Alright! We have a new chapter here. Poor Xander, gotta feel sorry for him, well, maybe not. :P I must thank those of you who have been kind enough to review. I look forward to hearing what you think.

The unedited version can be found: adultfan. nexcess. net /aff/ story.php?no (there's an equals sign here) 36236&chapter (there's an equals sign here) 3 (without the spaces) (just use the link in my profile, that'll work better)

Disclaimer: I own nothing! Nothing do you hear me!!

Xander awoke for the second time that night to the feel of something being placed around his neck. A low groan escaped his lips; his body ached unhappily, protesting every movement with another reminder as to what had been done to him. Spike smiled as he finished buckling the thick leather collar around his neck. The human shook his head, rubbing his eyes absently.

"Wakey, wakey pet." Spike said with a chuckle, "Can't have you sleeping all night. I have needs you know."

He rolled over, finding himself on a comfortable bed. The act was rewarded by a sharp smack on his cheek. He whimpered, "Don't wanna." He whined.

"Don't tempt fate pet." He growled, winding his fingers through his hair, "When I say it's time to do something then it's time to do it."

He rubbed his cheek, looking up at him with narrowed chocolate eyes, "I'm not your bitch." He said softly, "I'm not yours; let me go, you have to let me go."

"Oh? I have to, do I? You're not in a position to be making demands pet. Law states I don't have to give you up once I've marked and bonded with you, which I have. I have no intention of letting you go now. Not after I've been inside you." He sighed, not looking too happy, "We're going on a little trip, have to avoid the ruddy slayer after all. Angelus was thinking we'd go to Scotland, maybe Ireland or England, not sure yet."

"No, I don't want to."

Spike snorted, "And you're the one who always wanted to see the world. Here's your chance."

He shook his head, "Not like this."

"Get used to it pet." He said, walking to a door, "Angelus wanted a go with you, he'll be in soon." With that he walked out.

Xander sat there numbly; a part of him wanted whatever his master wanted. He began to wonder when he had begun to think of Spike as master. He looked down and realized he was naked. Quickly he scrambled for something to cover up with. Suddenly the door opened and Angelus stood there. He swallowed hard, quickly covering with a sheet.

Angelus chuckled darkly, "You won't be needing that. Get rid of it or you won't have a blanket to sleep with." With a whimper Xander lowered the sheet, blushing slightly. A low purr escaped the vampire's lips, "Nice, very nice. On your hands and knees." He ordered, leaving no room for argument. Swallowing hard he complied, flipping over onto his hands and knees. Angelus smoothed his hands down his back, "You're behaving well, you keep it up like this and I'll be nice."

Xander bit his lip to stifle any comment that he might have made at that, not wanting to tempt his wrath. He hadn't forgotten what Angelus had done to Giles when he had gotten a hold of him last time. Almost gently Angelus began to press two fingers into him. He gasped, half closing his eyes. It stung a little from the damage Spike had previously done but it wasn't too bad. The fingers of his free hand wound around his chest and raked over one of his nipples, causing him to groan lowly.

"Like that, do you?" He purred into his ear. Xander found himself arching into his touch in reply, "That's what I thought." He said, stretching him carefully, "Since you're behaving there's no need to cause anymore damage." As he spoke he retrieved his fingers, wringing a whimper from the human beneath him, "Don't complain." His voice was a low growl as he spanked him sharply, "You'll get more soon." As he spoke he positioned himself, "Very soon." Slowly he began to press in. Xander moaned lowly, wiggling his hips, wanting him all the way in. Angelus chuckled lowly and sheathed himself fully with a low grunt, "Spike was right, heaven." He moaned, biting at his neck, not breaking the skin.

Omitted because of adult content

Angelus sank his teeth deep into his throat and came, feeding from him harshly. Xander collapsed beneath him from blood loss and exhaustion when Angelus pulled away, licking his neck, "You did very well; you'll make a good vampire when we decide to turn you." He said, covering him with the blanket, "Get some rest, we'll be leaving in awhile."

He whined softly, "Where?"

"Right now we're just getting out of the city; she has too much to worry about in Sunnydale to deal with your loss." He said with a smirk. Xander looked down, he didn't want to think that Buffy would abandon him, "You think she'll have enough time to come after you with all the demons and vamps running around here? Think she'll let this town go to hell?" He buried his head in the pillow and began to cry. Angelus scowled, "You crying now? Don't, you'll get over it." He said before walking out, leaving Xander to cry.

"Made him cry?" Spike asked, chewing absently on a nail.

"Could have. Just told him the slayer wouldn't be coming after him." He smirked, "That he wasn't as important as the town." Spike laughed, "Well, it's true."

"Yeah, it is." He said through his laughter, "So when are we leaving?"

"I have to throw some stuff in the car and we'll go, get your pet something to wear while I take care of this, can't have him naked in public." He said before heading outside.

Stretching, Spike got to his feet, picking up a pair of jeans and a shirt before heading to the room Xander was resting in. He looked up when he entered, swallowing hard, "I'm not here to fuck you pet." He said with a sigh, "Get dressed." He said, tossing the clothes on the bed. Hesitantly he complied, Spike smiled slightly as he watched him move, "Good pet, I'll reward you later." Once Xander was dressed he got to his feet, "Let's go, we're leaving. Don't you dare try to escape either, I'll…play…with you if you do, understand? I got the name Spike for a reason after all."

"I won't try to escape." He whispered.

Spike smirked, "Good, let's go." He said, walking to the door.

Xander followed after silently, the heavy collar still around his neck, reminding him that he was only property, that he belonged to the blonde in front of him. Angelus met them at the car; Xander crawled into the backseat, putting his seatbelt on, not sure about Angelus' driving skills. Spike took the passenger seat, lighting a cigarette. He took a long drag, rolling the window down. Angelus rolled his down as well, laughing as he took off into the night.

Now click that button and tell me what you think.