His plan hadn't gone nearly as well as he had hoped.
He had planned to sing his love song to Anna outside her window, take her downstairs to the living room where a fire was burning in the fireplace, ask her that very important question, and give her a ring.
No, things had not gone well...
Yoh poked the logs and they crackled brightly. "There!" he said, thoroughly satisfied. He propped the red roses in their crystal vase, set the little black box strategically in front, and headed outside.
Unfortunately he had completely forgotten to open the flue. But that would come into play later.
Yoh propped the ladder against the house and started to climb up, his guitar banging against his legs. The guitar was a new acquisition for him, something that he hadn't told anyone about yet. But he was more proud about the song he could play than his skills. He'd written a song, a love song, all on his very own. Yoh plunked down on the edge of Anna's balcony and strummed the first chord.
With his luck, they were all out of tune.
He sweatdropped and twinged the white keys, tuning them as quietly as he could. However, the neighbor's dogs, with their acute canine hearing, could hear it. They raced over and yipped at him, barking and shaking the ladder.
"Hey!" Yoh hissed. "Quiet!" He tried to start the song, but the dogs were barking too loudly. He saw Tamao's light, then HoroHoro's light flip on. Then he heard Tamao squeal.
Yoh ducked as Anna's light switched on. She didn't bother to glance out the window as she kicked off the covers and ran downstairs. Yoh clambered down the ladder, praying he was just having a horrible nightmare.
When he rushed into the living room, he realized he was very much awake as he saw little Anna and the great big fire extinguisher working together to put out the evil fire.
"Yoh Asakura!" she bellowed. "What on earth is this?" Her blonde hair waved wildly around her face. Soot was smudged on her round cheek, and he fought the urge to kiss it off. Anna woke him from his daydream by waving the bouquet of now-limp roses in his face. "You answer me right now!"
"Let's get out of the house first," Ren whined. "I'm about to die from suffocation."
Anna grabbed Yoh by the arm and dragged him outside, but not before he snagged the little box from the mantle. "All right," Anna said. "You tell me what is going on, and you tell me right now, Yoh Asakura!"
Yoh sighed heavily. "Well..." he stammered. "I was going to do something for you, but it didn't work out because I really screwed up, and..." He trailed off and looked at her. "Anna..."
"What?" she said, her eyes softening as her anger began to quiet.
Yoh took her small hands in both of his. "Anna, we've known each other since we were children. All our lives we were expected to marry, and I've always taken that for granted. But now, Anna..." Yoh fumbled with the little black box, and went down on one knee in front of her. She gasped and pressed her small fists against her mouth. "Anna, I want to marry you. I love you. And, I just want to know...will you marry me?"
She didn't say anything for a little while. Yoh looked up into her face, trying to read her expression. Then she quietly held out her left hand. Yoh took the small garnet and gold ring from the box and slipped it onto her finger. Anna's slender fingers curled around his hand, clinging tightly to his big, strong fingers.
It was her way of saying yes.
Author's Note: Weddings are so much fun...my friend Ayla is going to help me make chibi dolls of Yoh and Anna, and we're going to videotape their wedding...
Oh, yes. And Yoh's proposal really did happen to someone. They did get married.
So...any questions, comments, or complaints? Anything at all?