(A:N) Hiya!!!!!!!! I'm back with a NEW story coz I've got writer's block on 'My story'!! And that my muses abandoned me!! You can probably guess what's going on by the title but this just sort of came to me and I thought why not write it??

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own Xiaolin showdown but I do own a lot of stuff and my mad, stupid mind!!

Summary: This takes place after they have left the temple. Raimundo's in a band with his brothers, Clay has a girlfriend named Katie, Omi still lives at the temple and Kimiko's engaged but is secretly pinning for the only boy she ever truly loved. Also hear are the ages:

Clay: 20

Kimiko: 19

Raimundo: 19

Omi: 16

(Raimundo's brothers)

Gus: 21

Paul: 18

(Kimiko's fiancé)

Ross: 23


Crash the wedding

Chapter one

Kimiko sighed she was supposed to be meeting her three best friends hear any minute now she looked around hoping to see the three friendly familiar faces.

"Kimiko" she heard someone cry out her name she spun around to see Clay and Omi beaming at her.

"Clay! Omi" she cried out happily running towards them and squeezing the life out of them.

"So what's this big news you wanted to tell us?" Clay asked when she finally let go.

"I want to wait for Rai, I want all of you hear before I tell you," she said.

"We may be waiting along time," Clay warned her.

"I know but..." her sentence was cut off by a pair of hands covering her eyes, she knew who it was for there was only one person remaining who wasn't there who was also this childish.

"Stop messing about Raimundo" she said smiling, he let go of her eyes and puck her up spinning her around and hugging her.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late had to take a detour" he smiled at them all putting Kimiko back down.

"Well how was the tour?" Kimiko asked him.

"Exhausting and pretty annoying with my brothers trying to set me up with anything that had cleavage" he said.

"Nice to see you again partner" Clay smiled.

"Yes it is most pleasant to see you all again" Omi beamed.

"So what's the big news?" Raimundo turned to Kimiko.

"Well.... I'm getting married," she said holding up her left hand so they could all see the ring.

"What?" all three boys said in amassment.

"Hey I'm not that ugly!" she said.

"We know you're not ugly..." Raimundo began but Clay cut him off.

"It's just we didn't even know you were seeing anyone" The cowboy still looked a little taken aback.

"Well technically I wasn't he just sort of proposed" she said shrugging she didn't seem happy or excided.

"And you're just gonna marry him?" Raimundo asked, Kimiko looked at him and could see a glimpse of pain in his eyes. If only you knew the truth Rai! She thought.

"Well yeah I mean I've known him for years so it's not like I'm marrying a complete stranger or anything" she said when they heard a beeping noise everyone turned to see Raimundo lifting a pager out of his pocket.

"Aw crud" he said looking at the message, "sorry guys I gotta run" he said putting it away and hugging Clay and Omi goodbye. "Sorry Kim, listen if you need anything hears my address Okay cya" he handed her a piece of paper with an address scribbled on it before he bent down and kissed her on the check pulling his hood up and walking off. Kimiko stared after him all the time she had spent getting ready to see him again for something like fives seconds.

"Don't worry Kim Rai'll come around he just needs time" Clay said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I don't want him to come around," she mumbled just as her cell phone went off.

"Hello?" she said answering it, "Oh hi Ross no, I can't I'm out with friends I.... Oh I see yes I'll go get it okay bye" she said hanging up.

"Who was that Kimiko?" Omi asked.

"That was Ross," she said then seeing the confused looks on their faces she added, "my fianc

"Oh" both boys exclaimed.

"Sorry guys but I gotta go too," she said hugging them goodbye and also walking off.

"Kimiko does not even say 'I love you' to her fianc" Omi said looking at Clay.

"I don't think she does" Clay answered sighing.

With Raimundo.

Raimundo hung his head she was getting married! She was going to marry some posh smart ass and live with him in a nice house and probably have his kids too. He couldn't bear to think about it. He knew he loved her, he'd loved her since the day they meet he had told her when they were teenagers and she had felt the same way they had been inseparable! Until her parents came and took her back to Tokyo they had broke up but kept in touch! And now it's too late! He thought, she's gonna have his kids not yours! Why am I thinking about kids I'm to young to be thinking about that sort of thing! A large car pulled up in front of him.

"Hey bro! Get in" Gus called to him. Raimundo got in and sat with his head in his hands.

"What's up Rai?" Paul asked him, "was she really ugly or something"

"No" Raimundo mumbled, "She's getting married"

"Oh Rai I'm sorry man" Paul said looking at his older brother.

"Yeah Rai I'm really sorry" Gus added looking at his little brother who's heart had obviously been broken.

"Whatever" was Raimundo's response as his looked out the window. I have to get her back he thought, but how?


(A:N) I no it kinda sucks right now and It's a bit short but the next chapter will be better it'll get more interesting I promise!! So please R&R and someone give me my muses back!! Love ya all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
