When Paige awoke, she found her arms tied behind her back. Thankfully, she was still in the school though now, instead of the hallway, she was in the science lab. She saw Sonja, Teaka and Jessie, all leaned against the wall, tied up with rope. Amit and Nathan were no where to be found. Neither was Mr Price. But Mark was on the phone, pacing around.

Jessie, who was the closest to her -they were place about two meters apart, Teaka all the way to the right of the wall, Sonja next to her, then Jessie, and Paige at the left- whispered, "He's talking to the police...saying...a compromise...he gave them Mr...Price and the guys...but wants 50,000 dollars, and to be free...from the mental institution...then he'll give...them...us..."

Paige nodded weakly. She noticed Jessie's bleeding wound. "Ouch." she said.

"I'll be fine. I'm more...worried...about you." She said bobbing her head the direction of Paige's stomach wound.

Paige shook her head, too change the subject. She was in a lot of pain, but didn't want her friends to know that. Paige wished her sisters and the boys were here. She needed them. She needed her powers.

She looked over to the unconscious Sonja. A huge cut on her forehead was bleeding furiously. 'Mark must have pushed her harder than I thought.' Paige was thinking.

Teaka gave her a look, and smiled, not wanting to say anything. Paige smiled back weakly. Then she frowned. She noticed that Teaka's leg was bleeding. 'He must of shot her after I fell unconscious.' She thought.

She heard Mark hang up. He walked over to them. "Now, which one of you girls was the one who told? Oh yes. Little Jessie . You see, when I got fired, I vowed to kill the person who did it. First I thought it was the Principal. Well it was, but he wouldn't have, if someone didn't tell. So after I escaped from that hospital, I came here. And here we are. You, shot in the side. Paige in the stomach. Sonja unconscious. That's a nice wound on her head, don't you think?" He said, walking crazily towards Sonja. He jabbed her in the head, making her wound bleed more, if that were possible. "And Teaka shot in the leg. Things can't get any better than that. Actually, I think they can." He smiled, looking at Jessie.

He reached out to his back pocket, and pulled out a knife.

Jessie gulped. Mark laughed at her fear.

"Wait! You can't do anything to us! You told the police you wouldn't hurt us! Other wise you will get caught and go straight back to the institution!" Jessie cried.

Mark laughed. "No. I told the cops I wouldn't kill you."

He started to walk towards Jessie, and Paige and Teaka, instinctively tried to go to their friend. They struggled against their restraints, but it was no use. They could barely move even a centimeter. Sonja started to lift her head weakly.

Her eyes opened wide when she saw everything.

"Ahh, Miss Sonja. How nice of you to join us. Just in time to see the show." Mark smiled evilly.

He grabbed Jessie's rope, strongly, since she struggled with all her might. But he was of course stronger. Jessie sobbed.

"Now I want you all to suffer. You have to watch. I have a camera here. If I see any of you look away for even a second, your friends punishment will be more severe. Then you will be next." He said. He tied Jessie to the front of the room, hanging on a hook, above the white board, by the rope form her hands. Her feet barely touched the ground. She cried against the wall.

Mark then walked to a closet in the lab. He pulled out a video camera. He placed it in the large room where you could see Jessie, and her friends. He set it on 'record'.

"Please don't do anything to her. Please just give us to the police." Teaka sobbed.

"Um, let me think about that...um...NO! NOW SHUT UP!" Mark screeched and hit Teaka across the cheek.

He angrily stalked over to Jessie and tugged at her shirt and jeans.

"Don't PLEASE! Take me instead. PLEASE!" Paige screamed. Jessie shook her head. "No!" she looked at Mark. "Do what you like to me, but PLEASE don't hurt them! They didn't do anything! I told. NOT them!"

"ALL OF YOU, SHUT UP!" Mark screamed. Sonja cried out from the noise. Her head was in so much pain. She kept on going in and out of consciousness. She could barely understand what was happening. But she tried her best to stay awake, and she hadn't gone unconscious for at least a full five minutes. Though she wasn't sure she wanted to be awake, she didn't want anything to happen to her friends, and if she was awake, she could try help prevent it.

Mark finally succeeded in leaving Jessie in her underwear and bra.

Paige, Teaka and Sonja had tears streaming down their faces. They didn't know what Mark was going to do. They were all just hoping the same thing. They hoped he wouldn't rape her.

Then, what they realized, was the first stroke of luck they had that day. He wasn't going to rape her. But he was going to do something just as bad.

Jessie was shivering and crying. She caught Paige's eye, and gave a very, very, very small smile. Paige new what it meant. 'Don't worry about it. There is nothing you can do.' She has seen that look many times before. She got it earlier that day, when Reece was talking about 'Fat Rhys' and putting him down. Paige hates Reece. If he was such a big shot, then why did he run out of here like a little girl? He thinks he is a man by putting everyone down, his friends were okay, except they don't tell Reece when to stop. Reece would back down if they said something. Amit and Nathan usually did, and Reece is just a copycat of what he thinks Amit and Nathan are. But Amit is nice. And Nathan is like a big brother to the girls.

Paige stayed focused on Jessie, and at the same time, trying to undo the ropes. She thought of her sisters. 'They're probably so worried. Damn it!' Paige hated the fact that she made her sisters worry. Even if it were not her fault.

"You girls better be paying attention! Because if you're not, your precious Jessie will suffer." Mark said, speaking like the mad man that he was.

Paige noticed that the camera was in a place where you could see all the girls and what Mark was doing to Jessie in the middle.

Paige started to grow weaker. They all did. They were losing so much blood.

"Girls, you better watch this." Mark said with a smile.

He took his knife and made a huge cut on Jessie's stomach. Then another. And another. All the time Jessie and her friends were screaming.

Paige cried. She couldn't believe this was happening. After all she had been through, now her friends had it bad too.

Tears streamed down the friends, and they couldn't do anything as blood streamed down Jessie.

As the girls looked at Jessie, they had gone slightly catatonic. They knew what was happening, and they knew that it hurt both Jessie and them, but could barely move because of it. They were in shock.

After what seemed like forever, Mark moved back, as if to admire a masterpiece.

Jessie's head rolled forward as she fell out of consciousness, finally.

Paige's eyes grew wider as she saw properly, what Mark had done. Tears stained her eyes as she cried more. Jessie was covered in blood. As was Mark. But what horrified Paige, and she was sure it horrified Teaka and Sonja, was what he carved into Jessie. On her stomach, it said 'MARK'

A huge sob welled in Paige's throat. Sonja screamed. And Teaka grew angry.

"You bloody bastard!" Teaka screamed. Mark stalked over to her and backhanded her across the face. Teaka growled, and spat in his face.

Mark clenched his jaws. He grabbed Teaka's ropes and pulled her towards the middle. Paige frowned. Teaka wasn't struggling like she would. But then Paige realized that Teaka wanted to get as close to Jessie as possible. Jessie's words replayed in her head. "As long as you guys are close to me, if anything happens, it doesn't matter really how close exactly, but if you are close, I don't know, I guess I can sense it, and I will make it."

Mark dragged Teaka to the middle, and hooked her ropes tightly, right next to Jessie. He took of her shirt and shorts, then got out his knife.

"Stop it! That's enough you bastard! Leave them alone!" Sonja cried. One of the first things she had said since Mark had shown up.

Mark laughed. "What? So you want to be up here instead?"

"Yes! If that's what it will take so you leave them alone and let them go, then yes! Take me instead!" Sonja screamed. Paige cried and cried.

"Ha! And just because of your little sickening display of goodness, then you will have to suffer some more. After Teaka, Paigey Waigey is next. And remember, you have to watch." Mark said with a smile.

"You crazy piece of shit!" Paige yelled.

Mark just laughed.

Then Teaka started to scream, and all Paige and Sonja could do, was watch. This time though, Mark wasn't as careful and didn't take his time. He cut quick, and deep.

Not long after, Paige and Sonja stopped crying. They were tired. The occasional tear rolled down but most of their pain was on the inside now. All their tears had run out, but just because tears didn't show, didn't mean they weren't crying.

Then Mark had stepped back again to admire his work. And as though he was doing a touchup, he added another cut. But slowly. So slowly that Teaka screamed, but there was no sound. Though it was just as deadly.

Soon Paige had found herself hooked up and shivering. Then the pain came. It was as bad as getting shot, but since she was shot in the stomach also, it seemed to be more agonizing. And then it was over. Surprisingly to Paige, it went quicker than she thought. But she couldn't think about it anymore, because she fell unconscious.

When Paige awoke, she noticed it was a bit more crowded. Sonja was hanging next to her also. But Mark was no where in sight.


Paige looked to her right, and saw Jessie and Teaka, both awake.

Paige opened her mouth to talk. But no sound came out. She cleared her throat and started again.

"Where's Henessy?" She asked in a rasped voice.

"Gone. Out the window. We don't know why. Didn't say anything." Jessie said, breathing heavily.

"We've been screaming for help, but I think the cops have another hour or so, until they have to bring in the money." Teaka said, as if she was struggling to breath.

Paige sighed as she took in this information. Everything was silent. Except for the sound of four girls trying to breath properly. And then, a slight buzzing filled the air. Three heads shot up. Jessie, Teaka and Paige tried to find the source of the noise, until all their eyes rested upon one single thing. The mobile phone Mark was using to call the police. Their eyes filled with hope. But then they realized that there was no way of answering the phone. Besides the fact the their hands were tied above then, Sonja was the only one who might be able to reach it. And she was unconscious.

"Sonja! Wake up! Sonja!" Paige screamed, swinging by her hands to push her friend a little. She didn't want to, in fear of making her condition worse, but she was desperate enough to try and get them all out of here, so she was going to risk it.

And it worked. That was the second stroke of luck they had that day.

Sonja lifted her head slightly.

"Sonja, honey you need to concentrate, okay?" Teaka said gently.

"Okay." Sonja said, very softly.

"Sonja, can you try and free at least one of your hands?" Paige asked.

Sonja nodded. Paige looked up and noticed that her rope was looped close to Paige, so Paige's fingers could just reach.

Since Sonja had small hands, it seemed to be easy. Except her fingertips barely reached the tangle of rope that she needed to pull through. Paige pushed her left hand further into the rope, so she could reach higher, and as soon as the rope touched her tips, she yanked it through, and Sonja's left hand was free. She suddenly dropped far enough so her feet touched the ground fully.

Jessie cheered softly.

"Now, try and swing yourself to the phone." Teaka said.

Sonja laughed, slightly. "Easy." Her voice croaked.

She pushed her feet slightly and in two seconds the phone was in her hand. She answered it.

"Hello?" she said, barely above a whisper.

"Help. Gone. Please hurry." she said.

Her hand grew weak and dropped to her side, and the phone fell to the ground.

"Sonja?" Jessie said.

"The police...coming..." she said.

They all felt relieved.

When the police burst through the door, they couldn't believe what they saw.

Four girls, no older than thirteen, hanging by rope from their hands. Blood everywhere, in pools under, and all over them, shivering from being just in their underwear and bra. They were obviously weak physically and emotionally. The cops were horrified.

They rushed to get them down, and took the girls in their arms and carried them out to stretchers outside in the corridor.

When Paige was laid onto a stretcher, she looked down at her stomach. She was too scared to before. And she had a right to be. MARK is going to stay with her always. She will never forget what happened. Her cuts were horribly deep and fresh. Blood was everywhere. Paige was overcome by fear, she barely heard the police officer try and get her to say her name and asking her questions to keep her conscious.

Though once outside, Paige sensed some familiarity. Her sisters were there. She couldn't see them, but she could feel them. Just like Jessie could feel it when they were close to her.

Then Paige fell out of consciousness.