that was indeed Ranma's records lying open upon the desktop How careless of Dr Toufu just to leave this out where anyone could read it Kasumi thought, relieved that she did not have to search very far for it. I will just kept and eye on this for him as she quickly found the most recent entry.

Let me see… ah, here it is! Kasumi thought as she read the reason for Ranma's visit. Oh thank you, Kami-Sama! Ranma-chan isn't pregnant! But as she read further the full scope of what HAD happen became quite clear.

Oh! My!. Was Kasumi's mental gasp. Ranma-chan! She... what...? When! Just this morning? Oh My, but that means… that Ranma really could get pregnant? Kasumi briefly stopped to sort out her thoughts Wait, what's this? Birth control, Your Female Body, What is Sexual Harassment? Kasumi read the titles of the booklets Dr. Toufu had supplied to Ranma-chan.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kasumi had finished reading Ranma's file and was now quietly sitting in the waiting room, hoping for Ono's return. He must still be out dancing with Betty-chan in the park again! she mused as she reflected on Ranma's file.

I should do something to help Ranma, I'm sure this must have been a blow to her masculinity! But as long as her curse remains, she must learn how to deal with this. Kasumi continued to think then almost broke out in laughter at the absurdity of her last thought ...HER masculinity...!

Why didn't she tell me? wondered Kasumi. Aren't I like a surrogate mother to you, Ranma? To both your girl and boy forms? Kasumi felt hurt and letdown. But maybe that's it, that a BOY wouldn't take something like this to his mother!

Then Kasumi silently laughed at herself again. What am I thinking, what boy ever had this happen to them! But that IS it, isn't it? A boy would rather die than voluntarily talk about sex with his mother.

I can't help the boy Ranma, but maybe I can help the girl Ranma-chan instead? She is going to need a lot of support and understanding to help her deal with all this! thought Kasumi while she leaned back in the chair, eyes closed, lost in deep thought as she racked her brain looking for an answer.

Then an idea came to Kasumi in a flash of inspiration. What about... hmm, I could... and a plan worthy of Nabiki started forming in her mind. I can get what I need at the market, I'm sure Shampoo and Ukyou would come, especially if I tell them that the other is already coming! And Akane can invite some of the girls from Ranma's class… her thoughts continued to plan, as she unconsciously rose and left the clinic, forgetting all about the book.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nabiki's excuse of them going shopping was not entirely untrue. After they had finished their visit to Dr Toufu's, Nabiki got to witness first hand Ranma-chan's unique method of bargaining.

It was like watching a theatrical performance, as Ranma fluttered from stall to stall, with her little fists press to her throat and wide "puppy dog" eyes, as she giggled, charmed, flattered and 'bounced' her way around the street.

Someone should explain the concept of a bra to her Nabiki noticed, She's going to have a saggy bosom and a bad back by 30 if she doesn't start using one! she thought with only a TINY bit of catty jealousy.

Ranma had finished playing with her 'victims' and moved in for the kill, as first she got them free samples of food from all the street vendors and then as culmination of her skills, an extra scoop of vanilla ice-cream for both of them, AFTER getting the first scoop at a sizable discount from the local parlor. Following their irregular "lunch", Nabiki took Ranma-chan shopping for some of the "feminine items" that she was lacking.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Several hours later Nabiki and Ranma finally returned, their arms loaded down with packages, just before their self-imposed 6 o'clock deadline. Upon entering the Tendo home, they were greeted by the din of many feminine voices, coming from the dining room. There, seated around the table was Akane and several other girls that Ranma-chan recognized from her class, along with Soun and Genma, and both Shampoo AND Ukyou!

"What's goin' on?" asked a suddenly nervous Ranma-chan while she surveyed the room. She had managed to stash her incriminating packages in a nearby closet, lest someone noticed their unusual contents. Oh Kami I cant let'em see these! I'll rather DIE than let anyone else ever find out 'bout THIS! she worriedly thought.

There was a sudden babble as several girls tried to answer at once, their voices blending together. The jest of it was that Kasumi had invited them over for a "special" dinner and party in Ranma-chan's honor.

At first Nabiki was as puzzled as Ranma, as she looked around for Kasumi. Then she started to get suspicious when she smelled the odor of food Kasumi was cooking. Is this what I think it is? Damn, just how did Kasumi find out about it? Nabiki wondered with a snicker. OH BOY, this is going to be FUN!

"In… my honor?" inquired Ranma-chan and she became even more worried as she noticed Nabiki is reaction to the girls' presence. NO! It can't be! This is like my nightmare...

"Why yes, Ranma-chan, this dinner is in your honor" Kasumi answered her as she entered the room from the kitchen, while carrying a tray with several large serving bowls on it.

"After what happened to you today, I thought we needed to celebrate and I made a special dish just for the occasion." Kasumi set the large covered bowls in the center of the table and with a flourish, removed the lids and proudly announced:

"As traditional on occasions such as this, I have made red beans and rice!"

The room was almost completely silent, the only sounds was that of Nabiki quiet laughter, the gasps of surprise from the girls, and the thud as Genma keeled over. The silence was finally broken as an aged dwarf like creature, wearing a bra on his head like a pair of earmuffs and a bag of women's underwear slung over his shoulders, jumped onto the middle of the table.

"Ranma my girl" cried out Happousai. "Congratulations on your first period! I have a special pair of panties with extra padding in the crotch just for those days..." He said while holding up a pair of all white panties. That is as far as he got in his oration, as mallet, mace, and spatula combined to send the freak into low earth orbit and it started to snow underwear in his wake.

After the shock of Kasumi's statement and the appearance of Happousai finally wore off, there was a sudden babble of voices as all the girls tried to talk a once.

"...He's really is a GIRL… ...Healthy babies! …HE does What?… ...Congrats Ran-chan! ...Don't all girls menstruate? ...Welcome to womanhood! …Can he? I mean she, have kids... ...Hey, Ranma-chan, do you WANT kids?"

Then the three voices of his finance's rose above the din.

"Aerin!, you true woman today! You now be Shampoo Husband And have Amazon child Too, Shampoo be very very happy!" Shampoo cried out as she jumped to her feet in joy!

"Her FIRST PERIOD!" yelled out Akane as she also leapt to her feet and glared intensely at Ranma-chan, her right had reaching for her mallet. That BAKA! I'm his fiancée, why didn't he tell me? I had to find out like THIS! Doesn't he trust ME? Akane fumed as she realized SHE was the only Tendo sister that hadn't already known. "I'll never marry an untrusting freak like you! Ranma no Hentai!"

"Ran-chan, sugar!" Piped in Ukyou, glad that she had decided to remove her bindings and wear something a little more feminine for once. "Now you're free to marry me! I'll never think of you as a freak!" she promised. Not after all the cross-dressers I normally seem to attract!

"My daughter won't marry?" Cried Soun with tears flowing from his eyes, as he rushed over to Nabiki, griped her shoulders and pleaded to her face. "The Tendo and Saotome's line must merge! Nabiki, it is now your duty to marry Ranma…."

This was interrupted by a dreadful cry "NO-O-O, NO-O-O, NO-O-O! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!, AAGGH!" from Ranma-chan as she finally came out of shock, stood bolt upright, fist clenched tightly to her sides and tilted her head back to screamed out her frustrations to the heavens above, as she realized that the "secret" she hoped to keep to her grave would be, by this time tomorrow, known by all of Nerima!

The End.

Author's note: In Japan, it is traditional to celebrate a young girl's first menstruation as a coming of age ceremony. A special meal is given in her honor, attended by her family and close female friends. These meals always include Red Beans and Rice for good luck, fertility, and healthy children.

BTW, the timeline for this story is about 4 or 5 months after Ranma's arrival at the Tendo Home. I believe (for THIS story, anyway!) that Ranma's female body does not age while he's male, and of course that also means his male body doesn't age while she's female. Since Ranma is only female about 4 hours a day or so, on average, it would be almost 6 months between "Periods".

PS: I already know Dr. Toufu was actually a chiropractor, but for MY story, (like a lot of other fan fictions) he's a general practitioner.