Harry and Ginny thought they were so good together. Well what about her? Didn't they even care about her anymore? Ginny. Ginny had been her best friend, and she knew how Hermione felt about Harry. Dammit, she knew! How could she do this to her? Harry, she might be able to forgive Harry in time. Harry had no idea how she truly felt about him; she'd never told him for fear he didn't love her back. And now she knew. He didn't. He loved Ginny.

Hermione's blood boiled again, at the thought of Ginny's betrayal. She told Ginny absolutely everything. About her crush, and later her full-blown love for Harry. Ginny had been supportive, or so it seemed. She told Hermione to go for it, do whatever it took to be happy. Yeah, right. Ginny TOOK what it took to make her happy. And she was flaunting it in her face. No, Ginny could not be forgiven.

It was the summer before the trio's sixth year at Hogwarts. Ginny's fifth. Ugh, Ginny.

Voldemort was still out there. He was in hiding. The whole wizarding community knew the truth at last. A new Minister of Magic had been named, but it wasn't Albus Dumbledore. Oh, he'd been asked, that's for sure, but Albus Dumbledore had too much on his plate right now to lead the ministry. He decided he must remain headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and of course retain his position with the Order. The Order was of the utmost importance now, and everyone lived, breathed and well, lived for the Order. Even through her own agonzing heartbreak, Hermione knew her first loyalty would always be to the Order. And to Harry. Even though it hurt her to much, even to look at Harry right now. But Harry didn't know. She couldn't hate him; he just didn't know.

Ginny on the other hand... When Voldemort finally fell, Hermione would be able to fully concentrate on the destruction of one Ginny Weasley. But, as always, Hermione must prioritize. Her muggle parents had been appaled at the thought of Hermione staying at Grimauld Place for the summer. But with the persuasion of Minerva McGonagall, they finally realized it was really for Hermione's saftey that she must stay there. It wasn't safe for her to be away from the Aurors, and other members of the Order right now, not since she'd exhibited such loyalty to Harry Potter in the past. Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, was obviously a target for Voldemort and the other Death Eaters. And so were the people closest to him. If Harry could be taken out, there would be nothing stopping the Dark Lord's return to power. No, she would just not be safe at home with her parents. Though she missed them terribly, she knew that it was the right thing to do. Of course, a few weeks ago, when she'd asked Professor McGonagall for help with her parents, she'd not only had the Order in mind. It would give her plenty of time to be close to Harry. Ginny had finally convinced her that it was now or never to tell him about her true feelings. Hermione knew that being at Grimauld Place would offer them plenty of alone time. While they were full blown members of the Order now, Molly Weasley still felt that the "children," as she still called them, needed to still be children, as much as possible, so they were not in on a lot of the meetings. The most important ones, of course, but not many of the daily ones. At least once a week they were allowed to attend recap meetings, where Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, MadEye Moody, and almost all of the other members of the Order attended, to strategize, compare notes, decide next steps, and so forth.

Hermione's eyes shut tight, as a few tears slipped out, while she remembered Ginny's lame attempt at an apology:

She'd finally decided. It really was the time. Ginny had fished for some information from Harry, which, while extremely juvinile, had seemed to have worked. Ginny said she thought Harry was definitely interested in a relationship with Hermione. More than friendship.

Hermione gathered up all her courage, and marched up to Harry's bedchambers. Harry had taken over on Sirius' old room, saying he felt closer to him there. Hermione straightend out her skirt and smoothed down her hair. She'd even blow dried it straight, which was really quite a pain in the ass, but it gave her more confidence, which she greatly needed, if she were ever to tell Harry how she felt about him. She reached up slowly, still terrified, but excited all the same, to knock on Harry's door. She noticed it was slightly ajar, and couldn't help but to peek. She loved to watch Harry when he didn't know she was looking. Most of the time, she'd cover, if he'd noticed her watching, saying something about how he needed to study that last bit some more, or she was looking at something over his shoulder.

But what she saw now, she'd never forget, as long as she lived. Harry was in there, alright, but he wasn't alone. No, not alone at all. He was in a liplock. With none other than Ginny. Hermione's best friend. At least, she used to be. Hermione's breath caught in her throat, and she must have gasped, though she really didn't remember doing so, because she caught the attention of Ginny, who broke away quickly from Harry's embrace.

Ginny's eyes widened so large, Hermione thought they might fall out of her head. Then Hermione thought only one thing. "Traitor," she said quietly, yet firmly. Her fists balled at her sides, and Hermione saw red. Red bloody hair on the girl kissing the love of HER life. Hermione suddenly turned, and ran blindly away. She would NOT let Ginny see her cry. Ginny was the enemy now. Never let your enemies see your weakness. They'd just take advantage of it. Ginny seemed to be a pro at taking advantage of Hermione, and her trust.

Hermione flung herself into her own room, and locked the door. Unfortunatly, she shared the room with Ginny, who was able to Alohamora the door open. "Hermione, I-"

"Shut up!" Hermione spat at her. It was too late, Ginny had seen the tears falling. "You have NO right to talk to me again. Get out. GET OUT!" she roared, pointing at the door.

"Hermione, no! I have to explain! It's not like you think!"

"No?" Hermione yelled. "Tell me how it's not! How is YOU kissing Harry not what it seems? How is it that YOU, supposedly MY best FRIEND, kissing the man I love, with your scrawny arms wrapped around him, not what it seems? Get the hell out, Ginny. Out of my room, and out of my life." Hermione grabbed her wand and pointed it at Ginny. Although she didn't say a spell, Ginny was flung against the door. She slid down it, and started to cry.

"But Hermione, please, just let me explain! I thought my feelings for Harry were gone, but they're not! I'm sorry! I know I told you over and over that it was just a silly little girl crush that I USED to have on Harry, but Hermione, when I went to tell him that you were going to ask him to talk alone, he said he needed to talk to me first! Hermy, he told me he loved me!" Ginny stopped, cowering on the floor. She knew she'd said too much.

"What the hell difference was that supposed to make?" Hermione screamed. "You told me you didn't care about him that way! You told me you thought of him like another brother, for fuck's sake! You knew how I felt about him, and you kissed him anyway? Well, Ginny, I certainly hope he's worth it, because you've just lost the only friend you've ever had." With that, Hermione turned her back on Ginny. She stared out the window, until she heard Ginny get up and leave. Ginny was crying. But that wouldn't change Hermione's mind. She didn't care if Ginny was hurting, she was hurting too. And it was Ginny's fault. When she was sure Ginny was gone, Hermione let the tears fall freely. She raged, she destroyed pillows, she broke glass, she threw her shoes. When she was finally done raging, she wept quietly.

That was two days ago. Apparently, Ginny wasn't having any trouble getting over practically killing her former best friend, because she and Harry were holding hands and laughing, like there wasn't a care in the world. Well, screw them. Hermione turned around on her chair, facing away from them.

Harry had noticed this, and went to talk to Hermione. Ginny slipped out the other door, knowing that Hermione would rage again. She'd begged Harry not to talk to Hermione just yet, to give her some more time, but Harry, the upstanding guy that he was, couldn't stand the thought of hurting Hermione anymore and needed to get things straight. He loved her so much, but not the way she needed to be loved by him.

"Hermione, can we talk?"

Hermione sniffled, ignoring him.

Harry sighed, and sat down on the bench next to her. She stiffened, but didnt' flee. They said in silence for a few moments, and then Harry reached out to her. He put his hand on her knee, and said, "Hermione, I'm really sorry about this. I never meant to hurt you. I had no idea you felt that way. When Ginny-" Hermione flinched hearing that name, but Harry continued, "-was asking me all those questions, about did I care for a certain someone, did I think about kissing anyone, I thought she meant herself."

Hermione tried to stand and run, didn't want Harry to see her cry. Harry grabbed her sleeve and pulled her back. "Hermione, I'm sorry!" he shouted. Then again, softly, "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"But she did." It was whispered so quietly, Harry wasn't sure he'd actually heard it. He pulled Hermione into a hug, and stroked her hair.

"Shh.." he said, holding her. She was quietly sobbing into his chest. Realizing what she was doing, she sat up straight, and said, "Harry, I can't bloody help it, I love you. I'm in love with you, and I have been for years. You're the only one for me Harry." She looked into his eyes, and leaned forward. She touched her lips on his, and he jerked away.


"What the hell are you doing?" Harry asked her.

"I thought, you...but, I just..." Hermione was horrified. He really didn't love her.

"I'm sorry, Hermione, but I love Ginny. I've loved her for a few months now, and when she came to me two days ago, I couldn't stop again. I had to kiss her. And she was pissed, at first. She told me no, she couldn't do it, and it was ME, Hermione! It was me! I told her I loved her, and I kissed her again. She broke it off, and said she couldn't do this, and I asked her why, and she mumbled a bit, and got all flustered, and then she threw herself on me again and said, 'Dammit, Harry, I love you back, I love you back, okay?' and then we kissed again, and then that's when you came in." He paused for a second, not daring to look at Hermione's face. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I hope you can understand. I can't stop loving her, and she loves me too. We're so lucky to have figured it all out, I wish you could be happy for us..." He trailed off. He finally got brave enough to look at her, and immediately wished he could disappear. He'd never seen Hermione so irate.

Her breath got a bit faster, and her fists clenched again. She snarled at him, and opened her mouth several times, but nothing came out. She stood up, at her full height, and grabbed Harry's shirt. She yanked him up to standing, too, and even though he was about six inches taller than her, she pulled back and punched him in the gut. She pulled back again and punched him in the face.

"Fuck you, Harry Potter. Fuck you." She turned and stalked off.

Harry sat there, on the bench, dumbstruck. He didn't realize he'd hurt her that badly.

Hermione ran outside, and then went around the house to the back yard. She wanted to scream. She wanted to yell. She wanted to rage again, but couldn't let Harry and Ginny have the satisfaction of seeing her like that again, even if they were inside. Harry had probably gone running to Ginny, telling her how Hermione freaked out and went postal on him. They were probably looking out the window at her right now. Well, fuck them. Let them look. They wouldn't see her lose her cool again. She sat down under a shady tree, hoping that if they were looking, the branches and leaves would block their view of her. Finally, she let the tears fall silently. Her shoulders heaved, and he body shook, but she remained silent. When she felt a hand on her shoulder, she froze. She sniffled, wiped her eyes and nose on her sleeve, and bucked up. It was probably Harry again, trying to be all noble, and fix her. Dammit, why did she still love him? She closed her eyes tight, hoping whoever it was would get the point and go away. No luck. She felt a body close to her, sit down on the grass beside her.

She opened her eyes and turned, "Would you just go-" She stopped when she saw who it was. Remus. He'd insisted that she call him that now, since he wasn't her teacher anymore, and they were both members of the Order. "Professor" or "sir," or "Lupin" for that matter, just didn't work anymore. So now it was Remus.

"Remus, leave me alone." She tried to get up but he pulled her back down.

"Hermione, I know what's happened. I'm sorry. I can only tell you, it will get better. It'll hurt less with time."

"No it won't! How is betrayal supposed to just stop hurting? Harry, I almost forgave him, until that crap he pulled a few minutes ago, but Ginny? How can I ever forgive her? The little bitch! She knew! She knew...she knew she knew..." Hermione was now sobbing again, and leaned on Lupin. He wrapped his arms around her for comfort, and held her for a few minutes, until she was out of tears. Slowly, she lifted her head. Her eyes were bright blue now, from the tears, and she looked so hurt and confused. Remus brushed the hair away from her face. Hermione straightened up. "I'm sorry," she said.

"It's okay. I've been where you are, Hermione. Cry till you can't cry anymore. And then cry again. But I promise, it WILL get better."

Hermione stared at him for a moment, and then, without warning, she flung herself onto him. She held his face in her hands and kissed him hard, as if there were no tomorrow. A very surprised Remus' eyes popped wide open, and as soon as he realized what she was doing, he pushed her off.

"Hermione! Stop!"

"No, I don't want to stop, it hurts to stop," she was still grasping onto him, kissing whatever she could reach, as he was trying to pry her off of him. "Make me forget him, Remus, make me forget Harry." She was trying to push his clothes off of him now.

"Hermione, NO!" Remus yelled. Hermione froze, eyes wide. Realization sunk in, and Hermione suddnely knew what she had been doing. She jumped up and ran, ran as fast as she could. She kept running. She knew she was outside of Grimauld Place's protective charms now, but she just didn't care. She was humiliated. Humiliated by Ginny, by Harry, and now by herself. How could she have kissed him? He was twice her age! He was her professor, for God's sake! And she threw herself desperately at him! And how the hell could she have ever trusted Ginny Weasley? That little skank, that whore. How could she have trusted any of them? No one cared about her, they only cared about Harry, and his happiness. Afterall, he was the Boy Who Lived. The one to fulfill the prophecy. The only one that could kill Voldemort. Why would any of them care about her?