Chapter 3:

It was still dark when Prince Vaughn and Sir Weiss walked toward the stable the following morn. After watching his cousin yawn for a third time, Vaughn said, "Wake up Coz. We've got a hard day ahead of us."

"When don't we?" Eric mumbled, still half asleep. "Don't evil warlords ever sleep?"

Vaughn smiled and shook his head. He'd heard variations of that thought everyday for the last six months and could see it for the bluster it was. "Come now Eric," he chided softly, gesturing to the stable. "Beyond that door are men prepared to help us. You would not want them to think we do not take this threat seriously, would you?"

Eric stared at the door a moment before answering. "I had forgotten there would be others joining us," he murmured. "It has been just us two for so many months; it will feel… strange, sharing the burden of this quest with others."

"Strange?" Vaughn laughed, pushing open the door. "I find it a blessed relief, not having to carry this alone any longer. I'm sure…"

Eric waited for his cousin to finish his sentence, following his line of sight to see what had caught him off guard. At first, all he saw were several men milling around, but then he saw her—the Princess, clearly dressed and ready to go. Hiding a smile, he stepped back and waited for the show.

It wasn't long in coming. "What are you doing here?" Vaughn asked, non-plussed.

"Why, I'm coming with you," she said blithely.

"I'm not sure that would be wise, Princess," he said, "This isn't going to be a leisurely journey through the woods, we're going to have to ride hard and fast to catch Sloane…"

"I'm not a complete fool, Your Highness," Sydney sneered. "I am aware of the goal, and the conditions."

"But are you able to live with them? How many lady's maids will be joining our entourage?" Vaughn asked, his frustration beginning to show.

"Lady's maids?" she sputtered. "Entourage? Why you…"

"Sydney." The tone in her father's voice caught her attention, and she looked up at him. The look on his face warned her not to say anything further, and the mirth in his eyes told her it was his turn to have some fun with the prince.

"Prince Vaughn, my daughter will be joining you," he said without preamble.

"Sire, I assure you, my protests are primarily for her safety. We are still a limited number, and I cannot afford to assign one of my men—your men—to serve as a bodyguard. If we find ourselves in a dangerous situation, I need to know everyone with me can take care of himself."

"I assure you Vaughn, she is more than capable of taking care of herself," Jack said, stressing the last word. "Her abilities with a crossbow and long bow are superior to any of the men in this room, and I trained her to use a sword myself," he added, seeing the prince remained unconvinced.

All Vaughn's protests died when he heard that. Thyracia's army was known for their archery skills, but that wasn't what stopped him. King Jack had never been beaten in swordplay—his prowess was unparalleled. "I see," he said slowly, nodding his assent. Confident that the younger man understood and would not thwart his wishes, Jack nodded back and left the building, leaving the small group of men alone with his daughter.

"Princess, do you understand what we're fighting?" Prince Vaughn asked quietly.

Sydney sniffed disdainfully, still smarting from his earlier remarks. "I know all I need to," she said haughtily. "Sloane killed my fiancé, so I will kill him."

Vaughn sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "With all due respect Your Highness, that's not all you need to know. Sloane and Sark are not working by themselves, they serve the sorceress Irina of Phidomel. At this moment, Lady Irina has men in place in every country that lay between the two great seas, ready to start a coup. If she isn't stopped, she will soon rule the entire region. Stopping Sloane isn't enough, we have to stop Lady Irina as well."

By the time he finished, his tone had changed the speech from a mere explanation to battle orders. The princess stared at him in surprise and he forced himself to soften his voice slightly before asking, "Now do you understand?"

She bristled at the patronizing question. Batting her eyelashes, she said, "Could you tell me what a sorceress is?"

Vaughn winced, realizing he might not have taken the right approach with the headstrong princess. "Your Highness, I did not mean to imply…"

"What you did or did not mean to imply does not concern me, Prince Vaughn" she said curtly as she gripped her horse's bridle. "What does concern me is that we're wasting time with explanations and foolish questions when we could be searching for Sloane and Lady Irina. We ride!" she ordered, tossing herself onto her mount and taking off, leaving the men no choice but to follow.