Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z/GT, nor any other thing that seems remotely familiar. I don't gain anything from writing this either, except maybe the pleasure of giving people something to read.

Author's note: Hey all. It's been a while since I've put up something, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been writing. Sorry for any possible ooc-ness that might occur, this is just my vision on things. I hope you enjoy reading this, and I'd appreciate reviews, if you have the time. Love and light!

A flower by any other name...
by Reiyuka

Vegeta walked through the living room with a disturbed expression on his face. He had no idea what to think of the video message he'd just received; only that he felt like killing his own son. "Baka" he grumbled, before concentrating on finding his mate.
Bulma had already sensed Vegeta's distress, and becoming worried herself, she excused herself to her guests and was already near the house when Vegeta came storming out. "Woman, you need to see this." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside before she could answer, a week "eep" escaping her lips before both of them disappeared into the house.

After the last Budokai, things had become quiet. Vegeta was immensely bored, and was condemned to taking his 14 year old daughter on shopping sprees. But then he noticed another girl...

Kakkarot's grandchild, Pan, had become immensely lonely. She missed her grandfather, since she felt that he was the only one who could understand her. Marron and Bra found her lust for fighting annoying, and preferred to go to the mall or on dates. But Pan had always been different and she started to retract herself from everyone and everything.

To both their surprises, Vegeta mentioned this to Pan on one of the gatherings. She looked both embarrassed and pleased that he had noticed her inner storms, and they'd started becoming friends. Of course, 'friends' in Vegeta's terms.

While sparring with the young girl, he had found she had a true Saiyin spirit and he reluctantly had to admit that she was more of a Saiyin then everyone else here on this planet. Except for himself, naturally.

Nobody had noticed her pushing her feelings aside, but when Vegeta and Pan met in the forest to spar, he always exhausted her until she could barely stand. Then they'd lay down or hover a bit, and she'd start talking. And he listened.

While talking, Pan eventually admitted her crush on Trunks. Vegeta wasn't all that surprised, since Saiyin females always choose that man who is the strongest. The age difference didn't matter to him. But apparently, Trunks saw it differently.

The demi-Saiyin showed interest in Pan, no doubt about it. But it was more like a big brother shows interest in his annoying little sister. Vegeta could sense that the way his son acted towards the young girl, really hurt her. But he wasn't the one to mess in stuff like that, although he had surprisingly grown to respect Pan.

Things continued like this, with Trunks falling for the beautiful Marron, who looked a lot like her mother. Vegeta wasn't all that pleased about it, but there wasn't anything he could, except grunting whenever the girl showed up. Pan giggled every time he did so, appreciating the gesture because she wasn't able to show her own feelings about the situation.

Now, it was two years later. Trunks and Marron were still an item and everyone had accepted this. Except one person. Pan still cared deeply for Trunks, even though everyone expected him to marry the blonde beauty.
At the annual picnic that was currently taking place at Capsule Corp, the loved ones seemed to be even more in love. Vegeta had abhorred the whole thing, leaning to a tree with the typical, angry smirk on his face. Looking out for a kindred spirit, he was surprised to see that the entire Son-family arrived...without Pan. He wasn't as surprised, however, as everyone else was when he questioned about her.

Reluctantly walking closer, he asked loud enough, "Where's the kid?" Gohan blinked and turned his head, "You mean my daughter?" Vegeta grunted and nodded in reply, "Yeah, I mean Pan. Where is she?" Videl tilted her head curiously, "She said she was going to go her by herself, said she felt like being out for a while and that she'd meet us here. I thought she would've been here already..." Bulma felt the uneasiness growing in her hubby, and started to wonder, "Well, we haven't seen her. I wonder where she ran off to." Everyone nodded in agreement, and Vegeta became more anxious to find out where the girl was.

Trunk, his arms wrapped around Marron, chuckled, "I'm sure she's fine. She's such a tomboy; lord knows what she's been up to now." Marron smiled, and Bra giggled, "You're right, maybe she's finally found a boyfriend or something." She giggled and glanced at her own boyfriend, Goten, who was happily stuffing his face at the buffet table. Marron laughed, "It's about time then." Everyone laughed a bit, but immediately stopped when they saw Vegeta's face. He so wanted to point them all on the fact that they didn't know her for a second. In stead, he just turned and walked inside, unaware of the shock that was lying on the dining table, in the form of a video tape.