Disclaimer: I own nothing! Absolutely nothing! Anything remotely resembling Buffy the Vampire Slayer is in no way mine. If it were then I would be rich.

This is my first Buffy fic so be gently. I'm taking a few liberties. I stopped watching Buffy after the fifth season because to me she died. I know bits and pieces from the other seasons and know that Spike and Buffy and a relationship at one point but that didn't happen in my little fic. Please tell me what you think.

He had been watching. Ever since that damn chip had been removed he had been watching the brunette. He was the gofer; he was the one they always sent out to get donuts. He wasn't book smart, wasn't a good fighter, and he certainly didn't have any magical ability but they kept him around anyway. Even though there wasn't much to him he was enjoyable to look at and to watch. Now he just had to find a way to get him away from the bloody slayer.

Spike watched as the brunette walked down the street, talking with the redheaded girl, laughing and smiling. Spike was on the hunt, following his intended, and no one was going to stand in his way, not even the little witch. He followed at a safe distance, blowing a puff of smoke from the cancer stick between his lips. Being undead certainly had its advantages. The two teenagers didn't seem to realize he was following them; they were too caught up in their own conversation. Good for Spike, not for them. Of course even if they knew he was following them they didn't know the chip was out so it wasn't a problem. Of course, what they didn't know could hurt them and would in this case. He wouldn't hurt the brunette of course; he wanted him for other reasons, but the little redhead he didn't care about. He took another drag before flicking the cigarette into the street. With a smirk he approached, making his way over to the two of them, trying to appear as harmless as possible.

"Spike." The redhead said, turning to face him, "What are you doing out here?"

He shrugged and looked at the brunette, "Xander, Willow." He said in greeting, "I could ask you the same thing." He replied absently, looking up at the moon.

They were silent for a moment, the three of them just standing there. Suddenly Spike struck, hitting Willow hard enough to knock her out. Xander was in shock at the action, wondering what was going on, how he was able to do that. He stood there like a deer in headlights and Spike chuckled.

"Wha-?" Xander started, taking a step back. In a flash of movement the blonde vampire had picked him up, thrown him over his shoulder, and ran. Xander began to squirm, trying to get away from him, "Let me go!" He shouted.

"Shut up Xander, you'll attract attention." He growled, running towards the cemetery.

"That's the point!" He said, squirming, "Buffy!"

Spike laughed, "That blonde bimbo isn't going to help you, she's no where around here, I made sure of that." Xander opened and closed his mouth, not sure of what to say. Spike said nothing as he took him into a mausoleum, "Tomorrow at sunset we leave but tonight I get to play with you." He purred.

"Play?" Panic was rich in his voice and Spike's purr deepened.

"Yes pet, play." He said, throwing him onto a coffin. Xander crashed into it with a groan, temporarily stunned. Easily Spike wrapped his fingers through his hair, "Ahhh, pretty pet, we don't have time to play the way I want to. I forgot about red." He purred, "She'll be waking up soon and there's no doubt she'll go to the slayer." He said the word mockingly and with contempt.

Xander swallowed hard, "Nice joke Spike." He said, his voice shaking a little as he started to get to his feet, "Just let me go ok, it isn't funny."

"Aww, Spike, what do you expect? He's only human." A cruel and mocking voice said from behind him, a very familiar voice.

"Shit." Xander said under his breath, inching away from them.

The owner of the voice chuckled, "She'll come looking Spike, what made you want this one? You could have just killed them and been done with it." He said, stepping out of the shadows.

Leather, a lot of it, the only piece that wasn't was a black button up shirt. His brown hair was spiked a bit with gel. The moment Xander had heard his voice he knew who it was, Angelus. He hoped to whatever gods there were that it wasn't really Angelus, that it was Angel, but if it was then he was a damn fine actor.

"I bloody well didn't feel like it. Besides, it's more fun to piss the ruddy slayer off." Spike said, crossing his arms over his chest, black painted nails stood out against his pale flesh, "Where we headed? LA, Rome, some God forsaken country?"

Angelus drummed his fingers against the lid of a stone coffin, "Haven't decided yet, for now we can just drive, find a place to hole up for the day with your little pet. You have to mark him, get him under control." He said, ignoring the fact that Xander was right there.

Xander stepped back, looking around almost wildly for a way out, "H-Hey! What's all this about being marked and under control?" He asked, voice shaking, genuine fear radiated from him in waves.

Angelus looked at him, his demonic visage firmly in place, "Spike, get your bitch under control." He growled, eyes not leaving the human before him.

A low growl escaped Spike's lips as he shifted, yellow eyes looking at his soon to be pet. Before Xander had a chance to react Spike had sunk his fangs deep into his throat and swallowed a mouthful of his blood before pulling back, "Happy now, he's marked." He growled, rubbing his tongue over the wounds.

A low groan escaped unbidden from Xander's lips. Something inside him had shifted at that bite, he felt odd. Spike chuckled softly as Xander tried to squirm away, "W-What the hell did you do?!" He shouted, putting his hand over the wound in his neck, backing into the wall.

Angelus burst out into laughter, "Spike, bring your pet, we're moving out." He ordered, walking out of the crypt.

Easily he wrapped his hand around the back of Xander's neck and led him out, "Behave." He growled in his ear, "If you don't you'll get a taste of what my sire's capable of."

Without a thought Xander swung, hitting him hard and running when he released his neck in surprise. Both Angelus and Spike growled before running after him, "You idiot!" Angelus hissed as they ran, "You should have known he would try something like that!" He was pissed, very pissed.

"Oh sod off!" Spike shot back, jumping over a gravestone.

Xander ran with no intention of stopping until he found Buffy or a place where they couldn't get him. He was petrified of what would happen when they did, "Xander!" Buffy shouted, he had ran right into her.

"Oh god Buffy save me!" He shouted, hiding behind her.

She scowled, "What?"

"They're after me!"

She looked around quickly, stake in hand, "Who?"

He swallowed hard and pointed as the two vampires ran forward, "Buffy." Angelus said softly, slowing to a walk and sauntering towards them.

"Well, if it isn't the ruddy slayer." Spike said, both of them appeared human now.

"Angel, Spike?" She questioned, unsure of what she was seeing.

Angelus chuckled softly, "For a blonde she certainly isn't blind."

"Angel, what are you doing here?" She asked, lowering her guard for a moment.

He smiled, "Visiting." He said calmly.

She looked at Spike and scowled, "What are you doing with him?"

"He's family." He said with a shrug, "Since when am I not allowed to visit family?"

"Buffy, that's not Angel." Xander said quickly, finally breaking his silence.

"Of course it is!" She said in exasperation, "Who else would it be?"

Angelus burst into laughter, "Oh Buffy, Buffy, Buffy, how naïve you are and foolish." He purred, moving towards her. In a flash of movement he ran his fingertips down her cheek, "Stupid slayer." He cooed before hitting her hard, sending her to the ground, "Get your pet Spike while I deal with her." He growled, face shifting.

Spike growled and closed in on Xander while Angelus stood over Buffy, "But your soul…" She said, getting to her feet.

"What soul?" He questioned, "You know? I don't feel anything, hmmm, gee, what does that mean? It means that Angel is dead; finally I don't have to deal with that bleeding-heart anymore. Don't even think that you can try to use that gypsy magic to get my soul back either, it doesn't work if the soul's been totally destroyed." He said, chuckling softly. Xander took off running the moment Spike came for him. Spike growled and went after him, "Decisions, decisions, stay and face me or go after your little friend."

In a flash she was after Xander and Spike, her friend needed her and she wouldn't let him down. Angelus sighed and shook his head, pulling out a cigarette. Leaning against a headstone, he waited. Xander's neck throbbed where Spike had bitten him. He almost wanted to stop and let Spike catch him, almost. He kept going.

"Don't stop!" Buffy shouted, grabbing Spike and punching him.

He didn't, he wouldn't, couldn't. Somehow he made it to Giles' house, slamming into the door before trying the handle. It was unlocked and he rushed inside, closing the door behind him.

"Xander? What are you doing here?" Giles asked, looking up from a book.

He panted for breath, leaning against a wall. The Englishman got to his feet, putting his book aside, and walked over. A small amount of blood trickled from the wound in Xander's neck.

"It hurts." He whispered, panting softly.

Quickly Giles helped him to his feet and over to the couch, "Rest, I'll get something for your neck, where's Buffy?"

"Fighting Spike." He said, draping a hand over his face.

He scowled, "Xander, who bit you?" He asked, putting some slave and a bandage over the wound.

"Spike did, Angelus said something about marking me and the Spike bit me. Can I have some water?"

"Oh dear." Giles said, worry in his voice, he ignored the question about water, too focused on what was said before that. He went over to a bookcase and began to look through the books. Quickly flipping through one he found what he was looking for, "Read this." He said, handing the book to Xander, "I need to gather supplies, holy water, crosses…" He said absently, walking out of the room.

Slowly Xander began to read…