Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything!!!

Authors note: thanx to those who reviewed (Carmlienak, and Lizagirl) plz..keep reviewing!

Dear Diary,

WOW!!!!! OMG!!! I just can't believe it!!!! We made it I've been here, training for four weeks, and I survived! I guess Spike really did help me a lot, I mean yeah he was always really hard on me, but hey it saved my life and for that I will always be grateful. So I'm an actual slayer now, not just a potential, we all are! We took on the First, and we WON!!!! But with a price. I still can't believe Amanda is dead, and so many other girls, they were all so young, they didn't deserve to die, but they died fighting, and I know that if I could choose the way I could die, I'd choose to either die in my sleep when I'm old and gray, or if that weren't possible, then I'd want to die fighting. Those girls who lost their lives today I know felt the same way. We are tending to our wounded now, so much blood, but we survived, the world is safe again...for the time being. I think I'm going to stay with Buffy and Dawn until my Hogwarts starts again. I wonder what everyone will say when they see the new me? OHHH GOD!! We lost Spike, I can't believe it, he was Spike! Who would of thunk it? Me, grieving a Malfoy, I still can't believe he is...was a Malfoy. We are going to go to L.A. for about a week, then I don't know what's going to happen, I just know that now, more than ever, I need to stay with Dawn, we've grown so close these past weeks. He loved us both as if we were his own little sisters. And we loved him like he was our big brother, the best big brother we could have ever asked for. I think Dawn and I get along so well because we both know what it's like to be ignored by everybody although now her and Buffy are much better apparently, I wish I had a ister like her, but I guess that now I do, we are all sisters, I'm not alone anymore.

I think I'm still in shock because reading over this again I realize my thoughts are damn scattered, I think I'm still in shock.

So good night my dearest diary, I think I'll go to sleep, and maybe when I wake up again, I'll be able to form coherent thoughts.

Love always,


One week later

"OK Gins, I'm going to take Dawn and move to England, do you want to come with us?"

"really Buffy? Do you really want me to come?!?!?"

"yes, of course Ginny, Dawn could use a friend, and you still need no train, not to mention you are lil'red, and I know he'd want you safe and with us, plus, of all you girls I like you second to Dawn, heehee" Buffy explained to her, hoping she'd agree to come along.

"OMG!! Thank you soo much Buffy, Of course I'd love to come! And thanks for that, what you said...it means a lot to me."

"ok great! I'll go tell Dawn you said yes!! Why don't you go pack?"

"ok, not that I have that much to pack, hahaha"Ginny said, laughing as she left to go pack her bag, she was going back to her homeland, and she wasn't really sure where that left her. Was it a good thing or a bad thing? What will my parents do? Ohh well, I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get to it.

(a/n: plz. Review, I'll give u a cookie! A nice big chocolaty cookie, mmmmm, lol)