It was one of your milk runs, a meet and greet, get the soil samples and check out the local ruins with the standard trees. Crap, it was a damned rain forest of trees. They had met three of the indigenous peoples who looked for all the world like your South American perhaps Amazonian native. They sat together around a campfire sharing some forest creature the Indians, for want of a better word, were roasting and attempted to communicate. Daniel was having just a small degree of success but they seemed more interested in trading and in the blond haired woman. O'Neill was uneasy with their hands touching their stuff, trying to touch his pack, his weapon, his Major. Teal'c caught O'Neill's eye and then glanced toward the forest to their left. Although well hidden he could detect stealthy movements in the understory.

Still smiling O'Neill said "Okay campers, we're are going to leave right now. No arguments. Keep smiling. Daniel, tell them we need to back for more trade goods and we'll be right back. Major, you're right after me, dial up and send the signal. Teal'c you're on our six. Wait I've got an idea. Fill their hands with any unnecessary stuff you've got in your pack, candy bars or blankets. Lighten your load cause we're going to haul ass."

Daniel started to object but thought better of it. He had begun to feel crowded by these seemingly friendly yet aggressive natives and there was that unsettling rustling in the bushes. Teal'c and O'Neill's hyper vigilance was unsettling as well. So Daniel made their apologies, they all gave them MRE's and other tokens and they were off to the stargate. They tried to appear as though they were just anxious to return home for more goods but the façade fell away as the arrows began to fly.

O'Neill stood on the edge of the platform, weapon at the ready, urging his team on when an arrow grazed his calf. He and Teal'c covered their teammates as the wormhole was established and the signal sent.

"Go, go, go." O'Neill yelled as he felt the impact of another arrow in his backpack wishing he had one of Daniel's books in there. He thought he would look like a porcupine when he finally got though. Right on Teal'c tail he came through but not before an arrow pierced his left shoulder and another his right thigh. As he stepped through and he could hear them yelling to close the iris. He felt the last arrow imbed itself in his left shoulder. He would have fallen flat on his face carried over by the impact of the last arrow but for Teal'c and Carter reaching out their hands. The medics rushed up and lifted him off onto a gurney.

Sam could only look at her hand. It was full of his blood; it was running between her fingers, it was dripping down her arm. Dimly she heard the general shouting "Major Carter report" But she could only stare at the warm blood that filled her palm. She couldn't wipe it on her BDU's, it was his blood. Looking now at the general she stretched out her hand to him by way of explaining fore she had no words. She closed her hand in a fist and held it close to her chest. A medic led her away. He glanced over his shoulder and to the general he simply said "Shock, Sir."

The medics pulled her into the infirmary near the area where they were working on O'Neill. People were talking at her but their voices were distant and incomprehensible. She stood stock still watching as they cut his clothes off. The blood soaked cloth hit the floor with a splat. The arrow ridden backpack clattered to the floor. They were inserting IV's and catheters and attaching leads. She couldn't move. This body that she had loved, she had coveted, she had denied, lay before her. She was afraid that she had let his life slip through her fingers, through the fingers of her blood stained hand. She heard the heart monitor beep and heard him gasp and time started again. She let herself be led away to be treated. They were checking her for the source of all the blood on the front of her uniform and only came up with a puncture in the palm of her hand. She stared into her hand that they had cleaned but she still saw a palm filled with his blood.

Daniel and Teal'c, each sporting bandages came to Sam's side to check on her condition.

"The Colonel – where's the colonel?"

"Surgery, Sam. It will probably be a while."

"He's alive?"

Although she had seen him just minutes before she desperately needed reassurance. Never before had they seen Major Carter drop her professional mask in public. Her concern for O'Neill was visceral.

Daniel and Teal'c each had a few scrapes but nothing serious and Carter was unscathed except for the pain of O'Neill's injuries and the cut in her palm.