Author's Notes: I made this fic out of interest/boredom. It's basically, as said in the summary, Angel and Stitch's lives together. My experiment, Charlie, will be in this, with an important part, but this fic will be based around Angel and Stitch's lives.

And this has nothing to do with 'Life in Paradise', though I may use a few ideas from that fic in this one, and maybe a few scenarios, so if anything said in this fic conflicts with anything said in that one, it's not a big deal.

This should be fun, so lets get started.

Happiness in Hawaii

Deep inside the planet Turo there was a lab. It's existance was shared only with the scientist who used it, his employer, and his wife. And, of course, his genetic experiments. So, all together, that made six hundred and twenty nine people who knew of the lab. When you think of it, that didn't sound very secret. Today was a normal, boring day for the experiments whom lived in the lab.

But not for the latest experiment, Experiment 626. He ran through the lab hallways, going by and through a few other experiments. Even though he probably hurt a few of them, he didn't stop to apologize or make sure they were okay, just kept running. It wasn't because he was mean, though, just had something more important to do. In another second he had made it to a big metal door that led to his creator's lab. The keypad to put in the code that opens the door was too high for him to reach, though, and he jumped as high as he could. Still unable to reach it he held back a scream of anger and the impulse to beat the door down.

He had given up, and was about to walk away when a pink antennae whipped by him and pressed in the code. The door swung open, revealing the lab.

"Wha-" 626 said, turning to face experiment 624. She brushed her antenna back to it's regular position behind her head.

"Thought you would need some help there." She said.

"Uh... takka!" He said, and with that he ran into the lab.

"Ah, 626. Vhat is to be bringingk you here?" Jumba asked, fiddling with a few chemicals. Probably for 627.

"Meega late. Soka." 626 said, catching his breath.

"Late? Vhat are you beingk late for?" Jumba asked.

"Meega training!" 626 nearly yelled. Well, how could Jumba forget?

Jumba merely looked amazed, "626, your trainingk ended yesterday."

"It wha- Oh... right." 626 felt stupid for forgeting, "Soka for bugging you."

He left, looking for 624. Where would she be? He wandered around, finding a door he hadn't seen before. He opened it and stepped out into... a forest? This wasn't the simulator, he was really outside! He started walking around, until a ship hovered over him, troops storming the entrance. Before he could react he was in a capsule. Hard as he tried, he couldn't break out.

Experiment 626 blinked as he came out of his memories. In that second he went from Turo to Earth, and from 626 to Stitch. Instead of living in a lab complex with six hundred and twenty five other experiments, he lived in a house with Jumba, a noodle-like alien named Pleakley, two humans and two other experiments. The older human, an annoying woman named Nani, owned the house and often complained about having so many aliens around while the other, a little girl his height named Lilo, loved having so many aliens around. The two experiments he lived with were his girlfriend, 624, now named Angel and an orange experiment, who annoyingly shared the same number as him, named Charlie.

Sure, the house was kinda packed, but it was home. Stitch was happy this way. Him and Angel had the largest room in the house, Lilo's old room before all the aliens showed up. It was originally Charlie's, but he gave it to them saying he didn't need that much space and took Stitch's place as Lilo's roommate.

Lilo was another thing. For a while her and Angel fought for his attention, and he had trouble then. He loved Angel, and she him, but Lilo was his best, and practically only, friend. After a while Lilo gave up at trying to win that battle against Angel, but still jumped at the chance to be with him when Angel wasn't around. Then Charlie appeared and solved that problem, and now him and Lilo were best friends. He thought back to when Angel appeared on the island. He fell in love in a second, if not faster, and she used that against him. But she did save him, so he forgave her. It was easy to persuade Nani to let Angel move in, saying she could keep him in check better than Lilo could. Nani would have begged Angel to stay after that.

Now, getting Nani to let Charlie stay was pure chaos. All anyone is that we were all glad when Nani finally gave in, and Charlie will say they shouldn't have gone through all of that. He was about to leave during all of the arguing, but nobody was about to let him after being nearly deafened by all of the arguing until they were absolutely sure he couldn't stay.

Aside from an occasional argument from Nani and Lilo, or some other occupants of the house, life was nice and peaceful. As normal as three different species and three experiments living together can get.