Black Inferno Dranzer ...and Kai?! Revealed!

I don't own beyblades

Everyone stared in awe as the streak of light cut through the sky, within the beam the gigantic bitbeast made its appearance. It rose powerfully into the sky, Its black feathers shimmered against the suns rays, striking red armour glinted from its chest, legs, and the tops of its wings. The large pointed horns that grew out of its neck and top of its head made it look even fiercer. Being mostly black in colour the fire that danced down its head and neck and burned brightly on the wing tips made it stand out even more. His three flowing tails wrapped around and moved freely as he continued to climb higher in the sky, the two smaller tails trailed behind both had flames licking their ends. It seemed like an eternity before the dark fire bird had fully emerged from its spinning prison, although only a minute had passed. The great phoenix roared deafening the other beasts before turning its piercing gaze at the wolf attacking Drigger.

"Black Inferno Dranzer, Pyro Rose Attack!" Court hollard, fully aware of Kai's surprised gaze. Her blade picked up speed and rose petals shot from the base catching fire as they spun around the phoenix and flung out towards Wolfstorm the two mighty beasts clashed in the air, the blades below were heating up as they crashed head on.

"Now get her off of you Wolfstorm! some stupid bird isn't going to take you down! "Lupinex screamed as his blade responded to his order spinning viciously into Inferno Dranzer cutting through its weak spot, defense. It spun and bounced hard off the wall which sent it careening into the air.

"Dranzer battle on!" Court called as her blade ricochet off the brick of the hotel and soared above Lupinex's blade. Suddenly it spun hard downwards driving its bit down into the top of his blade, the silver from the pipe that had stuck to the tip dug deeply into Wolfstorm, "Do it Dranzer!" With a sudden push it smashed the opposing blade to pieces.

"whoa, no way!" Kai watched as the Dark Blader fell to his knees. Court ran to be beside them as their blades lined up with each other.

"Now!" Kai yelled as the three blades circled around the remaining two Dark bladers. "You thought it was going to be easy?! Ha! Dranzer its time to finish this!"

"You too Driger!" Ray watched on as all three blades picked up speed spinning around the movie monsters blocking them in. "Now Tiger Claw attack!"

"Pyro Rose!" Court called to her phoenix as she watched her attack combine with Driger's Tiger Claw.

"Fire Arrow!" Kai completed the deadly sequence and all three blades glowed with their combined power, spinning viciously into Drac-Attack and Shamblor causing both beyblades to fly into the air and collide face first before crashing uselessly to the ground.

"There's no way!" Zomb screeched as he bent to pick up his battered blade.

"Vi can't believe it!" Sanguinex gasped as he threw his cloak over his head" This is not over! Ve vill be back!" throwing a smoke bomb to the ground the Dark Bladers disappeared just as fast as they appeared.

"Whew, that was close huh guys !" Court breathed in a sigh of relief as she dusted off her wickedly flamed blade.

"You said it sis, I don't understand why they would want our bit beasts!" Ray looked around at the battle scared alley way and noticed that Kai had once again disappeared. "Hmp, I figured he would take off again, hey Court would you mind looking for Kai? Its important that I talk to him about something."

"Wha? but actually Ray I need to tell you..." but he cut her off quickly.

"It will have to wait, I need his help to figure out these Dark Bladers they were defeated already in Paris and became our friends and yet here they are trying to steal our bitbeasts again? It makes no sense" he closed his eyes in deep thought and turned away from her.

"But!" she tried again but to no avail as Ray quickly shewed her off.

"Later,this is more important. Try looking in his room first."

"Fine! god!" stomping out of the alley she slammed the side door to the back entrance of the hotel. "Geez I come to a break threw and he won't even let me tell him. I don't see why I always get stuck looking for Kai anyway, I'm not his babysitter and I've barely heard him say ten words since I met him!" she rested her hand on their room's door sighing in anger she roughly flung it open slamming it into the wall. "Kai you in here? Kai?! it figures as much...hey whats that?" her attention was quickly diverted to a shiny object on the floor. "Its so pretty...I must touch it!" she bent down to pick up the cold, smooth, silver object. "Ohh its Kai's belt buckle...but why is it on the floor...and not on his pants?" she peered around the room and still didn't see any sign of Kai. Just then a scream of anger and surprise interrupted her train of thought. "That sounded like Kai! he must be in trouble!" she tore out of the room in a panic just in time to see a shadowy object run around the corner. The sound of loud cursing could be heard through the door just before the corner, steam wafted out from between the cracks in the door. "I'm coming Kai!" she quickly burst through the fogged up door and her jaw dropped in surprise, awe, and admiration. "Oh My G-WORD! I I I... I'm so sorry Kai I though you were in trouble because I heard you scream and and..." her voice trailed off as she just stared. His damp blue grey hair sent little rivers of water down his toned and muscular chest, the droplets caressed his abs as they made their way to his more private but in plain view lower areas. Being stunned himself by the constant intrusions he hadn't had time to grab a towel. Slowly he snapped out of it and quickly covered himself up, much to Court's disappointment. As she watched the towel cover up her place of admiration she too clicked back into reality and her face turned bright red.

"What are you doing in here! This is the second time this has happened..."but his voice wasn't really angry more amused then anything as he watched her squirm uncomfortably. He studied her face carefully as she chose her words wisely, her hair now dampened by the wetness from the shower clung gently to her face covering up some of her now fading war paint. "Well are you just going to stand there and gawk or what?"

"I uh...Well... Ray wanted to talk to you about something and...and..." her eyes were still glued to his bulging biceps and muscular legs, not to mention those ultra sexy abs that begged to be felt. "Ummm I found your belt buckle!" she exclaimed digging the silver object from her pants pocket.

"I see...listen go back to our room and ill meet you there, I have a few questions of my own for you." Kai smirked as she quickly gathered her senses and left the now cleared up bathroom. "I need to know where she got that Dranzer and...I have to kill Tyson for flushing the toilet while I was in the Damn shower!" grabbing his clothes he stomped out of the room, forgetting that he had just sent Court there. He was too busy thinking about ways to get even at Tyson.

Well what did you think? I put in another shower scene Yeah! and it looks like Court may be getting another peak soon lol. Please read and review and such, Poor Kai , Tyson flushed the toilet on him and gave him a huge blast of hot water, he's hot to begin with and now he's steaming.