Nine months later...

Kel drilled the pages in a pattern dance, slowly going over each move. While her swollen stomach prevented her from wielding a glaive herself, she was still able to instruct the boys. Kel rested her hands on her belly, smiling as she felt the baby kick. She felt a shart pain in her abdomen, doubling over as the pages stopped fighting, looking at her with worried faces.

"Lady Kel--" one began, but Kel cut him off.

"Find Neal-- Sir Nealan of Queenscove. He should be in the infirmary." The page left at a run while the others helped Kel to a bench. Neal arrived in record time.

"Come on Kel, we need to get you to your room. You boy," he pointed to the largest of the pages, "help Kel up to her room. You," Neal gestured to another of the pages, "Go get Lady Knight Alanna." The boy hesitated; Neal pushed him forward, "She doesn't bite, Alanna was my knight master." He scampered off as Neal left Kel to get his healer's bag. The paged helped her to her room, the contractions making her double over in pain. Alanna made it to Kel's rooms just as she did. Laying on her bed, she held Alanna's hand as the contractions came faster. While Kel had been hurt in battle, this was different. The excitement of fighting helped to dull the pain then; the pain of childbirth was raw. Kel cried out as her child took it's first breath. She smiled at the tiny boy placed in her arms.

"Have you decided on a name?" Alanna asked softly.



Kel laughed as she chased the toddler around her rooms. Capturing her son, Kel whirled him around, staring at his blue eyes. Just like his father's. Dom wriggled out of his mothers grasp, flipping bown hair out of his face. He opened Kel's door, running down the hall to Neal and Yuki's rooms.

"Uncle Neal, Uncle Neal!"

"What Dom?" Neal picked him up and balanced him on one hip. As hard as it was to believe, Neal had finally grown up. While he still kept his sense of humor, he had turned out to be a wonderful father-- and uncle.

"Umm...I forgot," the boy said. Neal laughed as Kel appeared in his doorway.

"Neal, can you watch Dom for awhile? I have to see some of the pages. They've been fighting. Again." Kel had become the training master after King Jonathan noticed how well she taught the pages. Neal grinned, the resemblance to her late husband pulling at her heart. Kel wasn't depressed like she was three years ago, but she would never fully get over Dom. Giving her son a quick hug, Kel left for her office.

"Shinko of Queescove, Theodore of Goldenlake. Come here," she commanded, frusturated that her friend's children were the ones in trouble Kel lectured them and let the pair go. Gods, they reminde me of Neal and myself. She smiled, shaking her head. Dom would probably be just like them.

AN: Disclaimer...blah, blah, blah, I don't own the characters...That's the end of the story, I know it's short, but I'm going to work on some other stuff now. Please read my other story and songfics! And please review! Thanks to all!
