The Colour Red
Wake up call
A small figure stirred in the twilight of the room, tossing from side to side under the deep blue quilt. Strange dreams and memories haunted him. Strange visions of someone smaller than him, but with the same crimson eyes was staring at him. Full lips curled into a smile, one that was full of happiness and mystery. It didn't seem as though this person was about to hurt him. No, she was just there, watching. Was she going to do anything? He didn't know. All he knew was that she was there and she was watching over him.
He rolled over again, this time, the thin sliver of light that managed to slip through the thin, white curtains hitting him in the eyes.
"Unn," he moaned, displeased with being woken up in such a manner. Hn? What time is it? Where am I? He wondered. Slowly, thick lashes fluttered open and blood red eyes gazed about the plain white room. He pushed himself up on his elbows and took a good look around.
The room he was in was a very plain room. Simple white washed walls, a built in cupboard and a mirror. Opposite the bed was a TV, but that was about the only luxury in the room.
"That's right," he mumbled sleepily. "That big man helped me here last night. That lady said I was too weak to walk by myself." He knuckled the sleep out of his eyes. "What was that man's name again? Kakarotto?" He thought for a second before nodded to himself, giving a big yawn afterwards that revealed impressively long canines.
Sitting up, he gazed about his room again, looking for any sort of clue that could possibly tell him anything about his past self.
There's not much around here, he thought disappointedly. Seems like I was always out and about. I guess I must have been too busy doing other things than to decorate my personal space.
Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he pushed himself up, only to find that his legs were, indeed, weak. He wobbled for a bit before falling back onto the soft mattress. He tried again, but this time fell over backwards and onto his behind. Growling in frustration, he climbed back up and stood on his toes, balancing precariously. Tentively, he took a few small steps, testing his news legs out. It wasn't as though he hadn't walked before; it's just that his equilibrium had been put off balance. But he was determined not to give up. He was damned if he was going to be carried about everywhere! Not that he minded being carried by Kakarotto, though, but it would get quite tedious.
After walked around the room a few times, he found that he had actually gotten the feeling back in his legs and he could walk without wobbling. Twirling his tail happily in the air, he took a few more strides and walked to the door.
But just as his hand grabbed the handle, he wondered what on Earth he was going to do once he was out side.
I don't know this place at all, he reminded himself. And with the way Kakarotto and…ah…ummm…whatever that woman's name was…was twisting and turning down corridors it seems as though this place is huge! But, knowing that there was no point in sitting in his room until someone came and got him, he opened the door and silently padded out.
He gazed about the hallway. It was just as plainly painted as his room, except there were photos of people hanging in beautifully elaborate frames. He recognised Trunks, Goten, Gohan and Goku, of course, and he recognised the green-haired woman, whose name he now recalled was 'Bulma'. But he didn't recognise any more after that.
Let's see, which way should I go? The hallway was rather long with at least two other doors besides his own. Looking to the door on his left, he cocked his head to one side, debating on whether he should check what was in the room. But after a few seconds, shrugged, and started towards it. Who knows, he thought to himself. Maybe I'll meet someone who can help me.
Goku rolled over onto his side and smiled in his sleep. At least, he was half-asleep. Here it was, Friday morning, about past nine, and there was no Chichi screeching at him to get his lazy ass out of bed so she could make it up.
This is great, he thought to himself. I can sleep late without having to worry about being woken up! And seeing as Vegeta should be tuckered out from yesterday, I doubt he'd be up now. He gave a sigh as he snuggled under the white sheets.
Just then, he felt something heavy crawl onto his bed. He froze, not knowing what it was. Maybe it was Mr Brief's cat? Goku lay very still for a while before shrugging it off and deciding to go back to sleep. After all, it wasn't like it was Vegeta. Vegeta couldn't walk, as Bulma had said yesterday, because his legs were too weak.
That's why I had to carry him, he thought, blushing slightly at the memory of the warmth that the lithe prince radiated. He didn't want to admit it, but he rather liked to feeling of the prince's skin. It was soft and silky, like the bed sheets he was under, and it was warm to the touch.
Goku felt his skin prickle as his innards squirmed pleasantly. What was going on with him? He wasn't supposed to feel like this simply thinking of Vegeta! What was so special about the prince? Goku quickly made up an excuse that it was because it was the first time he was going to be with Vegeta in six months and, after agreeing with his thoughts, went back to sleep.
But he didn't get very far to the Land of Dreams again. That same pressure was now creeping up his legs! Now feeling that something was totally off, he sat bolt upright and stared at the intruder. And was met by a pair of startling garnet coloured orbs.
"Ah…did I wake you?" Vegeta's voice purred. "Gomen nasai, but I was lost. I didn't know you were still sleeping." Goku was at a total loss for words.
Ha…how did Vegeta get here! He wondered. Bulma said that he couldn't walk! But despite what Bulma had told him, it was apparent that Vegeta had made it himself to the room.
Vegeta sat and stared at the burly Saiya-jin, waiting patiently for him to say something. He had already given his explanation of why he was there and why he woke him up, so he needn't say anymore.
Besides, he thought, inwardly giggling at the baffled expression of the handsome third class. He looks kinda cute when he's confused! Finally, Goku came to his senses and managed to mutter a few words.
"Wha…what are you doing here?" he asked. Okay, maybe not the best-chosen words, but they were a start.
"I woke up and decided to explore," he admitted, shrugging as he crawled higher up. "But I didn't know where to go, so I decided to check this room out. Then I saw you and I decided to stay. I mean, you said you knew me, so I assumed you'd be okay with it if I crept into bed with you." Goku blushed a deep scarlet when Vegeta climbed up even higher on his legs, sitting his behind on Goku's crotch.
Does Vegeta know where he's pressing in to! He shrieked in thought, Vegeta's words suddenly taking on a completely different meaning. But, judging the innocent way Vegeta was looking at him, he didn't think so. Mentally sighing in relief, he managed to suppress his widened eyes and look up at Vegeta normally. But even if Vegeta didn't mean it in that way, I should tell him why it was so surprising. Goku gently lifted Vegeta off him and placed him next to him, crawling out of the covers. "I'm sorry for getting so shocked, Vegeta." He apologized. "It's just that when you used to have your memory, you wouldn't come near me."
On mentioning this, Vegeta frowned in puzzlement and cocked his head to one side. He couldn't see why he wouldn't, but he let Goku continue.
"You see, when we first met, we were enemies," Vegeta nodded, now understanding why he had felt anger toward the muscular Saiya-jin during his flashback. "And even after we became allies, you still didn't want to have anything to do with me." Vegeta's frown deepened. Not have anything to do with him? Why the hell not? Goku could see Vegeta's confusion and was, himself, confused. "Ah…Vegeta? Is something wrong?" Vegeta looked up at him, the tip of his thumb popped between his teeth as he nibbled on it contemplatively.
"Iie," he said, shaking his head slightly. "Demo, it doesn't make sense." Now Goku was also confused.
"Huh?" he didn't understand. As far as he knew, it made perfect sense. Vegeta hated him because Earth won the very first battle between them very unfairly. If Krillin and Gohan weren't there, then Vegeta would definitely have won. The hate ran even deeper because he killed Frieza, a revenge that should have been Vegeta's. And even deeper still because Goku was, since Namek, always one step ahead of him. Goku had discovered all that in their Potara Fusion.
Vegeta looked up at him with sparkling clear ruby eyes, the redness glittering in the light of the room.
"It doesn't make sense," he repeated. "I mean, why would I want nothing to do with you? Any Suru would have been jumping at the chance to be close to a strong and dependable Saru such as yourself!" he said. Goku's eyes widened and he did a fish impression.
"Su…suru?" he asked. "What's that?"
But before Vegeta could answer, there was a knocking at the door and a blonde woman with the most irritating smile on her face poked her head through the door.
"Oh! There you are, Vegeta!" she cooed. "I thought you might be with Goku!"
"Morning, Mrs Briefs," Goku greeted. Vegeta, as expected, said nothing. He just stared at this gung-ho lady.
"Morning Goku!" she chirped. "I just popped in to say that breakfast is on the table, so you can come and get it!" With that, she pulled her head away and closed the door behind them. Then, she popped her head through. "Oh, and Goku sweetie, Gohan is here. He'll also be having breakfast with us!" Then, this time, she really did go away.