Author's Notes: Ok folks, I've started yet another epic. This one is a Kagome/Kouga pairing, as I've become quite enamored with the dear wolf. I hope you like it, I'm looking forward to writing this piece.

Standard disclaimers apply.

Summary: She'd thanked him, given a shaky smile, and promptly lost consciousness. She hadn't woken before he left. He couldn't stay though, knowing somehow that he couldn't watch her die. Not Kagome.




"God grant you a safe trip my son," Onigumo stood beside his horse, "And I thank you."

"Do not," Kouga sighed, shaking his head regretfully, "What's done is done, I am glad to have pleased her, that is all. Like I said before, she is... was... a good person. She will be sorely missed."

"Aye," Onigumo nodded, "She always admired you as well my lord, you have relieved us both of a great burden."

"Feel free to send a message to Wolfeton should you require anything of me," Kouga gave a short wave and turned away, leading his men from the keep that would someday be his.

After riding for a few hundred yards in silence, he turned and caught a glimpse of Beauvoir castle, staring for a moment at the window behind which his wife lay dying.

"My lord?"

Ginta, one of his knights and his right-hand man, spoke softly, obvious regret in his voice. "I just wished to say... well, that I am sorry my lord. We all are, Lady Kagome was a fine person."

"Aye," Kouga nodded, turning his head away, "I wish to keep what has happened silent Ginta. Say no more and have the men keep their tongues as well."

"Certainly," Ginta nodded, gave him one last pitying look and turned to join their men.

Looking over his shoulder one more time, Kouga sighed before turning forward again, his mind going over the past twenty-four hours once more.


------ Flashback ------


"I'm afraid there's no hope my lord, she will most likely be dead within the next day or so."

Kouga closed his eyes, not wanting to see the man beside him as he fell to his chair in grief. It was a great shock, to hear that a girl he had known for so long was going to die so very soon. He could remember them as children, playing in the keep with swords and shields made of trays they'd stolen from the kitchen. She'd been a vivacious child then, eager to please and very bright. To think that Kagome, of all people, would soon be gone...

It was enough to make a man weep.

Not the he would of course, but her father, that was another matter. The great Onigumo Beaumont, lord of Beauvoir castle and a great warrior known throughout the land, wept brokenly at the news.

Kagome was the man's only kin, his only flesh and blood, and she'd been the adoration of her father since the day her mother died birthing her. Onigumo had grieved Kikyo mightily, but their child, the very image of her mother, brought him great joy. To be honest, Kouga had only met her a scant five or six times over the course of their lives, but he'd liked her. She was a sweet little thing, very kind, very naive and trusting.

During his last visit he'd injured himself clumsily at a joust and she'd tended to his wound. She'd been much younger then, eleven, neither a lady nor a child, but she'd been gracious and careful with his cut. She'd been the first friend he could remember making, when he was a boy of ten, and she a mite little thing at the age of five.

He could easily picture her, garbed in that silly pink dress, a crown of daisies in her hair, made clumsily by her own hands. She'd made him one too but he'd tossed it away and gone towards the keep, only to be greeted with the news that his mother was dead. He'd gone to the gardens to grieve alone, knowing his father would beat him at any show of emotion, and there she'd come upon him. In a quick glance she saw the tears in his eyes, silently climbed onto his lap, draped her little arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug.

"My lord, I do not wish to burden thee, but..."

"I know Marie, I know," Onigumo sighed, wiped his eyes and stood. "I will see to that problem once I reach it, for now I wish to spend what time I can with my daughter."

"Certainly my lord," Marie moved down the hall to the girl's room. There was nothing left to be done.

"I am sorry about your daughter my lord," Kouga spoke, "She was always very good to everyone."

"Aye, and the lord does seem to prefer taking the good ones up first, doesn't he?" Onigumo sighed and rubbed his eyes, "After all the trouble she went through to keep him away, it seems Naraku will be victorious in his machinations after all."

That brought a frown to Kouga's features, "How so my lord? What does Naraku Hastings have to do with anything?"

"He will be lord of Beauvoir castle once I pass." His host shrugged, looking defeated for the first time probably in his life, certainly since Kouga had known him. And he'd known lord Beaumont since he could remember.

"Kagome fended him off in his attempts to woo her for two years, hoping to make a better match, one to a man she knew would care for her lands and people as well as I have. Naraku, being my nephew, is next in line for my holdings after Kagome. If she had managed to marry, her husband would take over as my heir and receive these lands upon my death. But alas, she is unwed and dying, leaving no hope for myself or my people."

Onigumo entered her chamber with Kouga hesitantly following. It was dark, the curtains drawn, adding to the gloom and ominous atmosphere. Instinctively, a shudder ran through Kouga as he kept away from the bed, watching as his host kneeled beside his ailing daughter. He frowned when he looked upon her, although she'd always been pale, she was worse now, ashen.

Her body was extremely thin, weak-looking, and he flinched to see those eyes of hers open with a dull look in them. Kagome's eyes had never been dull, whether she was happily singing, reading, listening to a boring guest or even being scolded by her father, her eyes always twinkled.

Her voice, when she managed to speak, was extremely soft and unable to hide the pain coursing through her.


"I'm right here sweeting, don't overtax yourself, just rest now," Onigumo held her hand and kissed the back of it tenderly.

Feeling uncomfortable in this intimate moment, Kouga would have left the room had she not seen him just then. Her eyes lit up, just the tiniest bit, but he saw the flash of life in them and gulped.

"Hello my lord," Kagome took a steadying breath and tried to smile, "It is good to see you again."

"It is good to be here," Kouga lied, wishing he were anywhere but in this room, with this dying girl. But he bit his cheek and kept the smile on his face, if only to make her last memory of him a pleasant one.

"I'm afraid," Kagome's voice trembled and she closed her eyes a moment, fighting down the weakness threatening to overwhelm her again. With her eyes closed, she asked him very softly. "Will you not come a bit closer? I assure you, no harm will befall you if you don't come too close."

"Of course," Moving forward, Kouga stopped beside her father, looking down at the frail young woman, noticing now the dark circles around her eyes.

"You need to rest sweeting," Onigumo beseeched her, setting her hand down on the bed once more.

"I have a favor to ask," Kagome's eyes opened again, focusing on the lord beside her father, "I haven't much time left."

"Darling no, we'll find you a cure," Onigumo attempted to lie.

"I heard Marie papa, its all right, everyone's time comes one day or another," She tried to smile but failed. Licking her partched lips, she said again, "My lord I have a favor to ask."

"I will, of course, do whatever I may to help ease your pain," Kouga agreed, knowing it to be true. For some reason he'd always held a certain care for this girl, and now she was dying. If he could help her soul find peace by doing her a favor, what harm could come of it?

"It is very... serious," Kagome sighed, eyes closed again but she continued explaining, even as her voice weakened. "I am sure father has told you of our troubles with Naraku. Once I am gone he will preside over Beauvoir castle and its holdings."

She opened her eyes once again, "He is a cruel man, heartless and unmerciful. I would rather sell my soul to the devil than to allow him to keep my lands."

"Aye, he is notorious," Kouga nodded, wondering where she could be going with this.

"I would ask that you do me one favor," Kagome's eyes faltered, her strength lessening considerably by the minute. "It will not affect you once I am gone, not really, it will only ensure that once father has joined me, my people will be presided over by a man of honor, not a monster."

This did not sound good, but Kouga waited silently for her to continue. Her eyes closed for a moment as she struggled to gain a bit of strength, before opening them once more to look into his while she spoke.

"I would ask that you marry me, today, if possible."

Onigumo and Kouga gaped, staring wide-eyed at the girl before them. No, not a girl, she was a young woman of eighteen now, she should have been at court, not here, on her deathbed. And she wanted to marry him.

Of all the things in the world to ask for.

He'd never thought it could be his hand.

Seeing the pain in her eyes, he remembered the way she'd comforted him when his mother died, remembered that she was the only person who'd ever seen him weep. He could hear her laughter, see her smile when she'd tended to his leg, and knew what his answer was.

He could not fail her now.


------ End Flashback ------


The marriage ceremony itself had been short, he'd held her hand, slipped a simple band on their fingers and spoken his vows evenly. It taxed her greatly to speak and sign her name, her body trembled, but he held her up against him and helped steady her hand as she signed the marriage contract that would ensure his inheritance of Beauvoir castle and its holdings after her father's passing.

She'd thanked him, given a shaky smile, and promptly lost consciousness.

She hadn't woken before he left.

He couldn't stay though, knowing somehow that he couldn't watch her die. Not Kagome.




Short little prologue, I know, but the other chapters will be longer and more substantial.

Don't worry, I said this would be Kou/Kag and it will be, chapter two will be out soon.
