Just Old Friends


Time always passes quickly and with it good times and bad. Hermione and Ron returned from their honeymoon at the end of September full of love for each other and somehow managed to happily settle into everyday life.

There was one major set back in October for the Weasleys when Fred slipped away. Although it was sad there was some joy with the notion that he was once again united with George, and the thought of the chaos that the pair were now casing made them all laugh.

At about the same time an announcement was made by Percy and Penelope that there was another Weasley soon to be joining them in nine months. Things were looking up for the other Weasleys as well with Bill opening up a restaurant in London and meeting a nice witch called Chloe.

As for Charlie well he too was moving on with his life, now as the Care of Magical Creatures professor in Hogwarts he too had found love with another Professor named Paula who was teaching muggle studies.

As for Neville and April the date of the wedding was set for June sixth and they were busily getting things in order.

But as for Harry and Ginny things were turning out great, in November Ginny got the proposal she had always dreamt of and they too were organising their wedding day.

Time was moving on for all and together they were facing the bad and enjoying the good.

Okay and so we reach the end of Just Old Friends. I know some of you won't be too happy with the ending because there wasn't that much Harry/Ginny in it but this was more about how their relationship got started. The pair had to overcome their own pasts in able to except their future and I hope that you have picked up on that.

As for the squeal well I had hoped to have it ready by the time I finished posting this but I'm not happy with it, the story isn't going the way that I wanted it to and so there shall be a wait for Finally Potter.

Since the book is being released on Saturday there will be a bit of a wait, but I promise I am working on the squeal and am determined to get it to a good standard. In the mean time if you would like to check out one of my other stories feel welcome to and I'm actually going to post another one from next Monday called Guilt and Innocence and I hope that you will check it out.

Thanks to everyone that reviewed any chapter of this story and a special shout out to snortingbullfrogs, Karen, Jessie and Chica91 for reviewing the last chapter and to snortingbullfrogs who spotted Snape dancing to YMCA.

I would also like to give a big shout out to Annie aka concrete13rose for beta-ing this story especially since she's not a fan of Ginny in any form what so ever. Thanks Annie.

Anyway keep an eye out for Finally Potter which is the squeal to this story, I should have it up by August, as I shall be working solely on this story for a while to get it to where I want it. Thanks for sticking this out
