Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor moon or any of its characters

AN; I wanted to make this one a lot more in depth than its prequel Broken Friends as it is about their families. It will sart individually with the families all finding their children but will all come together at the end. Let me know what you think.

7 years after Crystal Tokyo is formed.

Mika watched her husband sweep the floor of their small antique shop. They had been happily married for four years being married once the both turned 19. But no matter how happy they are there was always an underlining sadness one that the old piece of paper stuck to the window of the shop reminded them of everyday.

The piece of paper had been plastered on the billboard at their local shopping centre before they opened their shop. Then they moved it to their shop window but it never seemed to get answered. The piece of paper was a missing add for the bubbly young teen that was Sammy's Sister. Once the forming of Crystal Tokyo was complete there was no sign of her, she seemed to have vanished along with many of her friends. While none of the families of the kids had ever given up looking for them many were loosing more hope with every year that went by.

The Tsukino's had moved around for the first year searching for Serena but it was no use they never found her. And after a while they realized that at least one of them should have stayed at the old house in case Serena ever went there looking for them but by the time they realized it was too late. The others families had similar problems either moving to search, having to move for work, or simply not being able to stay there as it reminded them to much of the missing youngsters.

A soft cry brought Mika out of her thoughts and she rushed to the corner where their night month out daughter had just woken up from her nap in her crib. "How's mummy little Angel," Mika asked scooping her up and rocking her softly as she grabbed the luke warm bottle from where she'd placed it not long ago knowing she'd wake up soon. Sammy walked over and wrapped his arms around Mika's waist watching her feed their daughter over Mika's shoulder.

"My, my, you're hungry aren't you Selene," Sammy said with a smile as she downed her bottle in next to no time.

Their beautiful baby girl had soft green eyes from her father and deep red hair from her mother. They'd wanted to name her after Serena but felt it was wrong since they didn't even know is she was alive or dead so they named her Selene.

They looked up as the door bell jingled signalling someone had entered their shop. A man wearing a hooded cloak and sunglasses and dark clothes stepped into the shop. Mika and Sammy each exchanged slightly worried looks with each other before Mika dashed into the back room with Selene.

Sammy walked over to the man. "Hello can I help you?"

The guys who had noticed Mika dash into the back room with Selene smiled. "Don't worry sir you have no need to fear me,"

Sammy didn't say anything but merely changed the subject. "Are you looking for anything in particular?"

"I'm looking for a special gift for my mother, she seems to have a soft spot for antiques she says the remind her of the good old days before Crystal Tokyo was formed and she was growing up,"

Sammy was slightly surprised by the answer, he'd half expected the guy to be a thug wanting to rob them, not a guy looking for a gift for his mother.

"Any particular occasion?" Sammy asked

"No I just wanted to get her something." The guys shrugged pushing back the hood of his cloak to reveal a head of neat golden hair with silver streaks.

Sammy sighed beginning to believe he had nothing to worry about he smiled to the man "Well why don't you have a look around and let me know if you find anything that interests you."

"Thanks," He smiled pushing his sunnies onto his head to reveal a pair of soft blue eyes rimmed in gold that began to scan the shelves.

Sammy wandered into the back room where Mika immediately asked if he was ok.

"I'm fine, he seems like a nice guy so you and Selene can come back out now, he won't hurt us."

As they walked back out they found the man standing at the counter with an old vase that had a clear night sky painted around it with the crescent moon dead centre at the front.

"I'll take this, my mother will love it," He said with a grin handing Mika the money and Sammy the vase. Sammy took it from him carefully wrapping it while Mika gave him his change.

"Is this your little girl?" He asked gesturing to the couple in front of him.

"Yes her names Selene," Mika said turning her so he could she her better.

"She's gorgeous how old is she?"

"Nine months," Sammy replied passing him the wrapped gift in a carry bag.

"Thanks," He said taking his bag and heading for the door. But before he got there he stopped and turned back to them. "By the way who is the girl in the missing add?"

Sammy's face instantly turned to one of sadness. "My older sister, she went missing during the rise of Crystal Tokyo,"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," He said and walked out the door, Mika and Sammy watched as he stopped in front of the window as if studying the picture of Serena, before he put on his sunnies, pulled up his hood and then moved on down the street.

Mika rested and hand on her husband's shoulder. "Come on Sammy, let's close up, we're at your parents place for dinner tonight remember."

"Yeah," Sammy said kissing her gently or the forehead and giving her and soft smile.

He stared at the image of the girl before him. She looked familiar somehow. Her hair down in blonde waves past her shoulders though the picture didn't show how far as it was only from the shoulder up. Her eyes were closed as she smiled at the camera and held up a V sign. A mans arm was draped around her shoulders. Probably her boyfriend he thought sadly. I thought everyone was accounted for after the forming I'm sure Luna and Artemis checked for everyone, I remember it took them weeks to do, and they never stuff up. So she must be alive and well just separated from her family

Flashes ran through his mind of his parents and baby sister and everyone else close that they considered family. I couldn't stand being away from them all... I'm going to find you and bring you back to them even if it takes me years He vowed to himself placing his sunnies on and pulling up his hood as he made his way back home to the palace.

AN; who knows who he is?