Where You Lead

Chapter 13 - I'm No Superman

For Jess and Lyds.

Disclaimer: Thanks ASP and Lazlo Bane

Out the door, just in time

Head down the four-oh-five

Gotta meet the new boss by eight am

The phone rings in the car, the wife is working hard

She's running late tonight again

Well I know what I've been told

You gotta work to feed the soul

But I can't do this all on my own

No, I'm no

I'm no superman

I'm no superman

You've got your love online

You think you're doing fine

But you're just plugged into the wall

And that deck of tarot cards

Won't get you very far

There ain't no hand to break your fall

Well I know what I've been told

You gotta know just when to fold

But I can't do this all on my own

No, I'm no

I'm no superman

I'm no superman

You've crossed the finish line

Won the race, but lost your mind

Wasn't worth it after all

I'll leave you here with me

'Cause love is all we need

Just take a hold of the hand that breaks the fall

Well I know what I've been told

Gotta break free to break the mould

But I can't do this all on my own

No, I can't do this all on my own

I'm no superman

I'm no superman

Jess held the recently purchased mobile phone to his ear. "Hey… Is it… I think we should…" He jumped as the monophonic version of London Calling started to play in his ear. Guess that's all the practising I'm gonna do… He thought to himself as he briefly checked the caller ID, then pressed 'talk'.


"Hey. How are you?"

"I'm okay. Listen… Can we keep this to ourselves for a while… whatever we're doing… Last night… I mean…Everyone will roll their eyes. And your mom will start treating me like Satan again… And Luke…" Rory interrupted him before he could stumble on anymore.

"Jess. I don't know what any of this means either, so we should definitely not tell anyone."

"Right, 'cause I have to tell Amber first and there's Luke and your mom to deal with…"

"…it's easier this way."

"Right." They each had a habit of being able to finish each others sentences. This being the case, why was this conversation so awkward?

"So why is this so hard?" Rory barely breathed as she spoke into the phone.

"I don't know. I think we both need to figure out what we want, before we make any decisions." There was silence for a few moments. "Rory?"

"Yeah. You're right. We do need to do some thinking."

"Agreed. So I'll see you later?" Jess asked with a hint of hope traceable in his voice.

"Yeah probably. I'll let you know. Bye." Jess pressed 'end' and chucked the phone on the couch. He would be happy if he never had to endure another phone call like that for the rest of his life.

About to flop down on Luke's bed, someone tapped on the apartment door. As he opened it, an angry looking Amber stormed in, strode straight up to Jess, thrust a dry-cleaned suit at him and stormed back out and down the stairs. Confused and somewhat maddened by the lack of speech on Amber's part, he threw the suit down, vaulted himself over the couch and ran down the stairs and into the diner just in time to watch the door close as Amber headed across the park. Before he could follow, he was accosted by Luke, who was carrying three coffees and a plate of eggs.

"Jess. Take these."

"I'm kinda busy."

"I know you are. You're busy taking these coffees outta my hands."

"I have to find Amber. She practically threw a suit in my face and I wanna know why." Jess explained, slightly annoyed that he had to explain himself at all.

"That's would be my doing. Taylor's started another freakin' town tradition, and if I have to go, you're going too."


"I asked Amber to take it up to you."

"I'm not taking part in one of this towns ridiculous rituals. I don't live here, I won't encourage the insanity."

"Rory will be there."

"So?" A moment of silence ensued as realisation hit Jess. "You didn't tell Amber that Rory and I were going together did you?"

"Well aren't you?" Luke replied with a knowing smirk.

"Shit Luke!" Jess stepped around his uncle and exited the diner in search of his friend.

Amber was throwing the last of her clothes into her suitcase when Jess barged into her room at the Dragonfly Inn.

"I'm not going to anything with Rory."

"Okay." Was Amber's only reply, now zipping her suitcase closed.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. I hate this town. It's happy all the Goddamn time. It's small. It's full of freakin' scandal. I hate it here. I want to go home."

"I hate it too, so wait until my mom gets married and we'll go home together." Jess tried his best to persuade her.

"I'm going now. My flight is at three. If you want to come you're more than welcome to join me, but I'm going whether you come or not." Jess considered this for a moment. He may finally be getting Rory back. He didn't know if he could just walk out on that again. And leaving now, right before his mothers wedding, would only lead the whole town to believe that he was the same dropkick he was two years ago.

"My mom's getting married…" He trailed off.

"So you should stay." She lifted her suitcase off the bed and walked the three steps towards Jess and hugged him. "I'll see you when I see you." With that she left Jess standing in her now vacated room.

Out the window, Jess watched his friend get into a taxi driven by Kirk and head down the main street and out of town.

Back at the diner, Taylor was stringing a banner between the traffic light and a lamp post. "ANNUAL BALL. COME ONE COME ALL." Ah jeez!

"I trust you'll leave your delinquent behaviour at home for the ball Mr Mariano?" Taylor called across the street. Jess had to remind himself of his age, before instinct kicked in and he retaliated with the one finger salute.

"I leave everything at home Taylor. I won't be attending your little party." Jess didn't stick around for Taylor's reply. If he did, Taylor probably wouldn't be up that ladder much longer.

Inside the diner, every customer was either gazing out the window at the new banner, or gossiping about who was going with who, or fretting over what they were going to wear. Not one person had anything else of value to talk about. He rolled his eyes. Times like this only convinced Jess that he really didn't belong here.