Author's Note: Just something random that came to my mind. I'm eagerly awaiting DMC3 since seeing the impressions that the Japanese demo made.

Trish moved slowly, quietly, using every bit of stealth tactic she knew about. She hid her aura and held her breath. Her target had ears more sensitive than a cat's and had a kind of sixth sense. This was the time where he was most of guard so detection was at a minimum.

The blonde woman slowly inched her way along the ledge that ran along the brick wall that made up the exterior of Devil Never Cry. The night air was chilly outside of the building where she and her target resided. Being a demon, she had near perfect balance; this made the fact that she was about 20 feet above the ground much easier to take. With her back against the brick wall, she slowly inched her way to the window where her target was currently located.

"This is it....", thought Trish as she heard a sound of running water from the window. "Hope he can't smell me with all that water running...."

Trish stopped right beside the window. She craned her head sideways and tried to look through the window. The other side showed a simple bathroom with a sink, toilet and most importantly a shower and bathtub with a curtain. She began to look for the current occupant.Sure enough, a sillouhete of a man was seen behind the shower curtain.

"There he is!", she thought triumphantly with a feral grin. She moved to get a closer look when she suddenly heard a smug voice say, "What are you doing?"

Trish fought back the urge to scream. She did well but she didn't manage to suppress the loud gasp that escaped her. The water stopped running and a hand grasped the outside of the curtain.

"Shit! F$#!", thought Trish frantically as she searched for an escape route. If she jumped down, all the target had to do was look out the window and she would be spotted. The only way was to jump up to the rooftop. Gathering her strength, Trish jumped and landed on the roof just as she heard the sound of the window being opened. She closed her eyes and breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She opened her eyes and was greeted by the sight of a red-haired woman.

"Nice escape. You'd make a great stalker." , she said with a smirk. Trish recognized her voice as the one that almost got her caught in the first place. Trish stood up and faced the other woman in front of her.

"What the hell are you doing here Lucia? I thought you had business back on your island?", Trish said icily. She had always considered the red-head as a competitor for devil-hunting and the alpha-female position.

Lucia shrugged her shoulders indifferently. Trish felt her eye twitch.

"I'm on vacation. I thought I'd come and visit the Son Of Sparda..", came the toneless reply. Lucia's eyes searched the area and turned back on Trish.

"Really?", asked Trish.

"Yes. I owe him my life."

"Well, he's unavailable at the moment."


They stood silently for a few seconds before Trish decided to break the silence. She stepped closer and smiled warmly at Lucia.

"You wanna wait for him in the office? It's getting kinda cold out here.", she said with a grin. Hey, any friend of Dante's (and there really weren't many of those) was a make that associate....of hers. That was enough. The cold didn't really bother Trish and she could've easily made Red freeze to death out here. She was practically a saint!

They sat in silence once again in the sofa located by a wall in Dante's office. Lucia had taken off her white half-overcoat and was currently sitting cross-legged. Her eyes continued to survey every part of the room, from the weapons to the trophies.

Trish had taken to leaning on the adjacent wall and eyeing Lucia. She was very suspicious about something and it was driving her mad. Just as she was about to open her mouth to speak, Lucia beat her to it.

"What were you doing outside?", she asked in a casual voice as if she was asking Trish what she and for dinner. She even smiled! Trish felt her eyebrow tick and an unpleasant warmth filled her face.

"Nothing, I was just......enjoying the scenery.", she replied. However, Trish's mind screamed at her from the inside.

"ENJOYING THE SCENERY? You think she'd buy that?!", her inner self yelled at hair while pulling at its own blonde hair. Trish sheepishly grinned at her inner self.

"Oh, I see. Just business between partners, yes?", Lucia said again with a smile. She told herself that it probably was just that. Devil hunters had to have sharp senses for maximum efficiency when it came to field work.

Meanwhile, Trish continued a mental tirade with her inner self.

"Well, she's not saying anything, is she?", Trish reasoned with brain again. Her inner self facefaulted if it could have.

"Believe me, she ain't buying it." , her inner self said in a patronizing tone.

"You'd better tell her now before she asks Dante what you were doing peeping on him IN THE SHOWER!!", Trish's brain yelled causing her to blush again. She wasn't peeping!

It was just that she wanted to verify her suspicions about an issue that was bothering her. Maybe Lucia would understand. After all, she had also worked with him. Surely the question in head had also entered Lucia's? She cleared her throat which caught the other hunter's attention.

Trish braced herself. Breathe in, breathe out. "Okay here goes...."

"Lucia, about that.....thing, that I was doing outside, a while ago...", Trish said, feeling her face growing hot again.

"Oh? I thought it was business. Or training.", Lucia said matter-of-factly. However, she was also very interested about what her blonde colleague was doing.

Trish licked her dry lips and continued. "Well, you know how Dante always carries around these really big swords?"

Lucia was confused. What did this have to do with Trish's stalking? She decided to play along.

"Yes, the weapons he carries cannot be used effectively by any normal human being." , Lucia stated. It was true, the weapons he carried were massive and.....

Lucia felt herself go red after thinking what she had just thought.

It took a while before she noticed that Trish was speaking again.

"And did you also notice those guns that he made?", Trish asked again. She was beating around the bush, she knew that. But she had to make Lucia understand.

Lucia swallowed hard before answering. "Yes, (her voice squeaked) I think he modified two Desert Eagles. He enlarged the barrel and body to carry more bullets."

The guns, Ebony and Ivory, were actually handheld cannons, strictly speaking. No handgun could compare to them in sheer size and....

There it was again. That thought that entered Lucia's head when they discussing Dante's sword. Dante's sword....

"You're probably wondering what this has to do with outside right?", Trish laughed nervously. Lucia said nothing.


"Do you think... "

"That overcompensating for something?"

To be continued (if you want)

AN: And that's chapter one. Since most of the DMC stories over here are kinda serious , I did a little comedy for y'all. So what you think? Haven't you ever wondered why Dante carried around weapons that were clearly only meant for display? I mean, with his strength, a lightweight sword like a katana would be perfect, giving him more speed. Yeah, just like me to get overly technical about everything.

This story takes place after DMC2 (I was kinda disappointed about how that one turned out) so Lucia already knows Dante. On another note, this story won't follow all the exact event that took place in the second game. Dante in DMC2 was, to be honest, a lifeless shell of his former self. I mean, he barely said two words the whole game! The "strong-silent type" persona really doesn't go to well with Dante. I prefer the trash-talking badass that he was in the first game. In this story, the Dante that Lucia encountered in her island is the same loud-mouthed badass that he was in DMC1. That's why she recognized Ebony and Ivory even though he didn't use them in DMC2.