Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Digimon.

This is my first fanfiction and I don't watch Digimon enough to know where they live and Tai parents' names. I'm not good with grammar either, so stick with me here. I just went to school a week ago so my brain isn't exactly working. You can flame me if you want. I'll accept all reviews and I could use some pointers. I did a fanfiction for my cuzin. I hope she is happy. Thank you and Enjoy. Oh yeah, this is just the beginning. It will get better ( in my opinion). See ya.

Odaiba was bustling with people rushing to places they needed to get to. The sky reflected a young boy's feelings. It was cloudy outside with a shadow hanging over the city. It was unusual for the afternoon to be so dark considering it was only 2:30p.m. A cold wind swept pass by people.

The teenage boy was walking home kicking rocks that were ahead of him. His trademark-spiked hair was softly blown by the wind. He stood 5' 5'' at the age of fifteen. He had a frown upon his cute boyish face. His eyes held such depth and knowledge beyond years of his age. One emotion that stood out in his pool of chocolate colored eyes was sadness. The reason being was because of a girl.

He had just gotten out of school with an attire of a green blazer, gray slackers, and a white button up shirt, that was the school uniform. After he was walking out of school, he saw a sight that he never wanted to see again. His best friend, Sora Takenouchi, was French kissing his other best friend, Yamato "Matt" Ishida.

(Sigh) "Man, why can't Sora like me instead of Matt?" Taichi "Tai" Kamiya asked. No, I shouldn't think that, he thought. They are happy and they both deserve to be. Ever since Sora asked out Matt last Christmas, they've been hanging all over each other ever since.

When he got into his home, he saw his mom lying on the floor. Flabbergasted, Tai dropped his backpack, and ran over to his mom.

"Mom, mom!" "Wake up!" he shouted while he shook her gently. He put two fingers a centimeter away from her nose to feel if she is breathing, which she was. Seeing as how Mrs. Kamiya wasn't waking up, he rushed over to the phone and called 911. The ambulance arrived in ten minutes because of the heavy traffic. The doctors instructed him to not touch his mom just incase she had broken a bone or anything.

The hospital 3 hours later

"Ah, Mr. Kamiya?" asked Dr. Yagami. He was a middle-aged man with black and gray hair with a square face and medium built body.

"Yes, how is my wife doing?" replied Mr. Kamiya as he and the children got up from their chairs. As soon as the paramedics arrived, Tai called his dad to pick up Kari (Hikari) from an after school project to bring her to the hospital because of an emergency.

" It seems that your wife has cancer," came the blunt reply from Dr. Yagami. "Your wife has been having stomach cancer for awhile."

The shocked and pained expressions were clearly evident on the Kamiya's faces. Tai couldn't believe it. He just fell back onto the chair he was just sitting on. His mom was always healthy. There was no evidence that she was sick. Tears were threatening to spill down on his sad face. How was the question that kept on popping in Kari's eleven-year-old mind. By now, tears were streaking down Kari's and Mr. Kamiya's faces.

" When is my wife going to die?" asked Mr. Kamiya. He just had a feeling that it was too late to save his wife because as the doctor said, his wife had cancer for months now.

" What!?" an indignant and outraged Tai asked. "Why can't mom get chemotherapy, huh!?" "Did you already give up on mom?" Tai couldn't control it anymore. The tears were falling down his face.

" Son, didn't you hear the doctor?" Tai's dad said sadly. " Your mom have been having cancer for months?" "Believe me, I want to save your mom badly."

Kari just stood their listening to his dad. So, mommy can't be save? she thought. How come I didn't notice mom being off a bit lately? Was she hiding it? Did she know that she have cancer? My g, mom is going to die.

"Well, your father is right Tai, you mom can't undergo chemotherapy," said Mr. Yagami. "I'm sorry, there is nothing I or anyone can do?" Mr. Yagami couldn't help but feel bad for the family. He was staring at the distraught and loss looks on Tai's tear stained face.

Tai couldn't do anything but stare at the ground with tears falling off of his face. Then he just remembered, Hikari. He turned his sight from the ground to his little sister. He wiped the tears of his face and shook his head. I have to be strong for Kari, he thought, I can't show her that I'm hurting just as much as she is. Tai walked up to his sister and wiped away her tears with his fingers, and pulled her into a hug. While Kari was weeping into his shirt, he was whispering comforting words to her.

"Shhh....don't worry Kari, it'll be alright," said Tai. "We will be okay."

" You kids can go see your mom if you want?" requested Mr. Yagami. " The room number is D541."

The Yagami family walked to the the room number. They walked to a white room. Their noses was hit with a putrid hospital smell. Tai felt bad for his mom for staying in a place like this. He never liked the hospital. People were always dying and hurting. He had enough memories of the hospital as it was, now his mom. Kari was close by his Tai's side. Mr. Kamiya's face was etched with worry.

As they walked into the room, they saw their mom sitting upright on the bed. She had a sad smile upon her calm, pretty face. She looked small on the hospital bed. Had she really gotten smaller? She did look normal besides her weight. Mrs. Kamiya waved to them for the to come in. Kari cam rushing in and jumped on to the bed to pull her mom in a crushing hug. Tai was wiping the tears away from his eyes as he was walking towards his mom. Mr. Kamiya walked around the bed to hug his wife.

" Hey honey, how are you doing?" asked Mr. Kamiya.

" I'm doing fine," replied Mrs. Kamiya. She took a deep breath. She knew what was coming next. She decided to tell them everything. But first " Thank you Tai for bringing me to the hospital," Tai nodded to his mom and gave her a smile.

" I do have stomach cancer, and I think I knew I had it, but I pushed it to the back of my head," Mrs. Kamiya looked at their surprised faces. She continued on, " As you know, cancer have been running in my family," " The doctor said I have a month to live," By now tears were running down her face.

" Why?'' asked Tai. " Why didn't you do anything if you knew you had cancer?"

" I can't really explain it, you guys probably won't understand. I always had a feeling that I was going to die at a young age. I always kept my faith in God's hands, and I believe things happen for a reason. I thought if I got cancer then it was a sign from God telling me that it was my time. My aunt and mom got cancer, and they faced death like valiant soldiers before they went out to fight in battles." ( I don't even know what I am writing. :)

The family is now silent. Mrs. Kamiya added for comfort, " The doctor said that I can come home tomorrow and stay at home to be with you guys," Mrs. Kamiya stared at her husband and he gave her a nodd. Mrs. Kamiya looked at her two children with tears in her eyes and asked them to go to the playroom while she talks to her husband.

The Playroom

Tai and Kari are playing Guess Who.

Tai asked, " Does your guy have gray hair?" Kari said, " No. Is your person a female? Are you mad at momma?"

Tai replied," No and no. Does you person have glasses? Are you mad at mom?"

Kari answered, " No. I'm not mad at mom. She has her reasons."

Kari took a glance at Tai. She saw an emotion in his eyes she couldn't decipher. She have been living with her brother for eleven years. She knew what was going in Tai's head. Tai is blaming himself for her momma's sickness.

Kari said, " You shouldn't blame yourself. Momma wanted it this way. You don't have control over her health. Does your person have brown eyes?"

Tai looked at his sister and sighed. You will blame me for mom's sickness when she dies, he thought. " Yes, my guy have brown eyes,"

Kari asked, " Is your person ( you can put anyone there, I forgot who is in Guess Who?)

Tai said yes. Then the door of the playroom opened. His father had a solemn look on his face and he said visiting hours were over at eight. He told his son and daughter to say goodbye to their mom.

Tai asked, " Are you in any pain? If you are, you can tell the nurses or doctors. And if you need anything you can call me at home anytime."

Mrs. Kamiya smiled, " Don't worry honey, I'm fine. Take care of yourself. Don't worry about me." Tai frowned at what his mother said. Kari told her mom to get better. " Now you guys have to get out. The doctors are gonna yell at you." They exchanged goodbyes and kisses.

The car ride had been silent on the way home. After they got inside the house, Mr. Kamiya requested that Kari and Tai shouldn't tell anyone about their mom being sick. With a puzzled expressoin, Tai and Kari went to their rooms and did their homework. After Tai finished his homework and ate a small dinner, he brushed his teeth and got ready for bed.

Tai couldn't go to sleep. His thoughts consumed him. Kari's voice ran through him. You don't have control over her health. Argh, if only you knew Kari, he thought. If I hadn't been swallowing in my own self- pity about Sora, then I would of noticed paid more attention to mom. It is my fault that Kari won't have a mom. PFf. Kari doesn't blame me. Give her a month and we'll see how that turns out. It will be my own fault that I won't have a mom. Will our family break up? How can mom be so calm about dying? Why doesn't dad let us tell people that mom has cancer? What have I done? Nothing, I didn't do anything. That's the problem.

Unfortunately for Tai, he became tired and couldn't answer all his questions. He pulled on the string of his lamp and the light went out.

Hope you pplz like it.