Of Everybody's Life

A/N: Last part! Thank Jebus. x.X You people sure are demanding. Ah, well. It's not a traditional chapter, but true to the fashion, it's got teh smex in it. D Yeah. Because that's all this pairing can be about---while dealing with Rocker Horrory, anyway. XD

Disclaimer: Square Enix. Richard O' Brien. Huh? Not me. XP

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Of Everybody's Life

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"OW! Hey, that hurts!"

Another sharp tug followed suit. "Owie!"

"It's your own fault," a sibilant reply. "You're the one who wanted braids."

A pout fell across the features of the self-appointed victim. It was quickly replaced by an unpleasant scowl as she shifted her weight once more. It was quite late, judging by that ebony sky outside the starboard portholes, and it had been her ill-luck to be caught in a fight outside of Macalania temple, thus having herself thrown into the lake. Now she was cold, wet, and shivering---all while seated in another's lap.

The other in question had wordlessly pulled the wet girl into her lap and now seemed to regret such an action. Her eyes were cold and devoid of emotion as she ripped brilliant snarls free and braided the spun gold.


Or was it again that the sopping flaxen mass was still only hair? It was hard to tell.

"Paaaaaine," the wet miss whined, "that hurrrrrrrts!"

The faintest of sneers danced upon neutral lips. "Do you or do you not want me to finish?"

The pout returned. "Um..."

Disgust met the fine features of the warrior Paine's face, and she quickly stood, siler and metal adornments rattling.

"Fine then. Be that way."

The shock was not lost. In terror, the blonde stood and in woe, called out. "Paine!?!" Her knees threatened to buckle, and she was stumbling as she ran towards that older woman in the tight black leather.

"Paine---wait!" She stumbled, tripped, and fell. Faster still the warrior walked away, past the deck and into the elevator.

Never once giving any thought to her blood coated knees, Rikku ran on. The water streaming down her lithe young body left puddles and driplets on the floor, and small, impatient fists banged on the elevator doors.

"Come back here!" she shouted out, diving into the empty car as it rose again. Coughing and stumbling, she fell into a heap of wet and tangled limbs in the hall.

The groan escaped her, hardly noticed. Who but Paine could have heard her and cared?

None at all.

Perhaps the gentle Yuna might have come, if only it had entertained her to remain onboard with the Celcius crew. But no---such a battle was long-since lost, the Al Bhed still buried in her own defeat. The sweet summoner with a heart of the same material as this girl's hair had chosen instead the simple life on her childhood home, the isle of Besaid, accompanied by her rough and ready sweetheart from the past.

There was no question there---that the sweet summoner would fall to her knees in worry and slowly pick the blonde girl up in her own arms. That Paine were as gentle or so apparent with her heart, that things might have been different.

And still, all remained exactly as it was. Still was she crumpled on the floor, and as irratic as always, the pounding of her own precious heart rang free throughout the devoid metal chamber.

Victory dissolved, the bitter taste of hatred, fear, and defeat evolving, wrapping that Al Bhed in its cold, merciless hands.

Just as the sun dipped below the sacred Mount Gagazet, so too did those shameless clover eyes fall closed. A groan might follow, if the mood was right, and loud onlt to the one who could emit such a sound.

Green orbs dawned again, as of a vacant sunrise, and were met by a shine of black and speckled earth.

Looking up to see another looking down, all motion ceased and silence fell. Like a clap of distant thunder, storming overhead, the voice spoke.

"Can you get up?"

Shock emitted, and in her own inability to reply, the other sighed and spoke again.

"Come on, get up... You can't lie here forever."

A warm and elusive touch, not generally associated with such a warrior, filled the fallen girl with a renewed hope. All at once, away from cold metal into a warm summer of black and... metal, not quite as fierce as its counterpart, parhaps.

"You can stand," the jolt that ended all the happy, light-hearted joy. "Come on, Rikku---on your feet."

Forced to support her own weight on wobbling legs was by far no easy task. The warrior watched with a bland sense of interest. Finally, as though the suffering of the blonde female had gone on well past its alotted time, her own muscular arms wrapped around the thief's thin body and hefted her up, a strong embrace of great proportions.

A stare, and a blink. Then, as it dawned, "Paine? What are you---?"

"You," replied she, "bed. Now. Doctor's orders."

The joke of it all was not yet lost in those whirlpooling eyes. "But, Dr. P!" Rikku cried out, argumentative as always, "I'm not even sleepy!"

"Sleep?" The older woman looked down at her catch, unceremoniously dropping her to---in amazement---her own bed with a thud. "I didn't say for you to go to sleep... I only said 'bed,' Rikku..."

Revelation brightened dim aspects, and the pained Al Bhed was in only a secon'd time, pinned to the mattress by strong arms and legs.

Teeth niupped at her war, and she giggled as she shrieked aloud, leather gloves left, abadoned, on the bedspread beside her.

"Funny," came the mumbled quip, as slim fingers ran over upper thights. "You're certainly vocal today, Rikku... All those screams of yours, finally put to good use."

Off came the blonde's top, replaced by mouth and hands. The youth screamed aloud again as those same hands slid all the further up her thighs.

The aftermath was slow and quiet. The blonde was happy to roll over, across her partner's body---and the audacity to ask her question came forth.

"So, Paine... You're going to help me with my hair now, right?"

Low growls spoke almost as many volumes as the blonde as she was sent, toppled to the cold floor below, a thick pillow in her face as the comment came, as low and near-to-sultry as the disgusted warrior could manage:


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A/N: I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero! That, or I'm listening to some high quality Shrek 2 music over here. D And because John Cleese is in it, that movie is now the best DVD ever. And Mulan music is awesome too. :3 Can't choose... X.x