A/N: All previous chapters have been beta read and reuploaded. Please give your thanks to Mskitty94.

Chapter 9

Malfoy scowled in response 'You know Potter with my father in Azkaban I have been made the head of the family and emancipated. I told you, you would pay for putting my father in prison and as I can now do magic outside of school I think it is time you learned a lesson.' drawled the young blond boy while taking out his wand.

Harry smirked. 'Oh really, Draco? I do love to learn new lessons. Seeing as I am also able to do magic out of school now perhaps you could show me a few things.' Harry then sent a mental message to Tonks "Let's have some fun with him. I am not going to put up with the prat this year."

Tonks sent a mental message back to Harry "I don't think he has even noticed me yet. This could be fun." Harry could hear the smile in her mental voice.

Draco was starting to get mad now at the mocking he was receiving from Harry. The news that Harry could also do magic out of school was unwelcome. He thought he could have the upper hand with Harry unable to defend himself. But he knew something Potter didn't and that was that he had back up waiting just in the shadows of Knockturn Alley. Theodore Nott, Whose father had also been sent to Azkaban last year and also had been made head of his family and allowed to do magic out of school was waiting for any signal from Draco to join in the fight.

'You think you're a match for me Potter? I have been studying for this since we got out of school. I have been training with a friend who also wants to get one back at you for his father.' Malfoy then waved his hand at the shadows and Nott stepped out, wand in hand.

It was then that Tonks decided to make her presence known. She stepped right up beside Harry and in front of Nott though she didn't yet take out her wand. She turned to Draco and said in a cold voice 'What's the matter dear cousin? Can't fight your own battles even when you're the one to start them? You're so much like your father. He could never fight his own battles either.'

Draco was getting so mad that his normally pale face was starting to turn a color purple that was usually reserved for Vernon Dursley. 'You shut your mouth you half blood whore. My trainer knows your blood traitor mother well and says she will be sorry for ever turning her back on the Blacks. My trainer has dealt with one traitorous Black already.' Though he was mad he finished this last part with a cocky smirk on his face.

Harry was about ready to turn Malfoy into a pile of ash right where he stood but Tonks put her hand on his shoulder and sent a few soothing words into his mind and he calmed down a bit and did not attack. Harry did not like the fact that he was insulting Tonks and threatening her family. He also had an idea of who was training him and Nott. If it was who Harry thought is was, he would deal with her the first chance he got.

'Disrespecting an Auror is not a wise thing to do dear cousin. Neither is threatening the family of one. Also the only person I know of that had anything to do with a Black lately is Bellatrix Lestrange. So if you have been in contact with an escaped convict and know where this said person is then you are aiding and abiding a criminal. With the information you just gave us I can almost guarantee you a cell right next to your fathers.' Tonks said in an even voice. She then turned to Nott, who had been quiet since he stepped out of the shadows. 'Do you have anything you want to add to the list?'

Nott looked at her with hatred, shot a glance at Harry then just turned and walked back into Knockturn Alley.

Harry watched him walk away then turned back to Draco who was looking paler then normal. 'Your lucky Tonks is on vacation from her job at the moment and doesn't want to waste her time on a ferret like you. But you were going to teach me a lesson and I am willing to learn. Do you want to challenge me to a formal duel right now?' he asked in a calm voice while looking straight into Malfoys eyes.

'Your on Potter, let these people watch and see that the great Boy-Who-Lived is nothing more then a fraud. The rules will be no unforgivables and your bitch can make sure this duel stays between us.' Malfoy said gaining confidence every second. Bellatrix had been training Nott and himself for the past few weeks to take there fathers place and the Dark mark. He had picked up the dark arts easily enough and he knew some very painful spells that he was wanting to try on Potter. With this being a formal challenge between to wizards the Ministry could do nothing about it as long as they didn't use any unforgivables.

'Deal, The duel will start in 5 minutes.' Harry said loudly enough for all the people from the Alley to hear. People had started to gather around the two wizards to find out what was going on.

To tell the truth Harry was a little nervous about the duel. If Bellatrix had been teaching him the dark arts then he was sure to have picked up some nasty spells from her. While confident in his own abilities he was not sure how much Draco knew that he didn't.

Harry was starting to get worried about losing the duel, that is until he heard Tonks's voice in his head. 'Listen to me, love. You can win this duel with no problem. I learned in the Auror academy that witches and wizards with enough magical power can perform any spell that they want by will and intent alone. Using wand movements and incantations take less power to perform a spell with, but they are not totally necessary. It's similar to the uncontrolled magic a child can do when they are having high emotions. With as much power as you have you should be able to fight this entire duel without knowing a single spell. If you know the incantations for a spell you want to use I would use them because it does take less power to have the same effect if you do. If he throws a curse that you want to block but you don't know what shield charm to use, just concentrate on blocking that spell and your magic will do the rest. Use what ever movements of your staff that feels natural. It is the same if you want to throw a spell at him. Just concentrate on what u want to happen and use what ever staff movement that seems natural and it will happen. Dumbledore casts a lot of spells this way so you should have no problems at all. I will be right here if you need me. Now kick his slimy ass and send him crawling back to his master so he can be punished for losing a fight to The-Boy-Who-Keeps-Getting-The-Best-Of-The-Dark-Lord.

Harry smiled at this piece of information. He thought back to the duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort at the Ministry just a little over a month ago. It was true. He did not remember hearing many incantations or even seen there lips move while casting spells. They must have been doing it this way. 'Thanks, hun. That will help a lot. Just make sure that none of the people watching get hit by any stray spells.'

'Well, Potter? Are you ready to show these people how much of a fraud there savior is? I myself can not wait to put you in your place.' Malfoy said with much venom in his voice.

Harry griped his cane. He wasn't going to use the battle staff form of it for this duel. 'Whenever your ready ferret boy.' And with a slight bow from the both of them the duel was on.

Malfoy started out with a sickly yellow curse that Harry was not sure of what the effects would be. It was slow moving and Harry was able to side step it easily. The curse hit the door of a shop that was right behind Harry. The door then melted to nothing in an instant.

Harry now seeing that Malfoy was not pulling his punches, Waved his wand at the ground all around the Slytherin. While mumbling 'Wingardium Leviosa' as he did Malfoy saw three of the coble stones from the alley rise up in front of him. Harry followed this move with a quick banishing charm that sent the heavy stones straight at Malfoy.

Seeing that he had no time to move out of the way of the three stones in front of him Malfoy hastily conjured a shield to stop them. Unfortunately for him he didn't see the two stones that rose up behind him and slammed into the back of his head, sending him sprawling forward unto the street.

Malfoy, while getting up from the street responded with another curse, this time a bright orange one. Harry knew this spell from one of the defense books Hermione gave him for Christmas. It was definitely not something he wanted to be hit with. The curse would cause all his nerve endings to become extra sensitive, making even walking and the cloths brushing against his skin very painful.

Harry brought a shield up just as the curse was about to hit him. The shield reflected the curse back at the blond boy who was forced to dive back to the ground to get out of the way. No sooner did he get back up; he was lying on his back when Harry preformed a summoning charm on his right shoe, taking his foot right out from under him. And again Harry then followed with his left shoe.

'Spending a lot of time on the ground are you not Malfoy? Practicing for when you kneel before Tom and lick his boots are you?' laughed Harry. All the people watching the duel were laughing outright at Malfoy who has not been on his feet longer then ten seconds so far.

Malfoy, In a fit of rage at being humiliated by Potter in front of a crowed of people started throwing spell after spell at Harry, some borderline illegal, all very painful and all very dark. Harry responded by dodging, blocking or returning all the curses.

Harry was starting to get bored with this duel. It was too easy. He was just about to try and end it when Malfoy, seeing he wasn't getting any curses past Harry threw a curse that should be unforgivable. It was a pale green curse that turned ones blood into acid that would liquefy a person from the inside out. Harry wasn't surprised that he threw this curse, he had cast many like it already in the duel. But this curse was not directed at him. It was casted right at Tonks.

Tonks, who was keeping an eye on the crowd gathered around, did not see the spell streaking toward her. Malfoy was smirking knowing that Harry did not have time to react or tell Tonks to move. Harry stood in horror and he watched the spell speed towards his love. Tonks turned just in time to see the flash of light before she was suddenly standing three feet to the right of where she just was and the curse slammed into a store window. Harry, Tonks and Malfoy, where all wondering what just happened, but Harry seeing that Tonks was okay turned back to Malfoy and sent a banishing charm strong enough to throw a elephant across the Hogwarts lake. Malfoy slammed into a brick wall behind him and stuck, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Harry, with his eyes blazing a bright emerald green and power rolling off of him in great crashing waves advanced on Malfoy. Malfoy could not speak. The moment he opened his eyes and saw Harry walking toward him with glowing green eyes and an aura of pure magic all around him he was terrified. 'You just made a mistake ferret boy. If that curse would have hit her I would have ended the pathetic little thing you call your life. This duel was between us, you just lost in forfeit of your own rules. I claim the right to mark you as the looser.' With a wave of Harry's staff, Draco gained the mark of the looser. Being that the winner of a duel can mark the looser in any way he sees fit Harry smiled when the mark he choose appeared on Draco. 'That mark will stay with you forever Malfoy as I am the only one that can remove it. It can not be covered up by any magical or muggle means. Every time you see, I want you to know you choose the wrong side in this war.' And with that Harry walked away from Malfoy and the stench of urine that was coming from him and the puddle at his feet, back to Tonks to find out what happened.

All the people that had gathered around to watch the duel, where now staring and laughing at Malfoy, who was still stuck to the wall. All where able to see the mark Harry had chosen to give him. Written in bold black across his forehead that contrasted with Dracos pale complexion where to words that would follow him till the end of his days, "Death Eater".

Just as Harry got to Tonks he heard two voices beside him 'Alright, there Harry?' 'Yes, jolly good duel mate'

Harry laughed as he saw the infamous twin pranksters that were Fred and George Weasley take off disillusionment charms and where standing right beside Tonks. 'Hello Feorge, Gred I take it you two had something to do with getting Tonks out of the way of that spell?' Tonks who was pulling a piece of gum out of her hair and wondering how it got there looked at them also.

'Yes' Fred replied with a grin.

'We did' George finished

'And a excellentuse'

'Of the Popping Gum'

'If we do say so ourselves' they both said together.

'Popping gum?' asked Tonks and Harry at the same time while looking at the chewed gum Tonks now held in her hand.

'Our latest invention' said the twins together with an odd stereo.

'Each time you chew it' began Fred

'You pop three feet to either the right or left' continued George

'When we saw the curse headed toward Tonks, Forge here threw his gum at her and the force of it hitting her activated the charm and popped her.' Fred said continuing the tennis mach that was there style of speaking.

'I'm just glad it worked. I don't know what I would have done if that curse had hit Tonks. Thanks guys, I owe you more then you could possibly know.' Harry said while shaking each of there hands. Tonks was also saying thank you over and over again and gave them each a hug.

'It's the least we'

'can do for our'

'primary investor.' said the twins.

'I didn't know you had investments, Harry?' asked Tonks with an odd gleam in her eyes.

'I don't really. I just gave them some money to start there shop, that's all.' Harry answered while looking at the twins wondering what they were talking about.

'Nonsense, oh silent partner.'

'Without the amount of gold you gave us'

'We could never have dreamed'

'Of opening our shop this soon.'

'So we have taken the liberty of'

'depositing a third of our profits'

'into your Gringotts account.'

'And we won't take no for a answer'

Two hours later, after Harry had tried to talk the twins out of giving him money with no effect, and a tour of the shop at the twin's insistence Harry and Tonks finely made there way back to the Leaky Cauldron for a late lunch.

A/N: Just a short chap to get me back in the writing mood. Next chap will be up soon.