FFX Jingle Bells

Disclaimer: I do not own FFX.

Oo the boredom took over again... Ya know how almost every series has a 'Jingle Bells' song making fun of it? Well I made one for FFX. Enjoy!!!



Jingle Bells, Wakka smells,

Tidus lost the way.

Auron got really Drunk

And Seymour got away!

Lulu found a good place

To keep all of her dolls

Right now they're chasing Seymour,

He's running through the halls.

Jecht attacked the shoopuf,

Which made the shoopuf mad.

The shoopuf stomped his brains out

Which is really kind of sad



Rikku's in the kitchen,

Eating all the cheese.

Seymour's in the garden

Getting chased by killer bees.

Yuna is a human,

Tidus is as well,

Seymour is half Guado,

But he can go to...........HECK!!!!!



Auron is really drunk

He's trying to eat a bed.

Yuna's trying to send Seymour,

Who's screaming off his head.

Kimahri won't stop dancing

In circles round the town

Wearing underpants on his head

And acting like a clown!



Auron got even drunker

And chased Yuna up a tree

Barking like a guard dog,

Now Seymour's running free.

Yuna got really mad

And bonked Auron with her staff.

Auron was really confused

And Rikku had to laugh!



Lulu's the only one

Who doesn't act insane.

She's not in FFX-2,

But there's Rikku and there's Paine.

Tromell's busy chasing

Seymour 'round the house.

Auron is extremely drunk

He thinks he is a mouse.



Tidus likes to whack

Seymour in the head.

But it doesn't do much damage,

'Cause he's already dead!

Wakka's playing blitzball,

The Aurochs are the worst.

They just beat the Glories

But believe me, that's a first!



So now you know the lunatics

Of the game FFX

Running around Spira

Making a big mess!

The FFX characters

Are the very best.

Even though I'm making fun of them,

They're better than the rest!


(chorus x2)


...so how was it? Funny? Boring? Somewhere in between? I need feedback, peoples! Please review!